Twitter not all that popular among teenagers, report finds
“I don't know a single person who uses Twitter,” says Samara Fantie, 17, of Gaithersburg, who added that with so many of her friends on Facebook, Twitter seems beside the point.
Fantie listed its drawbacks, saying it appears to be less secure, more public and too condensed. “Teenagers like to talk, and 140 characters is just not enough,” she said. Facebook “does everything Twitter offers, only it's better. It would be like going backwards.”
Blogs Just Aren't Cool Any More, Teens Say
Blogging is slowly becoming the domain of adults, as a recent Pew study shows more teens abandoning the medium for social networks.
The study, conducted by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, showed a decline in the number of teens who say they blog, from 28 percent in 2006 to 18 percent in 2009, when the study was conducted. Just 52 percent comment on their friends' blogs, versus 76 percent three years ago.
By contrast, the survey found that about 10 percent of adults maintain a blog, a figure that has remained unchanged.
Phi Beta Iota: We appear to be in an interregnum, with some very serious perople such as Pierre Levy and Jeff Jarvis seeing the enormous potential of Twitter, while the run of the mill “crowd” may be bored. Our view: Twitter is a game changer in part because geospatial location and identity are embedded, it is both mobile and real-time, and back office trends and aggregation and clustering can be attached. Something really cool is happening, and Pew missed it.
See also:
Journal: The Twitter Train Has Left the Station
Reference: Filtering With Your Network
Reference: Personal Aggregate, Filter & Connect Strategies
Reference: How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence
Journal: Twitter Aggregation Way Cool
Journal: IC on Twitter, Still Not Making Sense
Journal: PA & NYPD Criminalize Twitter
Graphics: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool