Mongoose: The Untold Story – Soros Tried to Start a Race War and FAILED

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption

Billionaire George Soros Spent $33 Million to Stir Up Trouble in Ferguson and Beyond

Phi Beta Iota: Worth a full read. The untold story is not that Seyers, Soros, and others are traitors funding sedition, but rather that #RESIST plopped. The public — including the black public especially — did not buy in.

Chas Holloway: Open Source Government


Charles (Chas) Holloway is an American writer, publisher and public speaker. He is the creator of Open Source Government and is noted for developing fundamental scientific concepts in that field.

Mr. Holloway is the author of two books: The End: The Fall of the Political Class, and Breakout: Blockchain Vs. the Nation State (forthcoming), which are book’s one and two in the Open Source Government series.

Robert Steele: President Donald Trump’s 9/11 Speech is Full of Errors — Cell Phones Did Not, Do Not Operate on Aircraft, Nor Were Airphones Used UPDATE 3

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

UPDATE 3: I continue to get emails that assure me that the President has Bush-Cheney is his sights — which would also be a brilliant preamble to taking down Obama-Biden-Clinton (my letter to Comey below).

Robert Steele: Certified Letter to James Comey – Pedophilia, Electoral Fraud, Treason, Charity Fraud – UPDATE 5

A major economic reset appears certain in the next two weeks. In that context 9/11 Truth is a detail, but one that cannot be ignored if we are to restore our integrity.

Original post below the fold.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: President Donald Trump's 9/11 Speech is Full of Errors — Cell Phones Did Not, Do Not Operate on Aircraft, Nor Were Airphones Used UPDATE 3”

Dr. Cynthia McKinney – 5 Q’s on 9/11

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

See Also:

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE Adds Videos of Authors

Robert Steele: Vice President Mike Pence Platitudes at Pentagon 9/11 Commemoration – Could This Be a Feint?

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

UPDATE: I have been heartened by the number of people — some of them “connected” — who scrambled on this post. The original post is below the fold. Here is the gist of what one particular President's pal wrote to me:

Trump was there on the day, and he knows the truth behind it all. Today's Sarah Sanders tweet notably does not mention terrorists, but says that 17 years ago, “we received a terrible reminder of the evil in our world.” (That'd be Cheney and gang).

First things first. Mid-Terms will be a bloodbath wiping out the Democrats, then a complete clean-out of the traitors and pedos, huge slam on CDC and big pharma over vaccines and cancer, free energy, some martial law. In other words, Trump is playing everybody.

I for one am willing to believe this. I would be comforted if he would do more to communicate his vision and his accomplishments directly to the public with a new truth channel that completely bypasses the MSM and #GoogleGestapo.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Vice President Mike Pence Platitudes at Pentagon 9/11 Commemoration – Could This Be a Feint?”

Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy

#Events, #UNRIG, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy

Remarks to 9/11 Justice For All, Busboys & Poets, 11 September 2018, 9 pm (est)

“The truth at any cost lowers all others costs.”  As Charles Lewis has so eloquently and definitively established, 9/11 lies have destroyed America's moral integrity. In just fifteen minutes Robert will summarize what we know about false flag operations in history and the information pathologies that enable the Deep State and Shadow Government to manipulate the 99% so easily; he will discuss what most surprised him in relation to the Twin Towers when he organized 26 great minds including Peter Dale Scott and David Ray Griffin toward giving the President what the secret intelligence community — itself a lead enabler of 9/11 — would not; and he will conclude with a solution that could restore the integrity of Congress by 2020: #UNRIG, the Election Reform Act that does not exist, but should, mandating twelve reforms including paper ballots counted publicly on site, instant run-off, and an end to the two-party tyranny.

Slide show and planned remarks below the fold.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: 9/11 Truth: To Be, or Not To Be, a Constitutional Democracy”