Yoda: Gruesome Harvest Free Book Online — Banned by Zionist-Controlled Media Platforms — The Story of How the Allies Sought to Genocide a Substantial Portion of the German People

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

You may wish to ignore history, but history will not ignore you.


The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany

Ralkd Franklin Keeling

Overview and free PDF below the fold.

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Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 37 – US Senate Select Intelligence Committee Probing Israeli Interference in 2016 Election — Probably Using NSA’s Parallel Construction Investigation Ordered by Attorney General…

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media, Non-Governmental, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Israel’s interference in 2016 US election to be probed by Senators

American lawmakers have summoned a British security consultant to probe Israel’s role in alleged Russian interference with the 2016 election, which has been the subject of a two-year long FBI investigation.

The Senate Intelligence Committee is seeking an interview with Walter Soriano, director of London-based security firm USG Security, to discuss what, if any, role Israel may have played in attempts to manipulate the 2016 election.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 37 – US Senate Select Intelligence Committee Probing Israeli Interference in 2016 Election — Probably Using NSA's Parallel Construction Investigation Ordered by Attorney General…”

Gordon Duff Et Al: Air War College Report – D-Day Was NOT Necessary

Peace Intelligence

75th Anniversary D-Day: Clandestine 1986 Air War College Report Concluded Invasion was Unnecessary

Air War College, Air University issued. in March 1986, a report titled “OVERLORD, The Unnecessary Invasion” that concluded D-Day was unnecessary.  Written by William F. Moore, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF, the research report was submitted to the faculty in fulfillment of the research requirement led by Research Advisor Dr. Joseph L. Strange, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.  VT has thought it best this report be made public so that a proper historical record can be made.

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J. C. Cole American Gray Swans 4 June 2019

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

13 American Gray Swans – Week 22 – Farm Apocalypse

Most Americans are not aware, and not paying attention to the Apocalypse happening to our farming industry. Unfortunately most will only get the wake-up call when there is no food. Understand, a perfect storm is not forming, it is already here.

It is not just one thing, but a multiple attack on our food production. But let us just review a few things before diving into the issues. The wealth of a country is measured in its Manufacturing, in its Natural Resources and Mining, and in its Agriculture and Farming.

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Robert Steele: Zionism Strike 36 – NSA Aiding Israel’s By Name Assassinations

Corruption, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

This is both an absolute and a relative outrage. CIA is much worse in terms of direct action.  The President must, in his second term, transform how America elects its officials (#UNRIG); transform how America governs (evidence-based decision-making), and end the occupation of America by the Zionist parasite.

New Snowden Leaked Memos Show NSA Aided Israel's “Targeted Assassinations”