Robert Steele: Human Cells, DNA, 5G

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media

I was perhaps the first to connect 5G with the fake pandemic, and to point out that radiation sickness presents as the flu.

Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack?

The below article is well worth reading, I save an extract below the fold.

5G millimeter waves could trigger virus creation like COVID-19 in cells

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Vincent Boccarossa: Deep State Infiltration II

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Deep State Infiltration II [No Link, Special to PBI]

In these seemingly chaotic and confusing times, there is a clarity of perception percolating across the planet that is challenging the global deep state cabal like never before in history.  This is both a physical movement of real people with pertinent issues being exposed as well as an awakening within the collective consciousness representing billions of individual souls.  It is necessary to dismantle this new world order agenda by eliminating the culprits, the pedophiles, the pirates of profit, and those global elites who are living above the law.  The methods, strategies and spiritual responses for addressing these nefarious people and hybrid beings will determine how we as a larger humanity move forward into the future.

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J. C. Cole: No Meat, No Milk, No Bread: Hunger Crisis Rocks Latin America – and the Rockfeller Plan to Create a Food Crisis in the USA This Winter

01 Agriculture, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

No Meat, No Milk, No Bread: Hunger Crisis Rocks Latin America

And here is the model for a Plandemic being used to control humanity.

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Continue reading “J. C. Cole: No Meat, No Milk, No Bread: Hunger Crisis Rocks Latin America – and the Rockfeller Plan to Create a Food Crisis in the USA This Winter”