Berto Jongman: GEOINT and the Digital Divide

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman
Ten Years of GEOINT

Phi Beta Iota: But we still do not have 1:50,000 combat charts for everywhere (Somalia, for example) and we still cannot put a geospatial display with all-source data fusion at machine speed on ANY analyst's desk.

The Digital Divide

Phi Beta Iota: War profits the few, peace the many — the single fastest way to create a prosperous world at peace is to distribute free cell phones and free Internet access (i.e. free education one cell call at a time via call centers for the first couple of years) to the five billion poor. Earth Intelligence Network figured that out in 2006. Still no takers.

Owl: Why Has Qatar Spent $3B on Syrian Rebels? And Saudi Arabia? And Why Does Russia Want Syria to Stick “As Is”? Natural Gas!

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Energy, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Officers Call

Who?  Who?
Who? Who?
“Why has the little nation of Qatar spent 3 billion dollars to support the rebels in Syria? Could it be because Qatar is the largest exporter of liquid natural gas in the world and Assad won't let them build a natural gas pipeline through Syria? Of course. Qatar wants to install a puppet regime in Syria that will allow them to build a pipeline which will enable them to sell lots and lots of natural gas to Europe. Why is Saudi Arabia spending huge amounts of money to help the rebels and why has Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan been “jetting from covert command centers near the Syrian front lines to the Élysée Palace in Paris and the Kremlin in Moscow, seeking to undermine the Assad regime”? Well, it turns out that Saudi Arabia intends to install their own puppet government in Syria which will allow the Saudis to control the flow of energy through the region.

On the other side, Russia very much prefers the Assad regime for a whole bunch of reasons. One of those reasons is that Assad is helping to block the flow of natural gas out of the Persian Gulf into Europe, thus ensuring higher profits for Gazprom. Now the United States is getting directly involved in the conflict. If the U.S. is successful in getting rid of the Assad regime, it will be good for either the Saudis or Qatar (and possibly for both), and it will be really bad for Russia. This is a strategic geopolitical conflict about natural resources, religion and money, and it really has nothing to do with chemical weapons at all.”

…there were two proposed routes for the pipeline. Unfortunately for Qatar, Saudi Arabia said no to the first route and Syria said no to the second route. The following is from an absolutely outstanding article in the Guardian…

Continue reading “Owl: Why Has Qatar Spent $3B on Syrian Rebels? And Saudi Arabia? And Why Does Russia Want Syria to Stick “As Is”? Natural Gas!”

Patrick Meier: Free New Humanitarian Computing Library

#OSE Open Source Everything, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

New! Humanitarian Computing Library

The field of “Humanitarian Computing” applies Human Computing and Machine Computing to address major information-based challengers in the humanitarian space. Human Computing refers to crowdsourcing and microtasking, which is also referred to as crowd computing. In contrast, Machine Computing draws on natural language processing and machine learning, amongst other disciplines. The Next Generation Humanitarian Technologies we are prototyping at QCRI are powered by Humanitarian Computing research and development (R&D).

My QCRI colleagues and I  just launched the first ever Humanitarian Computing Library which is publicly available here. The purpose of this library, or wiki, is to consolidate existing and future research that relate to Humanitarian Computing in order to support the development of next generation humanitarian tech. The repository currently holds over 500 publications that span topics such as Crisis Management, Trust and Security, Software and Tools, Geographical Analysis and Crowdsourcing. These publications are largely drawn from (but not limited to) peer-reviewed papers submitted at leading conferences around the world. We invite you to add your own research on humanitarian computing to this growing collection of resources.

Many thanks to my colleague ChaTo (project lead) and QCRI interns Rahma and Nada from Qatar University for spearheading this important project. And a special mention to student Rachid who also helped.

SchwartzReport: Ocean Wave Power = Fresh Water Zero Carbon

05 Energy, Earth Intelligence

schwartzreport newHere is yet another report showing us that if we could emerge from our carbon energy trance there is an entire world of non-polluting energy available to us, as well as a potential freshwater source, which is equally important. Water is destiny. In this, and the next story on Germany, you can see what the transition out of carbon energy looks like when it works.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

In contrast consider America's insistence on the continuation of carbon energy, most recently through Fracking, whose results are now well-known.

As citizens we must demand that the government focus on noncarbon technologies in service to our interests, as a people, with national wellness as the first priority. It is not the technology but the political will that is lacking. If enough people vote, and make the most compassionate life-affirming decision possible, we can change this. The power of collective intention expressed through voting is a great force.

How The Power Of Ocean Waves Could Yield Freshwater With Zero Carbon Emissions
JEFF SPROSS – Think Progress

Preston James: 35 Things the Ruling Cabal Tries to Conceal from the Public

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Preston James
Preston James

35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know

The advent of the worldwide Internet is proving to be the undoing of this Cabal’s previous near complete lock on the truth.


35.The Ruling cabal’s greatest secret is that they are unable to infect and control those Americans who refuse to violate the Golden Rule (except in self-defense) know and keep a strong commitment to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and refuse to be compromised or accept the lies and evil of the Ruling Cabal or its representatives or agents. They know that if more 12% of the people fully wake up they are finished, and we are at 10% now pushing 11%. Yes, research suggests 12% is a major societal tipping point and once reached, it’s bye-bye time for the ruling cabal eventually, one way or another.


This recent flap over the big government lie that Assad used poison gas against the Syrian people is a great opportunity to see this newly emerging world populism work.The CMMM has been broadcasting 24/7 that Assad did it and most of the alternative media on the Internet Has claimed just the opposite, that US, Israeli & Saudi financed and supported Al Cia Duh has been responsible. Ron Paul is arguing differently.

Read full post, 35 items articulated.

Berto Jongman: Ahmed Kashid on Why, and What, You Should Know About Central Asia

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman


China and Central Asia

None of the works under review provides the full answers to these questions, although Alexander Cooley’s book, Great Games, Local Rules, comes closest. They all agree on the unprecedented rise of China’s influence in Central Asia. Marlène Laruelle and Sébastien Peyrouse, scholars at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., demonstrate in The Chinese Question in Central Asia that China is already the dominant economic power in the region.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

China has also taken care of one vital strategic interest since 1991: making sure that the Uighurs, China’s largest Muslim ethnic group who live in the western province of Xinjiang, do not seriously threaten to become independent and that the hundreds of thousands of Uighurs who live in Central Asia do not help them do so. During the 1950s large numbers of Uighurs fled the Maoist regime to seek shelter in Soviet Central Asia where they were relatively well treated.

After 1991 China put immense pressure on the three Central Asian states that border Xinjiang—Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan—to tightly restrict all Uighur political activity on their soil. China offered sweeteners such as resolving the border disputes that had plagued Chinese–Soviet relations in Central Asia for decades. Within a decade the borders between China and the Central Asian states were demarcated and settled, allowing for China’s rapid economic involvement in the region.

Still, Uighur nationalism and Islamic militancy have continued to mount in Xinjiang, as China has inundated the province with Han Chinese and severely repressed the Muslims. While the Uighur populations in Central Asia have been largely silenced, some Uighurs have been training and fighting with the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

During the past decade China has invested heavily in Central Asia. Laruelle and Peyrouse write that

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Ahmed Kashid on Why, and What, You Should Know About Central Asia”

Berto Jongman: Worth a Look — Modern Catastrophism

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

A registered educational charity. Registered under the Charities Act, 1960 – registration no. 286264. 

       The oldest and most up-to-date Society

      for information and research

      into cosmic catastrophes

      and ancient chronology revision

Visit home page, many links, index since 1960.

The Society's PRINCIPAL  OBJECT is ‘to advance  the education  of the public and, through the combined use of historical and contemporary evidence of all kinds, to promote a multidisciplinary approach to, and specialised research into, scientific and scholarly problems inherent in the uniformitarian theoriesin astronomy and history,  and thus to promote active consideration by scientists, scholars and students of alternatives to those theories.'  One of the Society's  furtherances of its ‘Principal Object' is ‘to promote co-operation between workers in specialised fields of learning in the belief that isolated study is sterile'.

The SIS is a UK-based, non-profit-making organisation with a worldwide membership, which includes laymen and academics alike. With its publications, Chronology & Catastrophism Review and Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop, plus residential weekend conferences and general speaker meetings, it brings together people from a wide-ranging spectrum of backgrounds and beliefs. The Society also:

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