John Maguire: Blowback or Criminal Insanity? Ockham’s Razor Applied

Cultural Intelligence

maguireFrom the article: “In the arsenal of eternal skeptics there are few tools more dramatically and more commonly used than Ockham’s razor. It is triumphantly applied to resolve arguments about ghosts (more parsimoniously seen as misperceptions by distraught family members or the suggestible), UFOs (evidently hoaxes and mistaken observations of natural phenomena) and telepathy (a “delusion” of wishful thinking and poorly-constructed tests).”

Taking Vallee's point a step further, such truncated-reasoning is also used to dismiss “Conspiracy Theories”. False-Flag Terror and Manufactured International Strife are simply labeled as ‘Blowback', and the true perpetrators/complicit actors within one's own government and world power structures are simply labeled as ‘Incompetent' instead of ‘Criminal'.

What Ockham really said

Jacques Vallee

BoingBoing, Mon, Feb 11

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John Maguire: Operation Homeland Liberty — ENOUGH! — People Against the National Defense Authorization Act – PANDA – Led by Home-Schooled Eagle Scout

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

maguireDan Johnson is 19 years old, an Eagle Scout, and has been recognized as one of the top 30 impromptu speakers in the United States. He is a Political Science Major at Bowling Green State University. After doing further research, in late January, he founded PANDA (People Against the National Defense Authorization Act). PANDA is supported by groups across the political spectrum, and is now one of the fastest growing liberty movements in the nation; with over 25 teams across the country. He is recognized by many as an upcoming expert on the subjects of Liberty vs. National Security, the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 347, and the gradual slide toward an American Police State.

PANDA (People Against the NDAA) is the largest organization in the United States combating indefinite detention without charge or trial. We were founded on January 29th, 2012 to combat one of the most dangerous laws ever passed. The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, authorized the indefinite detention of any person around the world, including American citizens, without a charge and without a trial. (Oh, did we mention Americans can be put in military prison under the NDAA?!)

PANDA started in Bowling Green, OH and has since expanded to influence hundreds of thousands of people nationwide. We have been covered by WND, the Tenth Amendment Center, Activist Post, Interoccupy, Western Journalism and many other videos, radio shows and articles. We have networked with over 100 liberty organizations and several alternative news sources.

Learn more.

John Maguire: Black 9 11 Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability

9-11 Truth Books & DVDs, YouTube

maguireHere is a relatively recent and thorough analysis of 9/11 created by Jeremy Rys. It had been posted on his channel, recieved tens of thousands of hits, and of course his page was shut down for “copyright infringement complaints.” I would rather not see this video wiped off the map; thankfully another YTuber managed to re-post it. Rys is deeply committed to actually identifying and collaring the criminals behind 9/11, beyond just speculation about Silverstein and the Bush family. If you have a little time to watch this I think you'll be very satisfied with the conclusions he draws.

Phi Beta Iota: The film accepts the official story about airplanes vanishing into the buildings despite vertical steel beams every 14 inchs. Much more likely is that the target offices were blown up from inside out, and that vaults (such as the empty Customs vault) were looted by pre-arrangement prior to the 9/11 exercise and event.

John Maguire: Systems Approach to Physics and Cosmology

maguireSubquantum Kinetics is a novel conceptualization of physics pioneered by Dr. Paul LaViolette. As both a physicist and systems theorist Dr. LaViolette views subatomic particles as open, interdependent, fluctuating entities governed by the laws of Ecological Non-Linear Dynamics. This contrasts starkly with the classical view that conceives the subatomic world as both closed and immutable. If we come to accept the findings of SQK, a whole new world of renewable energy, transportation, and communication technologies could potentially emerge.
Linked here is a general outline of this systems approach to physics and cosmology that can be read and understood by the layman. More of Paul's work can be found at
Model-GHere is a portrait of cross-catalytic reaction that is a central underpinning to LaViolette's theory.

John Maguire: Sibel Edmonds on Ayman Al-Zawahiri as High-Level NATO Gladio Plan B, US, Turkish, & Saudi Asset, Later False Flag Terrorist

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War

maguirePublished on Feb 15, 2013


We are told a certain tale about the story of Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man and the inheritor of the Al Qaeda operation…but we are not told everything. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of the real Ayman Al-Zawahiri and uncover some surprising connections.

Phi Beta Iota:  Sibel Edmonds is the heart of this interview, she starts at Minute 25.  She makes a compelling case for why many terrorists are not captured alive, and suggests that a number of US whistle-blowers are beginning to emerge from retired ranks.

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: John Maguire

Alpha M-P, Public Intelligence

maguire newJohn was born and raised in Upstate New York. A self-proclaimed Natural Philosopher and autodidact, he attained his undergraduate degree in History Education in 2007. Believing truth and authenticity are the only things worth pursuing, most of his days revolve around such aims.

He has published several research articles on the subject of Cold Fusion (aka CF-LENR), and has also conducted a number of audio-interviews with preeminent researchers in the field, all posted on the net. He contributes regularly at Phi Beta Iota, the public intelligence blog, and is an active member of the Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS) community; a private online discussion group where all the top CF-LENR scientific professionals gather to dialogue about the most recent developments in the field.

His work has been featured on and, and he is also on the advisory board of the newly formed Infusion Institute (aka III); a non-profit 501© whose mission is to connect worthy CF-LENR experimentalists with research grants. John Maguire's YouTube Channel John Maguire's Blog Phi Beta Iota / John Maguire