Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction

Corruption, Ethics, Government, Media

If President Trump invokes the Insurrection Act, as Abraham Liincoln did, the media, starting with AP, NYT, and Twitter as well as YouTube, is immediately and deeply exposed to “by name” arrest of authors, editors, and managers, for

Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors

Even if he does not, they are still liable.

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Mongoose: Swiss Neutrality Demolished by Complicity in CIA-Controlled Encryption Company

02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government

CIA-owned encryption company jeopardised Swiss neutrality: report

Investigators concluded that Swiss authorities were aware of, and at times complicit in, an elaborate espionage operation in which the CIA covertly owned and controlled a Swiss company, Crypto AG, that secretly sold rigged encryption systems to foreign governments.

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Yoda: Biosecurity Myth Destroying Small Farms World-Wide

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The Biosecurity Myth That Is Destroying Small Farming

The biosecurity approach, which standardises and compartmentalises production methods, fails to take account of the risk created by industrial-scale livestock rearing in confined spaces. Large-scale units are presented as the solution to a problem they helped create. While the destruction of nature and wild habitats, often for industrial purposes, has led to the transmission of new viruses, many studies have shown the acceleration of epizootic diseases also owes much to the industrialisation of livestock farming.

Read full article.

Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)

Civil Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military



Click image to go to video

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Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?

Civil Society, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

All my indicators suggest that President Trump will NOT need the insurrection act but firing Mark Esper, as big a pussy as Leon Panetta, was a necessary pre-condition to keeping that option open. The US Marine Corps is ALWAYS available to the President, ALWAYS exempt from Posse Comitatus restrictions. Intelligence readers will remember the USMC protecting the US mail from  thieves. Voting fraud on a massive scale has occurred. Sixteen states will be brought before the US Supreme Court — many of those states will self-police, with legislators demanding state criminal proceedings against Dominion, its local criminal allies, and the criminals behind its designed in criminal fraud — George Soros and “Lord” Mark Malloch Brown.

Below Q graphics from an Alert Reader.

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