Owl: Who Runs the World? New Network Analysis…

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Who? Who?

Who Runs the World ? – Network Analysis Reveals ‘Super Entity’ of Global Corporate

Richard Ricciardi

Planet Save, August 28, 2011

In the first such analysis ever conducted, Swiss economic researchers have conducted a global network analysis of the most powerful transnational corporations (TNCs). Their results have revealed a core of 787 firms with control of 80% of this network, and a “super entity” comprised of 147 corporations that have a controlling interest in 40% of the network’s TNCs.

Read more…

Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota:  It is not the first time this has been done, original work was done in the 1970's on inter-locking boards of directors, and complex forms of relationship analysis were pioneered by Samuel Milgram among others.  It is the first time it has been done in digital form with large amounts of data.  It is not, however, ”
the final answer.”  For that one must understand deep secrecy, over-lapping proxies, the role of clandestine and covert entities, the cross-over among religious organizations, criminal organizations, and government entitites nominally responsible for justice but more often than not actively engaged in crimes against the public interest.  Certainly worth a close read, but the banks are fronts, not the high table.

See Also:

+ Reference: Invisible Empire New World Order DVD + RECAP
+ The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis (part 1 of 9)
+ Invisible Government (part 1 of 4, John Pilger)
+ War on Democracy (1 of 10, John Pilger)
+ The American Ruling Class

Berto Jongman: The Emerging Global Mind

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, IO Deeds of Peace, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Berto Jongman Recommends...

Featured Article

The Emerging Global Mind

Noetic Now, Issue Fourteen, September 2011

by Tiffany Shlain

Fifteen years ago I founded the Webby Awards. I was fascinated by how the Internet was connecting people all over the world in new and unexpected ways. I have also been struck by the many conversations about the problems of our day that view them as separate challenges—whether the environment, women’s rights, poverty, or social justice. It has become increasingly apparent to me that when you perceive everything as connected, it radically shapes your perspective.

The concept of interdependence isn’t new; it’s been around since the dawn of humanity. For two-hundred-thousand years, we’ve been connecting through networks both natural and technological. Interdependence has long been a tenet of Eastern philosophy and indigenous cosmologies. But the recent addition of the Internet has added a new layer, which connects us in a fresh way, giving the world a new type of central nervous system. Something happens in one place, and we can see it, feel it, and do something about it almost instantaneously.

Safety copy below the line (original URL is inconsistent)

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: The Emerging Global Mind”

John Steiner: Dalai Lama et al – Halt Tar Sands Pipeline

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Government
John Steiner

Dalai Lama, Rigoberta Menchu, Nobel Peace Laureates: Halt tarsands

Brenda Norrell

The Narcosphere, 8 September 2011

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Nobel Peace Laureates Rigoberta Menchu of Guatemala and Archbishop Desmund Tutu of South Africa, joined six other Nobel Peace Laureates urging President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline, an environmental disaster in the making.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  We find it fascinating that the activists are ignoring the larger crime, the use of fresh water to flush the tar sands in the first place.

See Also:

Chuck Spinney: Big Oil Screwing US for Peak Profits

Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)

John Steiner: US State Department Clueless on Tar Sands

John Steiner: Save Water from Big Oil, Get Arrested in DC

Chuck Spinney: Richard Falk on USG Learning Disability

Chuck Spinney: Big Oil Screwing US for Peak Profits

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Misinformation & Propaganda, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Chuck Spinney

It looks increasingly likely that President Obama is going to cave into the oil interests promoting the pipeline to move oil mine in tar sands of Canada to the Port Arthur Free Trade Zone in Texas.

One of the prime selling points of this scheme, which has environmentalists all in uproar will no doubt be that the pipeline is needed  for energy security.  So what is going on?  My good friend Pierre Sprey's answer may surprise you.  He has graciously given me permission to distribute it.

Peak Oil or Peak Profits?

email from Pierre Sprey, 5 September 2005

A new Oil Change International report has injected a breath of fresh air into the endless stream of media BS about peak oil, declining US oil production, disastrous dependence on foreign oil, need for new offshore drilling, blah, blah , blah, blah…. The report's charts show that our domestic oil production has been rising  markedly since 2008. The excess domestic oil and the new Keystone pipeline oil are unneeded for the domestic market and will go largely to exports to fatten Big Oil's bottom line.

The most interesting conclusions are:

  • “Gasoline demand is declining due to increasing vehicle efficiency and slow economic growth;
  • Meanwhile the surge in new shale oil production in North Dakota and Texas has led to the first rise in U.S. oil production since 1970 and is forecast to continue for some time;
  • As a result of stagnant demand and the rise in both domestic and Canadian oil production, there is a glut of oil in the U.S. market.

Refiners have therefore identified export markets as their primary hope for growth and maximum profits.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Big Oil Screwing US for Peak Profits”

Event: 13 Sep 0930 DC State of the Future 2011 Launch

Earth Intelligence

For those in the Washington, DC area, you are invited to the Washington launch of the 2011 State of the Future at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars at 9 AM (breakfast) September 13th with discussions 9:30 – 10:30 AM:


For those outside the Washington, DC area, please forward this to you colleagues in the DC area.

AND… for those outside the DC area, the event will be taped and available on line at http://www.wilsoncenter.org several days later.

Koko: Weak Assumptions on Nuclear, Levee Designs

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 12 Water, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Nuclear Plants have not been designed for being flooded by tsunami nor for earthquakes of the sort anticipated in the near-term.

Levees all across America–and perhaps in other parts of the world–have not been designed for “heavy weather” of the sort that destroyed the largest “conventional” levee protecting the city of New Orleans.

This is a short-coming that will ultimately be fatal for more than one community, and it is not being corrected by anyone.

Quake Motion May Have Exceeded Plant's Design

Earthquake simulator gives model levee a big shake



John Steiner: US State Department Clueless on Tar Sands

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 08 Wild Cards, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Misinformation & Propaganda
John Steiner

Canada-U.S. Oil Pipeline Poses Few Environmental Risks — State Dept.


Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune slammed the department's review as “an insult to anyone who expects government to work for the interests of the American people.”

U.S. Offers Key Support to Canadian Pipeline

Phi Beta Iota:  Neither the Department of State, nor any other branch of government nor even the environmentalists themselves, are doing holistic analytics.  At root this project is wrong for two reasons: it uses water we cannot afford to waste to flush the tar, and it creates a third rate oil follow-on ecology–doing the wrong thing writer as Russell Ackoff would say.   The US Government lacks the ability to do holistic analytics, and therefore it is incapable of rendering sound decisions in a complex world.

See Also:

John Steiner: Save Water from Big Oil, Get Arrested in DC