Robert Steele & Martin Armstrong: Bullshit on Impeachment, Time to End Two-Party Tyranny, Deepen Information Sharing Between Trump and Putin Against Deep State

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I marvel at the persistent mendacity of the media, including Faux News. Politicians have always given hush money to prostitutes, porn stars, pole boys, and more.   The amount of hush money paid by  the  Obamas and Clintons very likely exceeds that paid by Trump by a factor of ten — plus the Clintons simply murder witnesses, over 100 of them by one recent count, never mind their treason, pedophilia, charity fraud, and electoral fraud.  The upside of Stormy Daniels is that she is not a child — it confirms Trumps' penchant for aging heterosexual porn stars and playmates, very adult.   Still shameful to his elegant wife who helped him win the election, but he is a genius on other fronts and on balance he is just what we need now.

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Anthony Judge: Systematic Humanitarian Blackmail via Aquarius? Confronting Europe with a Humanitarian Trojan Horse

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Systematic Humanitarian Blackmail via Aquarius?

Confronting Europe with a Humanitarian Trojan Horse

Linked TOC Below the Fold

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Martin Armstrong: Connecting the Deep State Dots from Rosenstein-Barsoomian to Muller-Commey to Lerner-Lawrence to Clinton-Clinton-CIA

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Connecting the Dots Behind the Curtain?

Phi Beta Iota: Mueller is fried — in good time.   Too many seem to forget he spent his entire tenure as Director of the  FBI protecting Dick Cheney, the primary US citizen  perpetrator of 9/11.  Learn more here.

Continue reading “Martin Armstrong: Connecting the Deep State Dots from Rosenstein-Barsoomian to Muller-Commey to Lerner-Lawrence to Clinton-Clinton-CIA”

Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School

Mr. President,

Here is a sample of the kind of information that I now have in my possession, which ought to justify calling a Grand Jury by the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. I have in hand ten affidavits by Connecticut State Troopers, most of which cannot be true because they describe making their entry into Sandy Hook Elementary School by way of a relatively modest hole in the front of the building.

Continue reading “Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School”

Caitlin Johnstone: John McCain, Warmonger, RIP — Robert Steele: Abandoned POWs, Undeclared Agent of Zionist Israel

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Caitlin Johnson Addressing Ron Paul Conference

Do NOT Let Them Make A Saint Of This Asshole

My statements about my desire for John McCain to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner rather than later have been highly publicized, and I stand by all of them, but I don’t wish him a painful or agitated end.

And, also, I am going to keep hammering on how very important it is that we refuse to bow to the aggressive demands from establishment loyalists that we be respectful of this warmongering psychopath and his blood-soaked legacy.

Continue reading “Caitlin Johnstone: John McCain, Warmonger, RIP — Robert Steele: Abandoned POWs, Undeclared Agent of Zionist Israel”

Ed Jewett: 48 People Vanish in 10 Days from Iowa — And That’s Only The Ones That Have Been Reported

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society

48 People Have Been Reported Missing in 10 Days, In One Small State

According to the Iowa Department of Public Safety, as cited by a local mainstream news article, 48 people have gone missing in the state of Iowa in a span of merely 10 days.

According to a local KIMT3 news article:

“The Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce is doing its part to try and help those who go missing and become sex trafficked by teaching hotel employees and anyone else the signs of a person in danger.

Mongoose: Akhmetshin vs. Browder in US District Court DC — A Jury Trial Is Demanded, Buzzy Krongard and John Brennan Could Be Star Witnesses

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government

All open source information points to William Browder being an agent of the CIA in its conduct of the undeclared covert economic Gold War against Russia from 1998-2001. Buzzy Krongard directed that Gold War and John Brennan was the deputy director for that Gold War. Other essential witnesses familiar with Browder's role are George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheny, and George Tenet. He is innocent until proven guilty.

Akhmetshin vs. Browder Case 1:18-cv-01638

Continue reading “Mongoose: Akhmetshin vs. Browder in US District Court DC — A Jury Trial Is Demanded, Buzzy Krongard and John Brennan Could Be Star Witnesses”