Owl: Deep State’s Final Answer – Cosmic (Alien Invasion) False Flag — Last Ditch Attempt to Assert Totalitarian Control

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

REAL or HOAX? UFO experts warn of “cosmic false flag” event, claiming deep state will fake alien invasion to achieve totalitarian control over humanity

Thanks especially to the Internet’s dissemination of information uncensored and uncontrolled by elite and other media outlets, more and more people are becoming educated about the tyrannical and exploitive agendas of the 1%. When this educational process reaches a certain tipping point, one which the elites deem an existential threat to their power and control, they will resort, according to Mike Adams, to implementing plans and technologies that can fake an alien mass invasion event that will enable the elite to retain and increase their power (NOTE – this apparently “crazy” speculation offered by Adams is hardly any more extreme than any pre-9-11 speculation would have been about radical Muslims or others knocking down the World Trade Center and sending a projectile into the Pentagon, killing thousands):

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Anthony Judge: Eradication as Genocide – Indians? Witches? Jews? Islamists? Are Smart People Next?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Indians? Witches? Natives? Jews? Islamists? ETs?

Eradication as genocide — now and then?

The question is what is to be understood by “eradication” in contrast with previous exercises of that nature, as separately discussed (Eradication as the Strategic Final Solution of the 21st Century? 2014). Possibilities include:

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Eradication as Genocide – Indians? Witches? Jews? Islamists? Are Smart People Next?”

Alexandra Bader: George Soros & the Destruction of Europe (and the USA)

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
Alexandra Bader

A melange of interesting posts on George Soros as a subversive.

How George Soros destroys Europe
George Soros wants to bring down Hungarian Government
George Soros: Destruction via „Resettlement“
NGOs as part of the war agenda
Soros influence in Austria
How we can stop George Soros
Europe and US national security
It’s all about border control

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Next 7 Moves

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Trump-7

Donald Trump’s Next Moves

7 Predictions from Robert David Steele

01 Preibus Goes

Preibus’s role in life – Trump has known this – has been to prevent Trump from unrigging the system – Reince Preibus is the face of the Establishment and the leading mole in the White House.

02 Trump Doubles-Down on Wrong Approach to National Security & National Strategy

There are really two issues here. First, Trump needs a National Strategy Advisor who can do Whole of Government strategy and stop the continued efforts of the neo-cons to pick fights we cannot win and cannot afford; and second, Trump needs to purge the US government of roughly 500 traitors concentrated in the national security bureaucracy. Trump is going to get this wrong again.

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Robert Steele: Flynn Deserved to Be Fired, But Not for Talking to Russians UPDATE: Pedophilia Aspect

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Peace Intelligence, Strategy
Robert David STEELE Vivas

UPDATE: It is now known that the Vice President joined in the chorus to fire Mike Flynn after he learned that Flynn kept from the Vice President the fact that a list of high-level pedophiles in the USA, obtained from Amsterdam, included a close personal friend of the Vice President's, and this was discussed with the Russians.

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It is my view that Mike Flynn deserved to be fired — he was simply not up to the job and anyone who shows up on day one with their son as their aide is so low-rent as to be laughable — but he was not fired by Trump and he was not fired for talking to the Russians.

Readers must remember that Henry Kissinger, whose Nobel Peace Prize set a new low in the history of that largely corrupt offering, sabotaged the Paris Peace Talks in order to win an election, killing another 20,000 US troops and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians, only to settle for precisely the same terms four years later.

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) holds the record for official treason, providing the air targets to the North Vietnamese via the Swiss Embassy, one day in advance, before the pilots even got their assignments, as a “humanitarian gesture.” John McCain's being shot down is probably directly connected to this treason by LBJ, the same man who enabled and covered up the assassination of John F. Kennedy (JFK).

So let's keep all this in perspective.

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EIN CeO Publishes Activist Memorandum on Electoral Reform & Other Ideas for President Trump

#Events, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Press Releases

EIN CeO Publishes Activist Memorandum on Electoral Reform & Other Ideas for President Trump

An “American Spring” looms. Activists have come together to offer President Donald Trump a one-page nine-point action plan for restoring democracy.

Washington, DC (PRUnderground) February 13th, 2017

On 11 February 2017 Robert David Steele, Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network (EIN), published a one-page Memorandum online seeking to help President Donald Trump stabilize his Administration, expand his legitimacy beyond the 27% that voted for him, and be the greatest president in modern American history.

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