Kosmos: Ten Themes Restoring Earth as a Commons

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Stubborn Optimism

Five years ago, in a landmark study, Kosmos described a growing ‘global transformation movement’ consisting of many smaller movements: climate justice, ecocide law, species protection and conservancy, indigenous solidarity, sacred ecology, transition towns and ecovillages, and many more. We predicted that each of these movements would organically develop self-awareness of the greater whole. And now many of these tributaries are merging, surging together as one great river.

Useful graphic below the fold.

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Rebecca Campbell: Pacific Northwest Municipalities File Massive Lawsuit Against 5G

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

[Citizen] Pushback against superfast 5G wireless spreads to at least 7 Pacific Northwest cities

Council members said federal law doesn't allow for the permitting moratorium requested by the 5G opponents.

PDF (41 Pages): 2019-0307-Joint-Opposition-to-FCC-Motion-to-Hold-in-Abeyanc

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J. C. Cole American Gray Swans 4 June 2019

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

13 American Gray Swans – Week 22 – Farm Apocalypse

Most Americans are not aware, and not paying attention to the Apocalypse happening to our farming industry. Unfortunately most will only get the wake-up call when there is no food. Understand, a perfect storm is not forming, it is already here.

It is not just one thing, but a multiple attack on our food production. But let us just review a few things before diving into the issues. The wealth of a country is measured in its Manufacturing, in its Natural Resources and Mining, and in its Agriculture and Farming.

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Clif High: Antarctica Unveiled (Four Videos)

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology which allows reading from computer screens at up to 2000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language use by humans, he has been developing a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events. The software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipates future events with some seeming accuracy. The processing has, at its core, a method of assigning emotional values to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language now.

Four Videos with Text Summaries Below the Fold

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Zero Hedge: Chinese Company Offers Hydrogen-Powered Car Using Water as Fuel PLUS US Company Offering Electricity from Water

05 Energy, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence

Chinese Company Claims Its Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle Can Travel 500km Using Only Water As Fuel

A car company in Central China has claimed that it has built a hydrogen powered vehicle that's capable of traveling up to 500km using only water as power, according to the South China Morning Post.

The vehicle was made by Qingnian Cars in Henan province and made its first drive on Wednesday of last week when local Communist Party chiefs visited the plant. The vehicle has reportedly not been tested over longer distances, but Ping Qingnian, the company's CEO, said that it could go 300 to 500km using 300 to 400 liters of water as fuel.

Qingnian said: “The cost [of research and development] is a trade secret that I cannot reveal. We achieved this at a low cost, this is our company’s technology.”

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Mongoose: Lloyd’s of London “5G is the new asbestos” — plus 1,824 5G cells in Philadelphia despite known threat to all living creatures

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media


Lloyd’s November 2010 Risk Assessment Team’s Report gives us a solid clue: the report compares these wireless technologies with asbestos, in that the early research on asbestos was “inconclusive” and only later did it become obvious to anyone paying attention that asbestos causes cancer. (Emphasis in the original)

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