Owl: World Bank Leading Eugenics Actor? + Eugenics RECAP

06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society
Who? Who?

The article provides no substantive information on World Bank vaccination programs including undeclared sterilization protocols, but past reports have found that various parties have in fact executed such programs.

Leading World Bank Demographer: Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction Policy

Jurriaan Maessen


October 4, 2012

On October 2nd a retired demographer at the World Bank admitted that vaccination campaigns are an integral part of the World Bank’s population policies. John F. May, the Bank’s leading demographer from 1992 to 2012, told the French web journal Sens Public (and in turn transcribed by the think-tank May works for) that vaccination campaigns, especially in so-called “high-fertility countries”, are means to achieve population reduction in those countries. May:

“The means used to implement population policies are “policy levers” or targeted actions such as vaccination campaigns or family planning to change certain key variables.”

Continue reading “Owl: World Bank Leading Eugenics Actor? + Eugenics RECAP”

Berto Jongman: Food Security Index & Map 2013

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Food security in 75% of African countries at high or extreme risk – Maplecroft global index

‘Arab Awakening' countries at increased risk from 2013 food price shocks


Despite strong economic growth, food security remains an issue of primary importance for Africa, according to a new study by risk analysis company Maplecroft, which classifies 75% of the continent’s countries at ‘high’ or ‘extreme risk.’

Click on Image to Enlarge

In the light of recent food price spikes, the findings are especially significant for areas of sub-Saharan Africa where poverty, armed conflict, civil unrest, drought, displacement and poor governance can combine to create conditions where a food crisis may take hold.

Africa accounts for 39 of the 59 most at risk countries in Maplecroft’s Food Security Risk Index and hosts nine of the eleven countries in the ‘extreme risk’ category. These include: Somalia and DR Congo (ranked joint 1st in the index), Burundi (4), Chad (5), Ethiopia (6), Eritrea (7), South Sudan (9), Comoros (10) and Sierra Leone (11). The countries of Haiti (3) and Afghanistan (8) complete the category.

Read full article.

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Poverty and on Intelligence

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 11 Society, Congressional Research Service, IO Impotency
Steven Aftergood


“In 2011, 46.2 million people were counted as poor in the United States, the same number as in 2010 and the largest number of persons counted as poor in the measure's 53-year recorded history,” according to a timely new report from the Congressional Research Service.  See Poverty in the United States: 2011, September 13, 2012.

Other new and newly updated CRS reports that have not been made publicly available include the following.

Intelligence Authorization Legislation: Status and Challenges, updated September 18, 2012

Latin America and the Caribbean: Fact Sheet on Leaders and Elections, updated September 17, 2012

Phi Beta Iota:  The juxtaposition of a report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) on poverty in America – a hot issue being kept under wraps at this time – with a report on the intelligence authorization bill by two experienced analysts new to the account (Richard Best finally retired and Al Cumin is on assigment elsewhere), is encouraging.  In the latter instance, Richard F. Grimmett (CRS International Security analyst) and Rebecca S. Lange (an Air Force Fellow) demonstrate intelligence with integrity in tackling the militarization of intelligence and the excessive focus of intelligence on defense targets to the exclusion of all others (Whole of Government).

See Also:

Graphic: Intelligence Requirements Definition for the 21st Century

2008 Rebalancing the Instruments of National Power–Army Strategy Conference of 2008 Notes, Summary, & Article

Koko: Arsenic in US-Grown Rice – Threat to Babies

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 04 Education, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, Earth Intelligence

Koko:  Humans still don't understand Earth as a whole (closed) system.

Reported arsenic levels in rice prompt concern

(CBS News) Consumer Reports found significant levels of arsenic in apple juice earlier this year, and now, the magazine has a new study, showing many brands of rice also contain the toxin.

The arsenic enters into the rice when it is grown, according to Dr. Philip Landrigan, a pediatrician at New York's Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He explained the rice with the highest levels of arsenic is from Texas and Louisiana, and along the Gulf coast where fields were used to grow cotton a century ago.

“When there was cotton there they had to treat the cotton with arsenic pesticides to control the bowl weevil,” he said. “Now a century later, that arsenic is still in the soil, the rice is very effective at pulling it out of the soil in and it concentrates in the rice.”

Arsenic causes lung, skin and bladder cancer, Landrigan said. He added that arsenic is also very harmful to babies' brain development. If a baby is exposed to arsenic in the womb because the mother is eating arsenic or if a baby ingests arsenic in the first months of life in cereal, rice milk or other food, the arsenic could interfere with brain development, reduce the child's intelligence, and cause behavioral problems.

Continue reading “Koko: Arsenic in US-Grown Rice – Threat to Babies”

Michel Bauwens: The Sharing Economy – Conversation with Links

03 Economy, 04 Education, 06 Family, 11 Society, Knowledge
Michel Bauwens

El Correo de las Indias English edition

The “Sharing Economy,” the “economy of the commons,” deserves and needs a point of reference equivalent to the large institutions of European social theory.

Via GAIA: Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration

Production, not consumption; Economics of the Commons, not Sharing Economics

For a “Somewhere School of Sharing Economics”

See Also:

P2P revolution in 10 minutes

How to start P2P projects and business models

What replaces the University in the P2P mode of production?

Mini-Me: Obama Moves To Crush Poland After Global Genetic Disaster Revealed

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Key Players


Obama Moves To Crush Poland After Global Genetic Disaster Revealed

By: Sorcha Faal

A Ministry of Foreign Affairs report circulating in the Kremlin today states that United States President Obama has undertaken a campaign to “crush” the nation of Poland after its government this past week officially banned the planting of Monsanto’s MON810, a genetically-modified (GM) variety of maize (corn) that produces its own built-in Bt insecticide in every kernel and is held to be responsible for the global collapse of bee populations and the catastrophic killing of all bat species in North America.

To understand Obama’s anger against Poland and his ties to the most dangerous food ever known to man we can read as reported by Ronnie Cummins, Founder and Director of the Organic Consumers Association:

President Obama knows that agribusiness cannot be trusted with the policy and regulatory powers of government. On the campaign trail in 2007, he promised:

“We'll tell ConAgra that it's not the Department of Agribusiness. It's the Department of Agriculture. We're going to put the people's interests ahead of the special interests.”

But, starting with his choice for USDA Secretary, the pro-biotech former governor of Iowa, Tom Vilsack (who in a stunning reversal greenlighted Monsanto’s genetically modified alfalfa without testing), Obama has let Monsanto, DuPont and the other pesticide and genetic engineering companies know they'll have plenty of friends and supporters within his administration.

President Obama has taken his team of food and farming leaders directly from the biotech companies and their lobbying, research, and philanthropic arms.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Obama Moves To Crush Poland After Global Genetic Disaster Revealed”

Owl: US Government Criminality from Local to National

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government
Who? Who?

Government larceny and criminality just never ends, it seems to be increasing, especially against those who can least to afford to defend themselves against it:

Another Way to Kill Small U.S. Farmers: Seize Their Bank Accounts on Phony Charges

The farmers, Randy Sowers and his wife Karen, made deposits totaling more than $295,000 from May 2011 to February 2012, but each transaction was less than $10,000. Now they are being accused of “structuring,” a violation of federal currency reporting requirements, as the feds are accusing them of deliberately depositing money in increments of less than $10,000 in an attempt to evade Currency Transaction Reporting requirements. The dairy farmer's “crime” stems from his weekly sales at local farmers' markets. The sales averaged about the same amount each week and, dutifully, the Sowers deposited them. They'd reportedly never even heard of the Bank Secrecy Act or “structuring,” but that was of no interest to the feds—the consistency of the amount the Sowers deposited, always less than $10,000, raised red flags to the feds, who claimed that this was indicative of a crime. The government promptly seized about $70,000 from the bank account, then issued a warrant for the seizures. The raid on the Sowers was conducted by an agency created in 2009 to go after money-laundering criminals. The agency started out with a bang by seizing $1.2 billion from a real money launderer, but it appears that what it's interested in now is making criminals out of small business persons, including small farmers.

But small business people are not the only targets of government and corporate predators. Poor people are too, as evidenced in this Mother Jones article:

How Corporations and Local Governments Use the Poor As Piggy Banks

Continue reading “Owl: US Government Criminality from Local to National”