Journal: Police Chiefs Get Smart About Citizen Intelligence–As Called for by The Smart Nation Act

Collective Intelligence, Law Enforcement
Citizen Intelligence
Citizen Intelligence

Police chiefs endorse anti-terror community watch


4 October 2009

DENVER — A store clerk's curiosity about why Najibullah Zazi was buying large quantities of beauty supply products indicated that something about the transaction wasn't quite right — and it's an example of the kind of citizen vigilance that can combat terror, a police commander said Saturday.

Phi Beta Iota: This new initiative is precisely as recommended by Congressman Rob Simmons (R-CT-02), then a very active member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, and author of the Foreword to the book, The Smart Nation Act: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest. Included in his vision is a 411 number for calling in suspicious information, and a similar Internet address that delivers the information to the right precinct. Congressman Simmons has always been a decade or more ahead of the government bureaucracy in recognizing the value of first Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), of which he is the only Member pioneer, and then Public Intelligence in the Public Interest, of which is also the sole Member pioneer.

Journal: Intelligence Is A Critical Need

05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Military, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence

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Intelligence Is A Critical Need

To do the job right and win

By Rep. Peter Hoekstra and Rep. John Shadegg

September 25, 2009  Pg. 21

Phi Beta Iota: Despite the fact that Representative Hoekstra is now Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), neither of these two individuals (or their staffs) appear to know what it would take to do proper intelligence in Afghanistan; why their commentary is fifteen years too late; and/or why it is also moot in the absence of a coherent reality-based strategy and the rescinding of the existing rules of engagement that are incapcitating our troops.  Both good men trapped in a bad system, they have no access to ground truth from iconoclasts and are a perfect reprise to the “best and the brightest” on Viet-Nam–brilliantly uninformed.

Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009

09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Reform
Robert Steele
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference

New York City, 13 September 2009, 1400-1430 EST

Planned Remarks for Robert David STEELE Vivas

9/11 discussion was yesterday, it is however central to today’s reflections

9/11 was about predatory economics, failed intelligence, and zero transparency

I only have 30 minutes to speak, but I can stay for an hour after that on the side

I’m going to cover three areas briefly.

First, my take on 9/11, partly as published in my second book, partly new stuff

Second, my take on what is happening right now between Wall Street and Washington

Third, my take on what you can do about it using legal, ethical intelligence sources & methods Continue reading “Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009”

Journal: US Government Still Inept at 183 Languages, 33 of them Core (including 12 distinct dialects of Arabic)

Government, Law Enforcement, Military
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Rowan Scarborough


Originally published 04:45 a.m., August 31, 2009,

EXCLUSIVE: Lack of translators hurts U.S. war on terror

The necessary cadre of U.S. intelligence personnel capable of reading and speaking targeted regional languages such as Pashto, Dari and Urdu “remains essentially nonexistent,” the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence wrote in a rare but stark warning in its 2010 budget report.

Phi Beta Iota: This is, eight years after 9-11 and 21 years after General Al Gray called for redirection toward the Third World in his article “Global Intelligence Challenges in the 1990's,” a failure of leadership in Congress, the White House, and of course within the US IC.  It is also a failure of imagination.  The private sector works in 183 languages–33 of them core languages including 12 distinct dialects of Arabic.  Anybody who thinks they can solve this problem with language training for native Americans who qualify for clearances should not be in a leadership position. And if Leon Panetta thinks “doubling” anything from a base of less than ten is significant, he needs a new staff.  OSS/EIN can solve this problem in under 90 days.  This will not happen because the lack of integrity in this town, combined with the lack of imagination and the lack of accountability, leaves the beltway bandit mafia as the sole beneficiary of the hard-earned taxpayer dollars (and the newly-printed leap of faith dollars).  Our domestic enemies are now a much greater threat to the Republic than any combination of foreign enemies.

Journal: MILNET Flags European Cyber-Gangs Target Small U.S. Firms, Group Says

10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Law Enforcement

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By Brian Krebs

Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Organized cyber-gangs in Eastern Europe are increasingly preying on small and mid-size companies in the United States, setting off a multimillion-dollar online crime wave that has begun to worry the nation's largest financial institutions.

. . . . . . .

In many cases, the advisory warned, the scammers infiltrate companies in a similar fashion: They send a targeted e-mail to the company's controller or treasurer, a message that contains either a virus-laden attachment or a link that — when opened — surreptitiously installs malicious software designed to steal passwords. Armed with those credentials, the crooks then initiate a series of wire transfers, usually in increments of less than $10,000 to avoid banks' anti-money-laundering reporting requirements.

Phi Beta Iota: PNC bank is uinsg tokens generating random numbers that must be entered as part of the log-in, this appears to defeat this particular kind of attack.  The larger lesson is to not have financial transfer capability on any computer linked to the Internet or receiving email–isolate the money box.

Journal: Starting this year, Americans will have to get government approval to travel by air….

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement
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Starting this year, Americans will have to get government approval to travel by air. As Privacy Journal revealed last fall, henceforth “Permission Now Needed to Travel Within U.S.” Getting a reservation and checking-in for air travel will soon require Transportation Security Administration authorization. That permission is by no means assured: For example, if your name matches a “no-fly” list, even mistakenly, you can be denied the right to a reserve a seat on a flight. If your name is on a “selectee” list, you and your possessions will be searched more thoroughly before you can board. What is going on here?

Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment: The USA still does not have a reliable watch list.

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