Worth a Look: Matthew Books & Messages

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Matthew's Messages

Sample Messages:

November 2, 2020

Energy field of potential activity; what Earth needs; predictions; vibrations; dark ones’ lifeprint reviews; emergence of truths

October 1, 2020

Balanced energy; feminine energy; Illuminati; conflict outcomes; lightworkers’ choices; holographic invasion; “prison planet”

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Stephen E. Arnold: Music Star Says Social Media a Mob Mentality – Robert Steele Says Just Another Form of Mind Control

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Music Star Dubs Social Media As Mob Mentality

I am not sure I knew about Taio Cruz before I read “Taio Cruz: Social Media Has a Mob Mentality.” Mr. Cruz is a musician. He knows about social media, or, at least, he knows more than I do. Plus he makes an interesting connection:

“I think there’s a mob mentality that happens in comment sections.”

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Pastor Brown: Robert Steele’s Localized Made in America Open Source Vision

#OSE Open Source Everything, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics

Without a vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 28:18

Implement the Open Source Agency and execute my vision for using Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) combined with holistic analytics and true cost economics for create a localized self-sustainable economy at the county level at a fraction of the cost of the failed globalist model that is 50% waste, 90% profit for the banks, and mostly toxic for the public.

More and more are coming to your vision .. I would say, “God is moving the world to a localized vision” in contrast to the Global new world order vision, which has been a disaster except for the 1%.

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Robert Steele: Movie B Roll Photos

Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Offbeat Fun

In reverse order, as requested for the movie about to be released.  There are no releasable photos from my time as a spy.

1994 Against all opposition from the CIA, resigned from the USMC and kept going with the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) revolution. Former DCI Bill Colby understood — he was murdered two years later.

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John Petersen: Masks Don’t Work, Fake Numbers Exposed

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Collective Intelligence, Officers Call

Email as received.

It’s clear: Every one of the best 17 scientific studies say “Masks don’t work” … not even for surgeons

All of the best scientific studies for the last 45 years have shown conclusively that face masks don’t offer any protection for viruses (or even infections, in the case of surgeons):

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Tom Atlee: Waking Up into Wholeness, Dialogue and Mystery (Sense-making – Part 1)

Collective Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Waking Up into Wholeness, Dialogue and Mystery (Sense-making – Part 1)

I suggest that the more different perspectives we can creatively embrace, the closer we’ll get to what’s really going on. However, we need to keep in mind that there’s ALWAYS more to it than whatever we think we know at any given time, and thus we’d be wise to be humble, curious, and attentive as an ongoing practice….

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