Event: 5 Mar 2013 GWU DC Scandal & Silence: When the Watchdog Doesn’t Bark

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Media
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 GW's School of Media and Public Affairs in association with the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC) presents…

Scandal and Silence:
When the Watchdog Doesn't Bark

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
7 p.m.
Jack Morton Auditorium
The George Washington University
801 21st Street NW
Washington, DC 20052

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A Debate and Discussion with Robert Entman, J.B. and M.C. Shapiro Professor of Media and Public Affairs.

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Yoda: Mobile Signal Crisis Only a Crisis of Integrity

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Dark, their force is.

Mobile’s dawning signal crisis

Roland Pease

BBC, 13 February 2013


To understand the scale of the problem, you only need to look at the numbers.

For example, the mobile giant Ericsson has been tracking the growth in mobile traffic for years. But 2009 was a landmark year, according to the firm’s Patrik Cerwall: “That year saw more data traffic than voice traffic over the mobile networks”. And the data traffic has been doubling every year since – far outracing Cooper’s law.

The big accelerator was the smartphone, which suddenly made the data-carrying capacity of 3G networks attractive. “People didn’t really understand the benefit of 3G until the app concept changed everything,” Cerwall elaborates.

Data-hungry video is also driving demand. Networking firm Cisco has just reported video downloads last year crossed the 50% threshold, accounting for half of all data transferred over the mobile networks.

At the moment, there are around 1.1 billion smart phones across the world; by 2018 (the horizon for the Ericsson forecasts) that will treble to 3.3 billion. If you think that in 2012, smartphones represented only 18% of total global handsets, but represented 92% of total global traffic, you begin to see the problem.

And the growth will continue relentlessly, according to the Cisco analysis. In 2012, for example, global mobile data traffic grew 70% from 2011, to 885 petabytes per month – that is 885 million gigabytes of data. And in the next five years, it is expected to increase 13-fold, eventually reaching 11.2 exabytes (11, 200 million gigabytes) per month by 2017, according to Cisco.

Read full article.

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NIGHTWATCH: Democracy and Its Enemies — Comment by Robert Steele

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Media, Military

tunesia motherTunisia: Media sources reported an agreement is imminent on a new national unity government for Tunisia to settle the political crisis following the murder of a prominent opposition politician last week. Rachid Ghannouchi, leader of the Islamist Ennahda Movement, said that a new government is expected to be announced in two or three days.

Comment: Democracy should have come more easily to Tunisia than to almost all other Arab states because of its tradition of secular, cosmopolitan tolerance. The Islamists, even so-called moderates, have overreached here as in Egypt. Tunisian cities do not seem as unstable as Egyptian cities, but Islamist governments in both states have shown no ability to improve economic conditions.

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DefDog: Was Petraus Bombed By a Zionist Bimbo Honey Trap? + Broadwell RECAP

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media, Military

The article reads as if JSOG and CIA were having a fight and JSOG wanted Petraeus gone.  That is not consistent with other reports that suggest that JSOG is not happy with CIA at the operational and analytic levels, and it also does not fully address the much higher probability that Broadwell, who is Jewish, was a straight-up honey trap from the Zionists/Mossad.  Has anyone tracked the money that put Broadwell on scholarship into JFK for her “chance encounter” with Petraeus that she artfully managed to turn into both a bankable affair and direct access to Arab private meetings with Petraeus?

Was General David Petraeus Targeted for Take-down by the Military?

New documents reveal that there's far more to the Petraeus sex scandal than meets the eye.

Douglas Lucas and Russ Baker

WhoWhatWhy, 5 February 2013

Paul Broadwell Before Going Under Covers
Paul Broadwell Before Going Under Cover


Among other revelations the documents show that:

-Petraeus was suspected of having an extramarital affair nearly two years earlier than previously known.

-Petraeus’s affair was known to foreign interests with a stake in a raging policy and turf battle in which Petraeus was an active party.

-Those providing the “official” narrative of the affair—and an analysis of why it led to the unprecedented removal of America’s top spymaster— have been less than candid with the American people.

. . . . . . . .

General David Petraeus’s headlong fall from grace cannot be dismissed as the denouement of yet another peccadillo in an unforgiving moral climate. The plot is thicker than that—perhaps as thick as the often-unnamed heart of the story: oil.

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BREAKING NEWS: US Government Assassinated Martin Luther King (Trial Is Over — 13 Years Ago — But Now People Are Starting To Understand — BEFORE 1 Black Man with a Voice NOW All of Us Who Dissent) + USG Assassination RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

From Moment of Clarity.  IMPASSIONED 4:55.  Strongly recommended.

Published on Feb 4, 2013

Owl: US Pedophilia at Highest Levels — Catholic Archbishops as the Enablers — While FBI Turns a Blind Eye and Satanic Protestant Elite Syphon Kids from Child Protective Agencies with Insider Help

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

A very high-level protector of priest pederasts, Cardinal Mahoney of the LA diocese, is being kicked out of his job: “Archbishop Jose Gomez said he had stripped his predecessor, the retired cardinal Roger Mahony, of all public and administrative duties.” More details here:

Catholic cardinal stripped of duties as LA diocese child abuse files released

Boing-Boing said: “The Archdiocese this week…removed Cardinal Roger Mahony from his duties, for his role in enabling and keeping quiet the methodical and widespread molestation. The removal is “unprecedented,” but many victims and advocates believe Mahony deserves greater punishment. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Curry, who helped Mahony hide abusers from police in the eighties, has resigned his post as regional bishop in Santa Barbara, California.”

More significantly, 12,000 pages of files have been released by the diocese to the public “more than a week after church records relating to 14 priests were unsealed as part of a separate civil suit, showing that church officials plotted to conceal the abuse from law enforcement agencies as late as 1987.”

To access the released files, click at end of sentence, then scroll down the page to the section labeled “Clergy Personnel Files”,  and a list of names appears which link to the file of the named individual perpetrator priest:

Access Released Files

Most of the files are variously redacted, and many of the molesters have since died, but the files still offer some gruesome reading, given the victims were children and their molesters Roman Catholic priests.

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Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?



2012-03-07  Lyndon Johnson was bisexual and he had sex with his grandmother – Ray Hill read LBJ's sexual history interview at the Kinsey Institute in the mid 1960's

2012-10-16  Madeleine Brown, LBJ & Driskill Hotel – 12/31/63

2012-01-28  Bibliography of 1000 Books to read on the JFK Assassination, aka 1963 Coup d'Etat

2010-12-23  The LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK

Gen. Edward Lansdale, the CIA's expert on coups and assassinations, was identified onsite at Dealey Plaza by Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen. Victor Krulak both who worked closely with Lansdale. Lansdale was photographed 5 feet west of the Texas School Book Depository in one of the famous “3 tramps” photographs. I think it is a near certainty that Lansdale, the CIA's expert on coups and assassinations, was in Dallas to organize the JFK assassination. Lansdale had run the Operation Mongoose covert operations against Castro for the Kennedys – an experience that Lansdale found to be extremely frustrating.

Oliver North, who was being run by GHW Bush, was a great admirer of Gen. Lansdale and even described himself in the 1980's as being “Landalized.” There is also a picture of Ed Lansdale with Oliver North in the 1980's. Edward Lansdale and Oliver North specialized in covert operations and unaccountable shadow government actions.

The midlevel murderers (including field operations) of JFK would include CIA guys like, James Angleton, David Atlee Phillips, David Morales, Carl E. Jenkins, Rafael Quintero, William King Harvey, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, Bernardo De Torres, Richard Helms and perhaps Cord Meyer. Deputy Harry Weatherford is a good candidate to have been on the Records Building as a sniper. Influential mobster Johnny Roselli was especially close friends with the CIA’s William King Harvey, a rabid Kennedy hater. The most likely mafia godfathers involved would be Carlos Marcello and Santo Trafficante, particularly in Jack Ruby's murder of Oswald and perhaps in the JFK Assassination as well and other murders in the post assassination cover up.

2011-07-31  Video Interviews with LBJ Mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown

2010-07-09  “George Reedy, longtime LBJ insider, on what a narcissist, sadist, bully & lout Lyndon Johnson was.”

1983-11-22  The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al”