Ken Bausch Recommending Henry A. Giroux “Gated Intellectuals and Ignorance in Political Life – Toward a Borderless Pedagogy in the Occupy Movement”

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice
Kenneth Bausch

Forwarded message from Jacqueline Wasilewski

I just read Henry A. Giroux's article below when you have time. I provides all sorts of discourse for us to use in promoting SDD/ILIS and making it clear why it is important, i.e., making it intelligible to people who have not yet experienced it …

It is a long, dense article … but absolutely outstanding.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Henry A. Giroux | Gated Intellectuals and Ignorance in Political Life: Toward a Borderless Pedagogy in the Occupy Movement

Henry A. Giroux, Truthout: “A group of right-wing extremists in the United States would have the American public believe it is easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of a market society. Comprising this group are the Republican Party extremists, religious fundamentalists such as Rick Santorum and a host of conservative anti-public foundations funded by billionaires such as the Koch brothers, whose pernicious influence fosters the political and cultural conditions for creating vast inequalities and massive human hardships throughout the globe.”

Read the Article

Phi Beta Iota:  Selected extract below.

Overlaying the festering corruption is a discourse in which national destiny (coded in biblical scripture) becomes a political theology drawing attention away from the actual structural forces that decide who has access to health insurance, decent jobs, quality schooling and adequate health care. This disappearing act does more than whitewash history, obscure systemic inequalities of power and privatize public issues. It also creates social automatons, isolated individuals who live in gated communities along with their resident intellectuals who excite legions of consumer citizens to engage in a survival-of-the fittest ritual in order to climb heartlessly up the ladder of hyper-capitalism. The gated individual, scholar, artist, media pundit and celebrity – walled off from growing impoverished populations – are also cut loose from any ethical mooring or sense of social responsibility. Such a radical individualism and its shark-like values and practices have become the hallmark of American society. Unfortunately, hyper-capitalism does more than create a market-driven culture in which individuals demonstrate no responsibility for the other and are reduced to zombies worried about their personal safety, on the one hand, and their stock portfolios on the other. It also undermines public values, the centrality of the common good and any political arenas not yet sealed off from an awareness of our collective fate. As democracy succumbs to the instrumental politics of the market economy and the relentless hype of the commercially driven spectacle, it becomes more difficult to preserve those public spheres, dialogues and ideas through which private troubles and social issues can inform each other.

See Also:

Kenneth Bausch at Phi Beta Iota

Stuart Umpleby at Phi Beta Iota

Event: 9-14 April Santa Barbara CA Dr. Don Beck Et Al Cracking the Master Code: Searching for a New Metaphor to Fascilitate Human Emergence

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence

The Master Code: How to create the functional matrix for dealing with great complexity in the real world

Amid almost overwhelming uncertainty and upheaval all around, when the ground underneath our feet can shift in an instant and our fortunes and futures become an ever-morphing constant, what does practical Integral Leadership in the real world mean? How do you apply the principles and tools to deal with a complexity of variables, demands, necessities, and wildcards simultaneously?

In these treacherous times, how can you and your organization not only keep your head above water but thrive – and help others thrive?

You are invited

Dr. Don Beck and the Adizes Graduate School are pleased to invite you to a highly topical SDi certification seminar in Santa Barbara, California, to explore The Master Code and learn about the core intelligences and deep values that flow beneath what we believe and do in the communal, organizational spheres of our lives.


“Natural Design: Second Tier Leadership, Organizational Elegance and Integral Management”

Santa Barbara, California   April 9-14, 2012

This week offers a splendid learning opportunity in which you can take the basic three-day Level One course supplemented by a vast array of additional resources, and elect to attend the second part, Level Two, that is built around the SDi Natural Design package.


Natural Design
Thriving in times of turbulence 

… Understanding the nature and character of change may be most important to man's future. ~ Clare W. Graves. May 27, 1965

Whether you are a beleaguered company CEO, institutional middle manager, community organizer, or a group member or leader of any kind and wish to make sense of interpersonal and group dynamics in these challenging times, this learning will equip you with radical new ideas, insights, and tools. If you are part of the growing numbers worldwide who are acutely aware that “business as usual” has the world in an awful mess, that the global economy is teetering and companies and financial institutions everywhere struggle to survive, this opportunity is for you. If you live with the reality of knowing the old ways of organizational life no longer suffice, this training is what you need now.

Elza Maalouf and Said Dawlabani, respectively CEO and COO of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, and Darrell Gooden, large-scale systems specialist and Ph.D. candidate at Adizes Graduate School, will be among the guest presenters on board in beautiful Santa Barbara.

The Natural Design course includes powerful insights into …

*  how to recognize, identify, and define your organization’s “cultural DNA” codes and then elaborate those codes to functions to be performed

*   how everything is impacted whenever core values systems in the organization’s or group’s “cultural DNA” change

* how to design different kinds of organizations, whether educational, religious/spiritual, sports and high performance teams, military systems, entrepreneurial and service-oriented organizations such as airlines, hospitals, etc.

* how to apply the underlying processes,  principles and tools of Natural Design to transcend the old rigid, top-down leadership and management models

* how to synthesize approaches to leadership, organizational theory, and leadership styles

* how to go beyond holism into specific functional designs that morph and shift themselves as times change and new problems appear …

And so much more!


You will also have the opportunity to respond to the Culture-SCAN profiling system and to a series of othermassessments; participate in simulations and be exposed to case-studies that move beyond theory into real-world applications; and you will be challenged! The experience is fast moving – insightful and provocative – with day and evening sessions of high energy, and with very unique tools. You will make new friends and be inspired to be and do your best.
Register now for this outstanding event

As always in Santa Barbara, the SDi Level One certification will be offered immediately prior to the Natural Design course:

*   SDi Level One Foundations: April 9-11
*   SDi Level Two Natural Design: April 12-14

Read more about the training and what others say about it.
Visit the event website for registration and more.

Contact Stephanie Galindo at to ask about small group, educator, student and senior discounts, or if you have other questions.

Gordon Duff: USG Taking Israeli Espionage & Influence Seriously?

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call
Gordon Duff

Is War on Israel Possible, We Hadn't Thought So But….

To American Jews, the sound of this has to be strange. 78% support Obama but only 5% of Jewish donations go to him and his supporters.

President Orders Israeli Spies Jailed, Israel Watched As Potential Foe

… by  Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor

To American Jews, the sound of this has to be strange.   78% support Obama but only 5% of Jewish donations go to him and his supporters. 

The big money, Koch Brothers, Wall Street and the AIPAC spies and their supporters go to the Republicans, lifelong enemies of the Jewish people, in fact, the source of the huge upsurge of antisemitism in America.

Here is a video funded by the ADL and AIPAC attacking President Obama.  Problem is, in most of the world and much of America, this “attack piece” is seen as a poorly done pro-Obama video.  We aren’t kidding, things have gone that far.

Read rest of article including link to Koch Brothers propaganda video.

Phi Beta Iota:  We have been calling for religious counterintelligence since at least 2003, generally focused on the very negative, unlawful, and often treasonous misbehavior of US citizens with top secret/special compartmented information known to hold dual citizenship with Israel.  Anyone with a security clearances that holds dual citizenship with Israel should be given a choice: lose the Israeli citizenship, or lose the clearances.  They should all be subject to oversight by a highly specialized religious counterintelligence unit with divisions for Opus Dei, the Mormons, the Pentecostals, and others that preach higher loyalties justifying treason to the Republic.  With respect to the current stories, there is no open evidence that the Administration is doing anything serious with respect to containing Israel government covert operations in the USA.  As long as a Goldman Sachs lobbyist is in the position of National Security Advisor (hereafter, Nanny to the President), and Goldman Sachs owns both the Fed and the Secretary of the Treasury positions, Obama would appear to be quite helpless and inconsequential, bracketed as he is by the the huge financial services industry syndicate and the combination of entitlement and national security stakeholders.

Religious Counterintelligence at Phi Beta Iota

Evan Ravitz: VRA Section at Direct Democracy is a Sham

Evan Ravitz

I just endorsed the VRA [Voting Rights Act of 2012] without enthusiasm. Section 6 looks is a non-nutritive bone thrown to ‘direct” democracy folks -which now includes all Occupy. With Congress setting the agenda, and citizen votes not binding, it's just another opportunity for the pretense of democracy, like all the fake “town meetings” “our” reps hold -functioning as focus groups for propaganda development since there is no vote by the people, as in real New England town meetings.

Phi Beta Iota:  As long as two parties exclude the other six nationally-accredited parties, the USA is not a democracy.  Learn more at We the People Reform Coalition.

See Also:

Direct Democracy 2012   .   Voting Rights Act 2012   .

Sepp Hasslberger: Low Tech High Green Small Burners

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy
Sepp Hasslberger

NòvaVideo – Nat Mulcahy e la LuciaStove (Now with English subtitles)

This is decidedly low tech, but very efficient. Nat Mulcahy has invented a simple system that allows the burning, not of the wood itself, but of the gas that comes out of the wood when heated.

This results in a clean burn and a high use (over 90 %) of the energy contained in the combustible substance. Pellets of wood or other biological material are best to use. What is left over after combustion is biochar, the empty “shell” of the biological material, dry carbon that is great as a fertilizing substance for agriculture. With time, it forms what is known as “terra preta”, very fertile high carbon soil.

The video is in Italian, but there are English subtitles…

Michel Bauwens: Open Sourcing Digital Medical Devices

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Hacking, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats
Michel Bauwens

Essay of the Day: From Open Source to Open Sourcing Digital Medical Devices

Excerpted from Glyn Moody:

“It is not just an issue for life-saving medical devices that can kill as well as save: it is about our increasing reliance on embedded software in everyday life, in developed countries at least.

Clearly, we can’t. If the code is not available, then it necessarily limits the number of people who have looked at it. And as Linus’ Law reminds us, given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. That doesn’t mean opening up the code guarantees that all bugs will be found, but it certainly increases the probability. The corollary is that keeping it closed decreases the chance of someone finding such bugs.

But there’s a problem here. As we move from the realm of “pure” software – that is, programs running on generalised computers producing essentially digital output (even if that is converted into analogue formats like sounds, images or printouts) – to that of “applied” software, there is a new element: the device itself.

For example, in the case of the pacemakers, having the software that drives the computational side of things is only part of the story: just as important is knowing what the software does in the real world, and that depends critically on the design of the hardware. Knowing that a particular sub-routine controls a particular aspect of the pacemaker tells us little unless we also know how the sub-routine’s output is implemented in the device.

What that means is that not only do we need the source code for the programs that run the devices, we also need details about the hardware – its design, its mechanical properties etc. That takes us into the area of open hardware, and here things start to get tricky.

Read rest of article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Governments have all failed to be responsible about understanding complexity and understanding the role of integrity as a foundation for sustainable properity.  Proprietary does not scale.  Closed kills.  It's time now for open everything and no compromises with respect to intelligence and integrity.

See Also:

2012 (Book) THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust 

2012 (Slides) THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust

Reference: Strategic National Risk Assessment PPD-8

Strategy, White Papers
Marcus Aurelius

Here, from a Federal web site open to the public, is an unclassified summary of what the US Government considers to be the risks from certain natural and manmade threats. Recognize it for what it is: an unclassified summary.

The Strategic National Risk Assessment in Support of PPD 8 A Comprehensive Risk-Based Approach toward a Secure and Resilient Nation

Phi Beta Iota:  An interesting effort with potential.  It's greatest failure is to avoid any consideration of national riots and armed insurrection in the face of complex inter-acting disasters that turn into catastrophes for lack of intelligence and integrity at all levels of all eight tribes, the government, military, law enforcement, and commerce especially.  It's second greatest failure is to ignore the fact that most of our problems are of our own making, and that the single fastest way to secure the USA would be to eradicate corruption and high crimes and misdemeanors now routine at the highest levels of Congress, the Executive, and as with CITIZENS UNITED, the Supreme Court.  As marginally clever as this summary is, it is completely lacking in a strategic analytic model, a matrix for identifying and remediating all the preconditions of revolution, and any semblance of a “net assessment” that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) might use to be effective –but in fairness to OMB, the White House clearly does not want OMB to be effective, just to fake the numbers and keep the theater up until after November 2012.

See Also:

Charles Perrow, The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters (Princeton University Press, 2011)

Obama in a Strategic & Intellectual Vacuum

Who Needs Enemies When We Have Us?

2012 PREPRINT FOR COMMENT: The Craft of Intelligence

2012 Reflexivity = Integrity: Toward Earth/Life 4.0

2009 Perhaps We Should Have Shouted: A Twenty-Year Retrospective

2009 Fixing the White House & National Intelligence

2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else

1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (Full Text Online for Google Translate))