Patrick Meier: #UgandaSpeaks: Al-Jazeera uses Ushahidi to Amplify Local Voices in Response to #Kony2012

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Media
Patrick Meier

#UgandaSpeaks: Al-Jazeera uses Ushahidi to Amplify Local Voices in Response to #Kony2012

Invisible Children’s #Kony2012 campaign has set off a massive firestorm of criticism with the debate likely to continue raging for many more weeks and months. In the meantime, our colleagues at Al-Jazeera have repurposed our previous #SomaliaSpeaks project to amplify Ugandan voices responding to the Kony campaign: #UgandaSpeaks.

Together with GlobalVoices, this Al-Jazeera initiative is one of the very few seeking to amplify local reactions to the Kony campaign. Over 70 local voices have been shared and mapped on Al-Jazeera’s Ushahidi platform in the first few hours since the launch. The majority of reactions submitted thus far are critical of the campaign but a few are positive.

Read full post with graphics and many links.

Reference: Political Terror Scale

09 Terrorism, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military, White Papers

Political Terror Scale Home Page

Political Terror Scale Levels

level 5 Level 5 : Terror has expanded to the whole population. The leaders of these societies place no limits on the means or thoroughness
with which they pursue personal or ideological goals.

level 4 Level 4 : Civil and political rights violations have expanded to large numbers of the population. Murders, disappearances, and torture are a common part of life. In spite of its generality, on this level terror affects those who interest themselves
in politics or ideas.

level 3 Level 3 : There is extensive political imprisonment, or a recent history of such imprisonment. Execution or other political murders and brutality may be common. Unlimited detention, with or without a trial, for political views is accepted.

level 2 Level 2 : There is a limited amount of imprisonment for nonviolent political activity. However, few persons are affected, torture and beatings are exceptional. Political murder is rare.

level 1 Level 1 : Countries under a secure rule of law, people are not imprisoned for their views, and torture is rare or exceptional. Political murders are extremely rare.

Learn more.

Tip of the Hat to Berto Jongman.

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Update – Opposition Defector

02 Diplomacy, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards

Syria: For the record. President al-Asad announced parliamentary elections will be held on 7 May.

Comment: Despite the violence, Asad is undeterred from following the political reform plan he outlined last year, which will include multi-party elections.

The Syrian Opposition. Former judge, attorney and prominent opposition figure Haithem al-Maleh withdrew from the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) because of the party's lack of transparency, clarity and organization, al-Maleh said on 13 March. Al-Maleh added that the group has not been successful in arming the rebels.

Comment: al-Maleh is a long time, well-respected critic of the Asad's and known as a human rights activist and member of Amnesty International. He has served two terms in prison for his political activism, as a prisoner of conscience, most recently between 2009 and 2011. He was released last March under one of President Asad's amnesty decrees, one for political prisoners over 70 years of age.

Al Maleh once predicted that Asad will face the same fate as Qadhafi, but apparently the Syrian National Council will not be the instrument of his justice.

The details of al-Maleh's split with the SNC are not readily available, but his statement contains serious charges that imply he found the council acting in some ways like the Syrian government. His comments about a lack of clarity and organization suggest fundamental shortcomings, plus unwillingness to accept counsel from one of the oldest and most respected foes of the Asad family.

This is the first high-level defection from the SNC.

Syria-Russia: Russia has no intention of curtailing military cooperation with Syria. Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Russia will abide by existing contracts to deliver weapons to Syria.

Comment: The Russians continue to back the government in power. They support a peace plan, but it requires the opposition to stop shooting as well as the government.


See Also:

NIGHTWATCH on Syria at Phi Beta Iota

Search: map of sunni and shiite muslim groups

Chuck Spinney: No War with Iran, Settlements Open Game?

02 Diplomacy, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards
Chuck Spinney

Did Obama Take Netanyahu's Cape?

The threat of an imminent attack on Iran by Israel or the US seems to be receding, perhaps because Obama stepped back and let the warmongers overplay their hand.  No doubt, the White House narrative will trumpet its success in avoiding another war if the reduction in war hysteria continues.  But who really took the cape — the warmongers in Israel (and their wholly-owned agents of influence in the US) or Obama?
There is a competing interpretation to this apparent reduction in tensions — the one provided below by Uri Avnery
Uri Avnery is a highly regarded Israeli writer and peace activist.  He grew up in Israel and understands both the Israeli and Arab cultures.  He is an Israeli patriot who believes Israel must make a fair accommodation with the Palestinians, if Israel is to survive and prosper.  His credentials include being a hero of the 1948 war, a past member of the Israeli Knesset, and one of Israel's leading peace activists.  Viewed thru Avnery's lens, the recent escalation of Israeli attacks on Gaza and the threats of another Gaza invasion, together with the unending settlement expansion in the West Bank and E. Jerusalem, all taking place while Israel threatens to bomb Iran, makes sense — as unfortunately becomes clear in has last paragraph.
Chuck Spinney

Attacking Iran: Why It Won't Happen

by URI AVNERY, Counterpunch, 12 March 2012

Israel will not attack Iran. Period.

The United States will not attack Iran. Period.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: No War with Iran, Settlements Open Game?”

Reference: Flooding of the USA Coasts — Where, When?

03 Environmental Degradation, Articles & Chapters, Earth Intelligence, IO Impotency
Click on Image to Enlarge

2012 Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to Coastal U.S. (New York Times, 13 March 2012)

About 3.7 million Americans live within a few feet of high tide and risk being hit by more frequent coastal flooding in coming decades because of the sea level rise caused by global warming, according to new research.

By far the most vulnerable state is Florida, the new analysis found, with roughly half of the nation’s at-risk population living near the coast on the porous, low-lying limestone shelf that constitutes much of that state. But Louisiana, California, New York and New Jersey are also particularly vulnerable, researchers found, and virtually the entire American coastline is at some degree of risk.

Click on Image to Enlarge

2011 Rising Seas Will Affect Major US Coastal Cities by 2100, New Research Finds

2007 Nation Under Siege: Sea Level Rise at Our Doorstep [2030 Impact Study Best Use of Google in Color to Depict 1 Meter, 3 Meter, and 5 Meter Rise in Sea Level]

2003 (est) Does Sea Level Rise Matter to Transportation Along the Atlantic Coast?

2000  Maps of Lands Vulnerable to Sea Level Rise Modeled [Best for close-up vulnerability maps]

1989 The Effects of Sea Leavel Rise on U.S. Coastal Wetlands

Phi Beta Iota:  There are multiple bottom lines on this continuing saga.

Continue reading “Reference: Flooding of the USA Coasts — Where, When?”

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 4: Voting for Issues

Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Steele on Electoral Reform – Part 4: Voting for Issues

Independent Voters Network, 11 March 2012

“Voters in all jurisdictions -the nation, states, counties, localities, school boards, water districts, etc.- shall all have the right to propose and vote on legislation, including amendments to constitutions, charters, etc., in parallel with representatives. Improvements over existing initiative processes should be included, such as the ones incorporated in the National Initiative for Democracy and now in use in Oregon.

Continue reading “IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 4: Voting for Issues”