Bees' tiny brains beat computers, study finds
Bees can solve complex mathematical problems which keep computers busy for days, research has shown.
Bees can solve complex mathematical problems which keep computers busy for days, research has shown.

The insects learn to fly the shortest route between flowers discovered in random order, effectively solving the “travelling salesman problem” , said scientists at Royal Holloway, University of London
The conundrum involves finding the shortest route that allows a travelling salesman to call at all the locations he has to visit. Computers solve the problem by comparing the length of all possible routes and choosing the one that is shortest.
Bees manage to reach the same solution using a brain the size of a grass seed.
Phi Beta Iota: This is one reason why we continue to believe that Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is vastly superior to Signals “Intelligence” (SIGINT) which we have come to think of as grotesquely expensive out of control unprocessed noise of little intelligence value. Of course, HUMINT without intelligent management is not intelligent at all, but our going in proposition is that HUMINT and Open Source Source Intelligence (OSINT) allow intelligent management to do much more with much less in the way of dollars, time, and footprint.
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Graphic: Jim Bamford on the Human Brain