DefDog: “Big Data” poses big problem for Pentagon

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military

Deja vu — couldn't handle it in the 1980's and 1990's either….and those were baby loads.

‘Big data’ poses big problem for Pentagon

by Mike Hoffman

Defense Tech, February 20, 2013

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Data scientists are the most in demand job for the military, according to Reggie Brothers, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Research.

The military has a problem with “big data” — the problem being that it collects too much of it. The infatuation with unmanned vehicles and the sensors mounted onto them has spurred a wave of data collected on the battlefield.

Using that data has caused military leaders headaches. Brothers said here at the Association of the U.S. Army’s Winter Symposium on Wednesday that the Army and the other services have placed their focus on PED, or processing, exploitation, and dissemination.

He used the ARGUS-IS as an example of the major advances being made in the world of intelligence sensors. The ARGUS-IS can stream up to a million terabytes of data and record 5,000 hours of high definition footage per day. It can do this with the 1.8 gigapixel camera and 368 different sensors all housed in the ARGUS-IS sensor that can fly on an MQ-9 Reaper.

Read full article.

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Reference: Top-Notch Report on Chinese Exploitation of US Idiocy & Incompetence

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

2013 Mandiant_PRC Cyber APT1_Report

Phi Beta Iota:  The naive and the unscrupulous emphasis external threats and internal vulnerabilities while glossing over the FACT that this threat was clearly articulated by Winn Schwartau, among others, in 1990, and clearly articulated, in a letter delivered in 1994 to Marty Harris at the National Information Infratructure (NII) reporting to Al Gore, that put together in one place the best possible starting point for securing the entire US cyber-infrastructure with a starting budget of $1 billion a year.

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Eagle: 1989 Trading Cards — 36 Friendly Dictators “Best Pals” of the US Government Acting In Our Name

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Friendly Dictators

Back in 1989 Bill Sienkiewicz illustrated a deck of cards designed to bring to light some of the sleazier folks that the U.S. government had done deals with. The text on each card was written by Dennis Bernstein and Laura Sydell. I wish there was an updated version covering the last 17 years, but in the meantime I’ve prepared a giant post with the images and text from the pack of cards. (This is an egregious copyright violation, but since these cards have been out of print for more than 15 years, I’m hoping no one will call me on it. If they did, I would–of course–take this down.) This will be a very image-intensive post–as usual, the little pictures are links to the bigger versions.

friendly dictatorsHere’s the cover from the box:

And this is the “about the creators” text (looking at the current bios for the creators, there has been some interesting career progression since they did this):

DENNIS BERNSTEIN is the Executive Producer of “Undercurrents,” heard daily on WBAI in New York, and nationally on the Pacifica Radio Network. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Village Voice, New York Newsday, Spin Magazine, In These Times, Extra!, and others.

LAURA SYDELL has a law degree and is a phi beta kappa graduate of William Smith College. She has reported for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered”, “Crossroads”, and for the Pacifica Radio Network.

BILL SIENKIEWICZ’s work in Brought to Light has garnered rave reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, The American Library Association Booklist, and The Village Voice. His award-winning artwork can be seen in such comics as Moon Knight, Elektra Assassin, Stray Toasters, and Real War Stories.

And now, the cards themselves:

See 36 color cards with full text.

Continue reading “Eagle: 1989 Trading Cards — 36 Friendly Dictators “Best Pals” of the US Government Acting In Our Name”

Gold Transformer: Secret Service Disarms Marines, Russian Bombers Circle Guam — The Lunacy Continues

Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, Military
Gold Transformer
Gold Transformer

These two pieces go well together.

Marines Were Disarmed for President Obama's Second Inaugural Parade

He's gutted their healthcare, plans to cut their pay and apparently, doesn't trust them either. David Codrea over at Gun Rights Examiner points out that Marines marching in President Obama's second inaugural parade recently were caring rifles without bolts, meaning they were removed.

Read full story with video and photo.

Russia delivers a message for post-superpower America as sequestration defense cuts loom

guamTwo Russian nuclear-armed bombers circled the western Pacific island of Guam this week in the latest sign of Moscow's growing strategic assertiveness toward the United States.  The Russian Tu-95 Bear-H strategic bombers were equipped with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and were followed by U.S. jets as they circumnavigated Guam on Feb. 12 local time-hours before President Barack Obama's state of the union address.

Phi Beta Iota:  The Marines should have refused to decommission their weapons and refused to march.  This is a classic example of silence and complacency replacing integrity at multiple levels.  Shades of Third World dictatorships and the “Palace Guard.”As for the Russians, they are stupid, so we put this down to perestoika's revenge — they want the lunatic right and the military-industrial complex to continue death-spiral spending.  A clever analyst would conclude that the Russians are vastly amused by the “pivot” to Asia and sick with laughter over how incoherent and inept US governance is, both at home and abroad.

Berto Jongman: CIA and the 1953 Coup in Iran

05 Iran, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Our Man in Iran

How the CIA and MI6 installed the Shah

Leon Hadar | February 16, 2013

The Coup: 1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations, by Ervand Abrahamian, The New Press, 277 pages, $26.95.

Both the critics and the admirers of the Central Intelligence Agency have tended to portray it as an all-knowing, all-powerful, invulnerable entity and to exaggerate the ability of America's spies to determine the outcome of developments around the world. An American reporter interviewing an ordinary citizen—or an official—in Cairo, Buenos Aires, or Seoul may hear that “everyone knows” that the CIA was behind the latest rise in the price of vegetables or the recent outbreak of flu among high-school kids. It’s like you Americans aren't aware of what's obvious (wink, wink).

New histories of the agency, drawing on recently released classified information and memoirs by retired spies, provide a more complex picture of the CIA, its effectiveness, and its overall power, suggesting that at times Langley was manned not by James Bond clones but by a bunch of keystone cops. My favorite clandestine CIA operation, recounted in Tim Weiner's Legacy of Ashes, involves its 1994 surveillance of the newly appointed American ambassador to Guatemala, Marilyn McAfee. When the agency bugged her bedroom, it picked up sounds that led agents to conclude that the ambassador was having a lesbian love affair with her secretary. Actually, she was petting her two-year-old black standard poodle.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: CIA and the 1953 Coup in Iran”

Owl: Sixteen Stabs in the Heart for USA — All From Concentrated Wealth — Single Most Common Cause of Revolution…

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

America faces more than a dozen deadlines, all caused by billionaires and wealth transfer

Gaius Pblius

AmericaBlog, 12 February 2013

I’ve identified 16 of these game-over situations facing America today, situations from which there is the possibility of no recovery — not the certainty, but the possibility. As I was working on that article though, looking especially what it would take to reverse each trend, I realized it’s really only one story writ 16 times on 16 separate canvasses.

That story? The song of the predator class, the rich and the rest — “All your money are belong to us.

It’s the story, in other words, of worldwide billionaires and the one thing they’re doing — monomaniacly making money while telling each other tales of their Randian goodness.

America’s 16 deadlines

As I said, I see 16 individual, though interlinked, processes in the country today that have potential game-over, irreversible end-points. You may think there are more, or you may think some could be merged, but I think that’s tweakage, “in the noise,” not a useful distinction. For our purposes, this list is good enough.

Here they are, numbered in no particular order, but grouped:

Continue reading “Owl: Sixteen Stabs in the Heart for USA — All From Concentrated Wealth — Single Most Common Cause of Revolution…”