Fred Burks: 9/11 Information Center

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

9/11 Information Center

See Also:

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

Paul Craig Roberts: False Flag – The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Paul Craig Roberts

The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin

All available evidence points to the CIA and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, with the cooperation of the Secret Service, as the murderers of President Kennedy.  Fifty-six years after the murder of President Kennedy, the US government still refuses to release the documents that would prove what really happened.  Clearly, the truth is being hidden.

American democracy is dysfunctional, because the people live in the false reality of controlled explanations. Americans have no idea of what really is going on, and increasingly seem not to care.

Continue reading “Paul Craig Roberts: False Flag – The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin”

Ed Jewett: Joseph Farrell on Sailor Suicides in Context of Electromagnetic (Fatal) Soup – 5G Connection

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Officers Call


“… unintended emotional and mental consequences of working in an environment where crew are basically immersed in an electromagnetic soup”

“thermal heating in biological tissue when working around newer radar and communications systems.”

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Joseph Farrell on Sailor Suicides in Context of Electromagnetic (Fatal) Soup – 5G Connection”

SPECIAL DefDog: Despite Known Hoax by 4Chan, ADL Declares A-OK Symbol a White Supremacist Sign Zionist Strike #50

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Non-Governmental, Officers Call

UPDATE 1B: This is just too funny. As much as we despise the ADL and believe its leaders should be put behind bars as terrorists and subversives, an Alert Reader has pointed out that the ADL has been hoaxed. Here’s the story from the ADL itself — despite this, they believe they have the right to declare a long-standing symbol of generic approval to be a white supremacist sign.  This is beyond idiocy to cyber-stalking, which is a federal felony.

Continue reading “SPECIAL DefDog: Despite Known Hoax by 4Chan, ADL Declares A-OK Symbol a White Supremacist Sign Zionist Strike #50”

SPECIAL: Eco-Terrorism Zombie? UPDATE 9: Wrong!

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Non-Governmental, Officers Call

Phi Beta Iota: Below is the negative half of our earlier post, now exclusively dedicated to SPECIAL: UN Trump Triumph for Peace. This avoids tainting the more positive piece with what is surely the single greatest piece of bullshit theater since the daughter of the Ambassador of Kuwait was coached by Hill & Knowlton to lie to Congress, on TV, about Iraqi soliders ripping babies out of incubators and throwing them against the wall (she was in a posh District of Columbia home and school throughout).  Whoever arranged for this mind-controlled child to appear at the UN should be investigated, indicted, tried, convicted, and put in jail or at least expelled from the USA.

And now to the mind-controlled zombie child.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Eco-Terrorism Zombie? UPDATE 9: Wrong!”

Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 49 — Forcing Zionist Lies into Academic Programs

04 Education, 08 Wild Cards, Academia, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

I've had it with the Zionists, and I am delighted to see that Miriam Adelson and most Jews have also had it with criminal Benjamin Netanyahu and his “crazy” wife.

The power of Zionist Israel in the USA is OUT OF CONTROL and it is clear to me that if the President means to win the Mother of All Landslides, he has do do three things: defend the Constitution, expel the Zionist parasite, and pass #UNRIG to give ALL voters full voice.

This is Zionist Strike #49, counting only the major strikes since the USS Liberty, flying the US flag, was brutally attacked by Zionist pilots recorded by NSA as saying a) it is flying the US flag and b) fuck the bitch, kill her.

The below essay by Gilad Atzmon is a most valuable public service.

On the liberty to teach, pursue, and discuss knowledge without restriction

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 49 — Forcing Zionist Lies into Academic Programs”

Gordon Duff: Israel Took Out Saudi Refinery with Stealth F-35 Strike Using Drones as Cover? UPDATE 1: Completely Faked Attack?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Wild Cards, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

NEO – The Strange Case of the Burning Saudi Refineries

It doesn’t benefit Iran.  This would be a direct attack on Saudi Arabia and Iran has been winning the political war, not just with the UAE but Russia and the EU as well along with continued support from China. Iran had no reason to attack.

F35 is only useful against targets that are vulnerable to smaller weapons, targets like oil refineries. This proves capability. I think we have more than proven Israel’s motivation and timing.  Read full article.


Israel stages F35 Saudi attack after Putin’s smackdown of Netanyahu over Syria


Veterans Today: Was Saudi Attack Completely Faked?