Mongoose: Video Commentary on Jared Kushner as Enemy of Donald Trump and the USA

01 Poverty, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Law Enforcement, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Additional Videos & Article Links Below the Fold.

See Also:

Donald Trump: I Screwed Up — Kushner Must Go! “King Jared, You’re Fired!”

Owl: Jared Kushner for President? Is This The Plan?

BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner? Zionists Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump for 2020? UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

BREAKING Gordon Duff: Trump, Kushner, Bolton False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran UPDATE 1: Metz Gets It Right — MASSIVE BLUNDER

SPECIAL: Jared Kushner Working for Israel to Enable Saudi Arabian Nuclear Attack Against Iran UPDATE 3: Trump May Be Gaming Zionists & Saudis, Pence to Go?

Brother Nathaniel: Is Jared Kushner Sheldon Adelson’s Bitch? Is Donald Trump Being Shlonged by Sheldon Adelson?

Wayne Madsen: Jared Kushner – Chabad in the White House

Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner a Traitor Taking Us to Undeclared Proxy Nuclear War with Iran?

Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner Going to Jail? (Following in His Father’s Footsteps?)

Mongoose: Steve Pieczenik on Kushner & McMaster Totally Corrupt, Repressing Alt-Right, Betraying the President

Mongoose: Jared Kushner Didn’t Disclose $1 Billion in Loans, Investment Ties to Goldman Sachs and George Soros

Mongoose: Dirty Jared Kushner — the Ugly Facts… UPDATE 2 Alt Right Wants Kushner’s Head, Does Not Want Trump as Hillary Clinton in Drag

Review: Let Me Finish -Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics by Chris Christie

Robert Steele with Mohammad Ghaderi & Javan Heiran-Nia: INTERVIEW – Trump Will Be Re-Elected, Zionists Not Russians Are the Enemy, Kushner Must Go

CENSORED BY GOOGLENEWS: Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Is Zionism in the USA Over? One Former Spy & Counterintelligence Officer Says Yes.

CENSORED BY GOOGLENEWS: Robert Steele: Is Ilhan Omar Cynthia McKinney 2.0? – Will the Zionist Parasite Be Purged from the USA This Time?

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