Robert Steele: Zionism, Judaism, & the Apartheid Genocidal State of Isreal — A Super Article by Lynda Burstein Brayer

05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Zionism, Judaism and the Jewish State of Israel: Separateness, ontological uniqueness and Jewish morality are its characteristics

by Lynda Burstein Brayer for The Saker Blog

“I have been asked as to what I consider to be the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There will never be a freely-agreed upon political solution unless the Jews admit to their theft and destruction of Palestine which nobody can see happening. But I do see Israel “bleeding” its Ashkenazi or “white” population leaving behind a far weaker country with no proper ruling elite. In this case, I do not see how a Jewish State will survive, despite its being a creation of the international banking cartel.”

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Zionism, Judaism, & the Apartheid Genocidal State of Isreal — A Super Article by Lynda Burstein Brayer”

Betty Boop: Pay Attention, Mr. President, Unless You Shoot to Kill The Caravan Has Plans to Rush the Border…

03 Economy, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

INVASION: Honduran Migrant Says 20,000 Will March Through Vehicle Lanes at Border, Claims That Applying for Asylum is ‘Waste of Time'

Mexican Officials Taking Bribes to Allow Caravan Migrants US Border Access

Veterans Today: Cosmic Fascism — The Plan

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Illegal immigation, mind-control, false flag operations — all part of destroying nations.

Alert  Reader say:

The ultimate goal appears to be the creation of Cosmic Fascism, marked by a 90% decrease (sacrifice to Lucifer) of 90% of all humans, and the creation of a replacement hybrid race of genetically engineered. cloned, hived replacements that are part machine and part bio. These experiments to create such a satanic monster race have been ongoing in the DUMBs such as Dulce which is a joint operation between various DOD contractors like LM and select “Fallen Ones” (not kidding here).

The real reasons for this Cabal financed and directed immigration into Europe and the USA is to destroy Sovereignty, borders, language and culture and to make the populace so angry they will shift to Fascism. This was done with the Treaty of Versailles in WWI to punish Germany to the point it would set the stage for Hitler. The immigrants will be the New Jews. The new fascism will be Cosmic Fascism.

The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part I)

The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part II)

The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part III)

Continue reading “Veterans Today: Cosmic Fascism — The Plan”

Mongoose: UK Government Shitting Bricks — Trump Could Take Them Down Over MI-6 Involvement in Fake Russian Dossier

Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence

MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation, according to The Telegraph, stating that any disclosure would “undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an FBI application to wiretap one of his former campaign advisers.”

Trump's allies, however, are fighting back – demanding transparency and suggesting that the UK wouldn't want the documents withheld unless it had something to hide.

Continue reading “Mongoose: UK Government Shitting Bricks — Trump Could Take Them Down Over MI-6 Involvement in Fake Russian Dossier”