Mini-Me: Huffington Post Automatically Censoring “False Flag” — ANY Post or Comment with “False Flag” Instantly DELETED

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Idiocy, Media
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


From one of our readers.

I regularly participate in Huffington Post forums, and they have a very sophisticated system of moderation. There are certain words and phrases it won't let through. And I discovered a new one today: false flag.

When my first post was deleted (under the “notifications” tab, which is where moderation seems to be the strictest) I looked at it, because it was a short sentence.

It was clear that the offensive term could only be “false flag,” so I retyped only those two words, and sure enough, they were instantly deleted.

That only happens under the notifications tab. And when it happens, the very instant you hit the reply button it says, “This comment removed.” So apparently I can't used the term “false flag” anymore, at least when I'm under the notifications tab.

Anthony Judge: Questions Authorities Refuse to Answer — Questions that Demand Answers

#OSE Open Source Everything, Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Strategic Implications of 12 Unasked Questions in Response to Disaster

Produced on the occasion of publication of an analysis of What Went Wrong in Afghanistan (Foreign Policy, March/April 2013)
and of investigation of the Boston Marathon bombings (April 2013)

Checklist of questions

1. What questions have not been asked?

2. Is any checklist of questions, asked and unasked, maintained as a source of collective learning?

3. Who ensured that the unasked questions were designed off the table?

4. What agenda is served by not asking particular questions?

5. What pressures are applied to those endeavouring to ask those questions, and what penalties result from asking them?

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Questions Authorities Refuse to Answer — Questions that Demand Answers”

Berto Jongman: Organizing Collaborative Investigative Work

Crowd-Sourcing, Ethics, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

How We All Survived Likely the Largest Collaboration in Journalism History

One of the most frequent questions people ask us these days is “How in the world did you get 86 journalists to work together?” 

Photo: Shutterstock.I can understand their puzzlement. Journalists often compete fiercely to scoop each other. When they get a great tip or a unique document they don’t sit and wonder how they can share it with as many of their colleagues around the world as possible.

Many investigative reporters are classic “lone wolves,” working in isolation and extremely protective of their work.

That’s okay, but it would have been a recipe for disaster in the Offshore Leaks investigation.

What we had in front of us was 2.5 million files involving offshore dealings with links to more than 170 countries and territories. Global data on a truly global issue – business dealings and money flows. It became clear very soon that we could not tackle the job effectively from our Washington office or just with the small team of reporters ICIJ initially recruited to analyze the files.

We needed to open up the game as much as possible without compromising the investigation or the sources. It was a risky approach, but we did not see any other way around it.

Last summer, ICIJ member Nicky Hager and I scrolled down the list of 160 ICIJ journalists in more than 60 countries and began to make some choices. It was one of those moments in which having this network of trusted reporters and relationships we have built overtime made a huge difference.

In countries where we didn’t have a member we sought recommendations and checked out the work of potential collaborators. We did not pick journalists based solely on their media affiliation – we were much more interested in choosing the right people, the real diggers and the most trustworthy colleagues. (See, also, How We Chose Our Offshore Reporting Partners).

Read full story.

Berto Jongman: How ICIJ’s Project Team Analyzed the Offshore Files

Advanced Cyber/IO, Ethics, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

How ICIJ’s Project Team Analyzed the Offshore Files

Key Findings

  • Government officials and their families and associates in Azerbaijan, Russia, Canada, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia and other countries have embraced the use of covert companies and bank accounts.
  • The mega-rich use complex offshore structures to own mansions, yachts, art masterpieces and other assets, gaining tax advantages and anonymity not available to average people.
  • Click on Image to Enlarge
    Click on Image to Enlarge

    Many of the world’s top’s banks – including UBS, Clariden and Deutsche Bank – have aggressively worked to provide their customers with secrecy-cloaked companies in the British Virgin Islands and other offshore hideaways.

  • A well-paid industry of accountants, middlemen and other operatives has helped offshore patrons shroud their identities and business interests, providing shelter in many cases to money laundering or other misconduct.
  • Ponzi schemers and other large-scale fraudsters routinely use offshore havens to pull off their shell games and move their ill-gotten gains.


The major software tools used for the Offshore Project were NUIX of Sydney, Australia, and dtSearch of Bethesda, Md.  NUIX Pty Ltd provided ICIJ with a limited number of licenses to use its fully featured high-end e-discovery software, free of charge. The listed cost for the NUIX software was higher than a non-profit organization like the ICIJ could afford, if the software had not been donated.

Berto Jongman: “Little People” Give Up 130,000 Tax Cheats – Kudos to International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Offshore Leaks: Vast Web of Tax Evasion Exposed

An international network of journalists has obtained some 2.5 million records from tax havens detailing shell companies, offshore accounts and dubious financial deals. The unprecedented leaks include the names of 130,000 people who at one time or other moved their money offshore.

Oligarchs and dictators' daughters apparently have a penchant for bunkering their assets on the British Virgin Islands. Barons and composers, on the other hand, seem to prefer the Cook Islands. To cheat on taxes, they create bogus firms with imaginative names like Tantris, Moon Crystal or Sequoia.

Those are just a few details published this week on a major global system of tax evasion, which sheds new light on the methods used to deceive fiscal authorities and hide money. In what is believed to be the largest data leak in history, anonymous informants have provided an international consortium of journalists with around 2.5 million documents detailing activities in tax havens around the world.

The virtual Everest of data exposes some 120,000 letterbox entities, offshore accounts and other dubious deals in more than 170 countries, in addition to the names of 140,000 individuals alleged to have placed their money in known tax havens. The list includes politicians, celebrities, weapons dealers, oligarchs, financiers and a very diverse cast of characters. It also includes hundreds of Germans. Reporters at the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper noted that the most famous German featured on the list is society playboy Gunter Sachs, best known abroad as Brigitte Bardot's husband for a brief period in the 1960s, who committed suicide in 2011 at the age of 78.

A 15-Month Reporting Project

Read full report with examples.

ICIJ Offshore Page with MANY Stories Rooted in This Investigation

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: “Little People” Give Up 130,000 Tax Cheats – Kudos to International Consortium of Investigative Journalists”

Greg Palast: BP Failure in Gulf Preceded by Identical Failure for Known Reasons in Caspiuan Sea — BP Covered It Up, US Department of State ALSO Covered It Up. Manning and Truth the Enemy, Crime by BP and Treason by State “Not” the Enemy. Say What?

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Greg Palast
Greg Palast

Bradley Manning & The Deepwater Horizon
By Greg Palast for  Vice Magazine
Wednesday, 3. April 2013

Three years ago this month, on the 20th of April, 2010, the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig blew itself to kingdom come.

Soon thereafter, a message came in to our office's chief of investigations, Ms Badpenny, from a person I dare not name, who was floating somewhere in the Caspian Sea along the coast of Baku, Central Asia.

The source was in mortal fear he’d be identified – and with good reason. Once we agreed on a safe method of communication, he revealed this: 17 months before BP’s Deepwater Horizon blew out and exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, another BP rig suffered an identical blow-out in the Caspian Sea.

Crucially, both the Gulf and Caspian Sea blow-outs had the same identical cause: the failure of the cement “plug”.

To prevent blow-outs, drilled wells must be capped with cement. BP insisted on lacing its cement with nitrogen gas – the same stuff used in laughing gas – because it speeds up drying.

Time is money, and mixing some nitrogen gas into the cement saves a lot of money.

However, because BP’s penny-pinching method is so damn dangerous, they are nearly alone in using it in deep, high-pressure offshore wells.

The reason: nitrogen gas can create gaps in the cement, allow methane gas to go up the borehole, fill the drilling platform with explosive gas – and boom, you’re dead.

So, when its Caspian Sea rig blew out in 2008, rather than change its ways, BP simply covered it up.

Our investigators discovered that the company hid the information from its own shareholders, from British regulators and from the US Securities Exchange Commission. The Vice-President of BP USA, David Rainey, withheld the information from the US Senate in a testimony he gave six months before the Gulf deaths. (Rainey was later charged with obstruction of justice on a spill-related matter.)

Britain's Channel 4 agreed to send me to the benighted nation of Azerbaijan, whose waters the earlier BP blow-out occurred in, to locate witnesses who would be willing to talk to me without getting “disappeared”. (They didn’t talk, but they still disappeared.)

And I was arrested. Some rat had tipped off the Security Ministry (the official name of the Department of Torture here in this Islamic Republic of BP). I knew I’d get out quick, because throwing a reporter of Her Majesty’s Empire into a dungeon would embarrass both BP and the Azeri oil-o-crats.

The gendarmes demanded our film, but I wasn’t overly concerned: Before I left London, Badpenny handed me one of those Austin Powers camera-in-pens, on which I’d loaded all I needed. But I did fear for my witnesses left behind in Azerbaijan – and for my source in a tiger cage in the USA: Pvt Bradley Manning.

Manning could have saved their lives

Only after I dove into deep water in Baku did I discover, trolling through the so-called “WikiLeaks” documents, secret State Department cables released by Manning. The information was stunning: the US State Department knew about the BP blow-out in the Caspian and joined in the cover-up.

Continue reading “Greg Palast: BP Failure in Gulf Preceded by Identical Failure for Known Reasons in Caspiuan Sea — BP Covered It Up, US Department of State ALSO Covered It Up. Manning and Truth the Enemy, Crime by BP and Treason by State “Not” the Enemy. Say What?”

Mini-Me: Peeling the Syrian Onion

Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Media, Peace Intelligence
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Tip of the hat to PhD student Junichi Hiramatsu at linked in for the leads.

2013-03-30  WARNING: “Final” Psy-Op Vs. Syria Begins

Out of time, out of legitimacy, and out of options, the West is attempting once again to prop up its faltering terrorist proxies with another psychological operation aimed at breaking the will of the Syrian people, despite the West’s multiplying tactical and political shortcomings.

2013-03-29  Russian President orders Surprise Black Sea Naval Exercise as Diplomatic Ties to West keep Deteriorating

The only thing that could be added to Lukyanov´s statement is, that the Russian Bear probably would be sleeping peacefully in his den if it was not for the fact, that “someone” keeps financing backward Wahhabi mercenary forces, waging a war by proxy, violating all main tenets of international law, and dancing other fatal dances in what the bear perceives as his den.

2013-03-30  International Media and Governments, including Russia, Cover-Up True Reasons for Korea Crisis

Rather than adopting the Chinese model, the DPRK is working on emulating the Vietnamese model for developing a modern market economy and in close cooperation with German advisers. In his new years speech, Kim Yong-Un explained, that the DPRK would open its economy for Asian as well as European partners, including South Korea, Japan and Germany.

2013-03-21  Ben Affleck could be hanged for war crimes: US intelligence expert

In a radio interview Tuesday on the Kevin Barrett Show, Honegger stated that filmmaker Ben Affleck might one day be hanged for war crimes and treason – not only for Argo, which she said is designed to pave the road to war on Iran, but also for his role in the 2001 film Pearl Harbor, an earlier intelligence operation designed to pave the road to the 9/11 “New Pearl Harbor.” According to Honegger, Affleck – like his character in Argo – appears to be a covert operator posing as a filmmaker.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Peeling the Syrian Onion”