Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young: Sixteen Domains of Identity

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Privacy
Kaliya Young

The Domains of Identity

by Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young, MSIMS

Abstract:  The Domains of Identity outlines sixteen key categories of transactions  which cause personally identifiable information to be stored in databases. The purpose of this research is to address challenges of Identity Management that involve interactions of almost all people in almost all institutional/organizational contexts. Enumerating the sixteen domains and describing the characteristics of each domain is intended to clarify which problems arise and how they can be solved within each domain. Discussions of identity management are often confusing because they mix issues from multiple domains, or because they try unsuccessfully to apply solutions from one domain to problems in another. Part of the objective of this article is to eliminate this confusion and enable clearer conversations about identity management problems and solutions.

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Mongoose: White Helmets Planning False Flag Gas Attack in Idlib Syria? Could US False Flags Backfire and Justify Nation-Wide Concealed Carry for All Voters?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

White Helmets are helping Syrian militants prepare ‘false flag’ chemical attack – Idlib residents

The notorious White Helmets have brought chemicals, protective gear and cameras to militant-controlled Idlib in Syria, in an apparent preparation of yet another false-flag attack, locals told the Russian Reconciliation Center.

Continue reading “Mongoose: White Helmets Planning False Flag Gas Attack in Idlib Syria? Could US False Flags Backfire and Justify Nation-Wide Concealed Carry for All Voters?”

Berto Jongman: Civilian and Child (25%) Deaths in Syria

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime
Berto Jongman

Patterns of civilian and child deaths due to war-related violence in Syria: a comparative analysis from the Violation Documentation Center dataset, 2011–16

The VDC recorded 143 630 conflict-related violent deaths with complete information between March 18, 2011, and Dec 31, 2016. Syrian civilians constituted 101 453 (70·6%) of the deaths compared with 42 177 (29·4%) opposition combatants. Direct deaths were caused by wide-area weapons of shelling and air bombardments in 58 099 (57·3%) civilians, including 8285 (74·6%) civilian women and 13 810 (79·4%) civilian children, and in 4058 (9·6%) opposition combatants.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Civilian and Child (25%) Deaths in Syria”

Thomas L. Are: Zionist Bigotry Zionism Strike 15

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Zionist Bigotry

As Israel celebrates 70 years of stateism, it has become a nation of racism, arrogance and bigotry. Bradley Burston, writing in Haaretz, a leading newspaper in Israel, says:

It hurts me to write what I’m about to. But it also hurts me to have to live in this place today. This is Zionism as racism…As a public servant, as an Orthodox rabbi, as a settler, you’re free to say anything, as long as it’s anti-Arab, anti-black, anti-Muslim, anti- Palestinian anti-Nazi, anti-North American…For sheer, unadulterated Zionist bigotry and hatred…no one can touch Benyamin Netanyahu [i]

Continue reading “Thomas L. Are: Zionist Bigotry Zionism Strike 15”

Joachim Hagopian: Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government
Joachim Hagopian

Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey

Israel is at the top. It has tentacles reaching out worldwide… [Israeli organ traffickers] had and still have a pyramid system at work that's awesome… they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they've got recruiters, they've got translators, they've got travel agents who set up the visas.

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman

See Also:

Pedophila & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State (free online)