COUNTER-PROOFS: Global Warming Flood & Fraud

03 Environmental Degradation, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
Chuck Spinney Recommends....

The flooding in Australia is almost certainly related to the latest ongoing La Nina episode.

What was the role of warmists in the Queensland flood disaster?

Australia was told to prepare for droughts as a result of climate change, and let down its guard against flooding, writes Christopher Booker

Full article….

See Also:

The ‘anomalies’ of Dr Rajendra Pachauri’s charity accounts

Why did the Charities Commission let the European wing of Rajendra Pachauri's empire get away with such poor accounting, asks Christopher Booker.

Full article…

Journal: UN IPCC, Al Gore, & Big Doubts [Links]

First Interactive Graphic Novel for iPad is about CIA’s involvement in Iran (1979)

04 Education, Corruption, Government, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Misinformation & Propaganda, Mobile, Open Government, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Technologies

Operation Ajax tells the true story of the CIA’s involvement in the Middle East and the roots of the modern American conflict with Iran.

Experience history through the eyes of a nameless protagonist, whose identity was redacted from declassified CIA records, as he recalls the dramatic and real events he was involved in with heads of state, covert agents, and underground political activists.

Inspired by the investigative journalism of best-selling author Stephen Kinzer and his work “All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror“, Operation Ajax is an original story.

Operation Ajax is the first nonfiction narrative that takes you into a new immersive graphic entertainment experience, designed for the iPad from the ground up. It was debuted at Event: 18 Jan, NYC Society for Ethical Culture – Iran Hostage Crisis 30th Anniversary Meets WikiLeaks – All-Star Panel

ON THE RECORD: Douglas Holtz-Eakin


Douglas Holtz-Eakin is the former Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in the 2003-2005 timeframe, coincident with the term of David Walker, Comptroller General at the General Accountability Office.

Just now Douglas Holtz-Eakin made two statements on the record on television:

1)  CBO is required by law to accept all assumptions directed by Congress.  This includes blatantly false and totally unjustified assumptions about future circumstances.

2)  The Obama Health Care bill is “the greatest money grab in history,” seeking to loot the young and leave them with a future debt they cannot handle.

This is the kind of truth the public has a right to expect from the President and his staff.  Evidently not.


01 Agriculture, 02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Methods & Process

A project of Americans for Free and Fair Trade

Dear Citizen:

Barack Obama is pushing a NAFTA-Style Korea Free Trade agreement that would undermine America's sovereignty, laws and economy. This deal would:

  • Allow foreign corporations to drag the U.S. before U.N. and World Bank tribunals to enforce special trade privileges and to demand compensations from the U.S. Treasury.
  • Undermine states rights with hundreds of state laws and regulations subject to review and alteration.
  • Kill almost 160,000 jobs in the U.S.

Six things you can do right now:

1.    Add your organization's name to our coalition letter (attached)
2.    Ask your members to sign our petition
3.    Add this widget to your homepage and e-communications
4.    “Like” on Facebook
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6.    Learn more. FAQ's

Thank you for your commitment to authentic free trade!

Joseph McCormick
Americans for Free and Fair Trade
Project Site:
Phone: 541.531.0530

Frequently Asked Questions (Link)

Below the Line: Top Ten Reasons KORUS is Not Free or Fair Trade

Continue reading “WASHINGTON RULES: US-Korea-China-NK NAFTA”

WASHINGTON RULES: The Revolving Door Continues

07 Other Atrocities, Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Methods & Process, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Policies, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Chuck Spinney Recommends....

… in the Hall of Mirrors that is Versailles on the Potomac

ps … good report, notwithstanding the fact that Politico is one of those slimy publications that thrives on the bottom-feeding cocktail circuit of Washington, which is funded by … who?

Obama administration's revolving door

By: Kenneth P. Vogel, Politico

January 18, 2011 04:43 AM EST

Candidate Barack Obama repeatedly pledged on the campaign trail that working in his administration would not be “about serving your former employer, your future employer or your bank account.”

But with his administration at its midpoint, a traditional time for personnel turnover, it’s clear that despite Obama’s avowals, a longtime truism of Washington life — that a prestigious-sounding administration post can be a lucrative career enhancer — remains unchanged.

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Tunesia & USA Politics

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests

Phi Beta Iota: If one reads the Winner Take All Politics book review by Retired Reader first, and then the analytic comments here, one is struck by the raw nearly identical nature of the corrupt politicians and the dysfunctional political system.  Third World America, indeed.

Tunisia: Politics. The Speaker of the Parliament is the new temporary President of Tunisia, in accord with the constitutional succession and as announced by Prime Minister Ghannouchi two days ago.

Local television broadcast on 17 January the formation of the new government — the national unity government. The cabinet includes the defense, finance and foreign ministers when Ben Ali was president. Three leaders of opposition parties are included in the cabinet for the first time.

Prime Minister Ghannouchi created three high-level panels, for political reform, to investigate the recent violence and to investigate reform. He also ordered political prisoners released.


Some gun shots were fired on the 17th but the worst of the fighting occurred over the weekend when Army soldiers and armed citizen groups fought gun battles with Presidential guards from the Ben Ali regime.

The government announced that 78 people died in the past week of violence.

About 1,000 protesters who assembled near the Interior Ministry called for the ruling party to relinquish power. News services reported the protesters chanted: “Out with the RCD!” and “Out with the Party of the Dictatorship!”

Comment: The government appears to be in transition from a strong presidency to a government led by parliament. The Prime Minister, not the temporary president, is leading the political metamorphosis. The announcement of a unit government has quieted conditions in Tunis, by most accounts, but its adequacy and genuineness are questionable.

The uprising was not fundamentally political and not a challenge to authority, until the government made it such. The demonstrations primarily were about economic conditions – the price and availability of food, according to contacts in Tunis, and unemployment, according to the international press. As yet the new government has made no statements about its plan to tackle either.

In other words, the mismatch between public grievances and government remedies portends more unrest that may yet usher in a revolution – a change of government system not just a change in the head of government. At this point no revolution has occurred. The leaders of the pre-existing regime are maintaining themselves in office and that looks like political deception. [Emphasis Added.]

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH Extract: Tunesia & USA Politics”