The truth at any cost….
read this and weep for the demise of the Republic.

To the left, the postwar intelligence-banking family. Below, why Putin has every right to be seriously angry with the USA and the Bush-Clinton families in particular.
Brzezinski and Kissinger are in here somewhere, and they better be praying the Russians consider them so passe as to not be worth killing. Armitage is a surprise to us, and more needs to be known about all this, but this is the beginning of the end for “rule by secrecy” and when–not if but when–9-11 is properly investigated in a truth and reconciliation context, the Republic can be restored and democracy revitalized as collective participatory democracy. To those inclined toward suicide by this break-through in public awareness, please don't. A dead daddy is much more of a aloss than a live daddy in disgrace. Redemption is easier than you think: speak truth to power and be done with it.

Many of our reviews bear on the total context, below is the cover and a link to our review of the single most important work connecting stolen gold (China did not sign the San Francisco Treaty, they still have a claim on this gold), US Intelligence, and US Treasury-Federal Reserve–Wall Street crimes against the Republic and against humanity.

Other references we recommend as entry points to the totality of our non-fiction reading:
Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man