Michel Bauwens: Israel Uses Facebook to Identify and then Block Incoming Protesters from Europe

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War
Michel Bauwens

Israel used Facebook to stop European pro-Palestine activists

IntelNews.Org, 12 July 2011

Joseph Fitsanakis

Israeli intelligence services managed to stop dozens of European pro-Palestine activists from flying to Israel, by gathering open-source intelligence about them on social media sites, such as Facebook. According to Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, intelligence gathered on Facebook formed the basis of a blacklist containing over 300 names of European activists, who had signed up on an open-access Facebook page of a group planning nonviolent actions in Israel this summer.

Israeli intelligence agencies forwarded the names on the lists to European airline carriers, asking them not to allow the activists onboard their flights, as they were not going to be allowed into the country. This action prompted airline carriers to prevent over 200 activists from boarding scheduled flights to Israel. Israeli security officers detained over 310 other activists, who arrived in Israel on several European flights last week. Of those, almost 70 were denied entry to the country, while more detentions are expected to take place later this week, according to Israeli Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Hadad.

During the detention operation, at least two flights into Israel, from Geneva, Switzerland, and Rome, Italy, were diverted to a secluded area of the Ben Gurion International Airport, which is located a few miles southeast of Tel Aviv. Once there, they were boarded by armed Israeli security officers, who detained several activists onboard the airplanes before allowing the remaining passengers to disembark. Witnesses also reported the presence of hundreds of police officers at Ben Gurion during the detention of the activists. Characteristically, only one of a 40-strong pro-Palestinian activist contingency onboard an EasyJet flight from London, UK, was able to enter Israel, while 39 were detained and sent back to the UK.


Tom Atlee: Movement to Reform Global Understanding

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

As I was preparing another bulletin for you, I stumbled on a very remarkable initiative — a global curriculum reform movement — that I want to share right away.  It seems a revolution is brewing in some parts of mainstream higher education.  Here is a significant piece:

A “Science Daily” article “Higher Education Curricula Not Keeping Pace With Societal, Tech Changes” describes this “global movement to abolish the archaic disciplinary isolation and static teaching practices of the 19th and 20th centuries, and replace them with pedagogy that addresses the complexity and diversity of perspective of a global community in the 21st century.”

The epicenter of this movement is Curriculum Reform.  A group of academics — from college students to university presidents — have created a Manifesto (see below) that has so far been endorsed by two universities in Europe and one in the U.S (Arizona State University, Jacobs University Bremen, and Leuphana Universität Lüneburg).  These universities are now testing specific curricula based on the Manifesto's principles.

I am extremely impressed with the principles these academic innovators have come up with.  More information is available at their website, including some excellent comments following the Manifesto itself.

If you are concerned about education and the state of the world, take a look, and spread the word…


Phi Beta Iota:  Tom Atlee is the minister-mentor to all of us who strive to achieve collective intelligence and evolutionary consciousness.  We urge support for his very personal commitment to  his calling.


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Worth a Look: Curriculum Reform Forum

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Threats, Worth A Look
Koko the Reflexive

The Curriculum Reform Forum

The Curriculum Reform Forum is dedicated to disseminating thought leadership in the field of curricular reform in order to inspire local reform initiatives. It is a platform for global dialogue fostering the exchange of ideas as well as a resource offering concrete support to academic practitioners.

Inspired by this question of the father of Modern Skepticism we would like to approach contemporary curricular reform with the wisdom and fervour of an owl going into nosedive. You are invited to read our manifesto and join the conversation!


Phi Beta Iota:  We have focused on Paradigms of Failure and on the loss of intelligence and integrity for decades.  Now George Soros has had his aha moment.  The Reflexive Movement is advancing on all fronts.  Russell Ackoff smiles.

Below is the essence of the Manifesto:

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Curriculum Reform Forum”

Seth Godin: Creating Crossroad Moments Today

Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process
Seth Godin Home

The invisible crossroads

In Career World, crossroads don't happen very often. Should I go to college? Which one? Should I quit this job? Where should I apply…

In Project World, on the other hand, every day offers a choice that could change things. Should you start a new project? Organize a conference? Open a new channel of social media? Quit something you're doing right now to make time for something else?

It's easy to get stressed and excited about the infrequent crossroads. It's just as easy to ignore the daily opportunities you have to change everything.

Phi Beta Iota:   The status quo has failed.   As Dr. Russell Ackoff would say, we cannot keep doing the wrong things righter.  It's time to do the right thing.  Integrity is the core value, M4IS2 is the method.

John Steiner: The Political Racketeers

Civil Society, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Policies
John Steiner

Dear Friends:

This is an interesting dialogue I’ve been eavesedropping on..


Phi Beta Iota:  Others have been on this story for decades–the rest of the world is just now catching on.  It is a two-party tyranny–voting for one or the other is NOT an option.  What we need is an end to the one party winner take all system.  Here's a starting point:  Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This?

From: John Neffinger

To Drew's point, check out this AP story from a couple days ago, noting that Obama is having trouble selling the Republican talking points he has adopted about how budget cuts that lay people off create jobs by reassuring the business community.

What is new about this moment is that things have gotten so bad, the American people see very clearly that the richest few of us are paying less than ever in taxes and should pay more.  Even Republicans know this.  David Brooks lashed out at his own party last week for taking its ideological aversion to taxes to a new, cult-like level of irrationality.

But to call them ideologues misses the point.  The majority of rank-and-file Republicans admit that taxes on top earners should be higher, and the people calling the shots aren't mere ideologues either.  They are running a hugely successful business enterprise. It's not irrational, it's very rational (if not so enlightened).  The contributors invest in the politicians and lobbyists, and they make very handsome returns on their investments.  To Brooks' question, the reason Washington Republicans won't cut any taxes at all as part of an otherwise very favorable deficit deal is that lowering taxes is the entire point.  The concern about deficits is only a charade, just another way to discredit our government.  The Republican party is not a cult. The Republican party is a racket.

This might be a moment we could make that point with new clarity.  That yes there are honest and well-meaning Republicans all across the country, but their whole party is run as a racket.  That Republican politicians are just errand boys, as Colonel Kurtz would say , who work only for the rich conservatives who pay for their campaigns.

Prior emails and other links below the line…

Continue reading “John Steiner: The Political Racketeers”

John Robb: 94% of Rich Fear Riots Calling for their Blood

Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Methods & Process, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Policies, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Threats
John Robb

WSJ:  94% of global millionaires fear riots/unrest in the streets that calls for their blood.  As well they should.

Why the Rich Fear Violence in the Streets

Robert Frank

Wall Street Journal, 6 July 2011


A new survey from Insite Security and IBOPE Zogby International of those with liquid assets of $1 million or more found that 94% of respondents are concerned about the global unrest around the world today.

Fully 90% of respondents have a negative view of the current global economic climate and 41% say they have little or no faith that the U.S. will be able to right itself in this fiscal climate.

Read full story…

Phi Beta Iota:  The super rich have created a global plague of failed states, poverty, infectious disease, and environmental degradation, thinking governments that they corrupted will take care of it.  Not so.  Corruption is a super-plague.  Integrity is the antidote, M4IS2 is the method by which the super-rich can fund a win-win recovery.  They did it once before, addressing public health in New York City.  Time for big ideas again.