Joachim Hagoplan: The “White House Coup – Syria as a Bay of Pigs Moment, Treason Most Foul From Within

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call

Inside the “Et Tu Brute” White House Coup

The administration’s overnight switcheroo on Syria from accepting Assad as the Syrian leader to calling for his ouster has everything to do with Stephen Bannon suddenly being demoted and pushed out of the National Security Council (NSC) while the recent ascent of the faction opposing Bannon is being led by both the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump as her father’s “personal” advisor and her husband Jared Kushner as Trump’s “senior advisor.”

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Gareth Porter: US Supports Saudi Starvation of Yemen

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Gareth Porter

The US Provided Cover for the Saudi Starvation Strategy in Yemen

As Yemen's population has teetered on the brink of mass starvation in recent months, the United States has played a crucial role in enabling the Saudi strategy responsible for that potential humanitarian catastrophe.

Both the Obama and Trump administrations have prioritized the US's alliance with the Saudis and their Gulf allies over the lives of hundreds of thousands of Yemenis under imminent threat of starvation.

Phi Beta Iota: The Trump Administration continues to place Israel and Saudi Arabia First, breaking all promises from the campaign.

Antechinus: Russians Slam US Version of Syrian Chemical Weapons Event — Will John McCain, John Brennan, and Herbert McMaster be Held Accountable (with Saudi Arabia and Israel)?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call

Russian Foreign Ministry Slams Western Version Of Syrian Chemical Weapons Issue

The Russian Federation has invariably held the unequivocal and straightforward position that any use of chemical weapons by anyone is absolutely unacceptable under any circumstances, and those responsible for such crimes must be held accountable.


Continue reading “Antechinus: Russians Slam US Version of Syrian Chemical Weapons Event — Will John McCain, John Brennan, and Herbert McMaster be Held Accountable (with Saudi Arabia and Israel)?”

Rand Paul: Trump Needs Congressional Authorization to Wage War on Syria [Impeachable Act?]

04 Inter-State Conflict, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Rand Paul

Rand Paul: Trump needs Congress to authorize military action in Syria

“The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate,” Paul said. “Our prior interventions in this region have done nothing to make us safer, and Syria will be no different.”

Jan Oberg: Syria Atrocity — How Could They Be So Sure? French & CIA White Helmets are the Sources — Totally Compromised!

05 Iran, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Jan Oberg

TFF Live: US bombing Syria – How could they be so sure?

Phi Beta Iota: This latest chemical incident is in our view a false flag and our legitimate president is being lied to by our illegitimate secret intelligence community.  Our President, our White House, our Congress, and our secret intelligence community as well as the complicit media, are all in enemy hands. The name of that enemy: the Deep State. The US has no right to do anything in Syria. The time to close down NSA and suspect CIA operations world-wide — turn off the money — has come.

Continue reading “Jan Oberg: Syria Atrocity — How Could They Be So Sure? French & CIA White Helmets are the Sources — Totally Compromised!”

Mongoose: Trump Baits the Trap on NATO – Pay Up….or Else…

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Tillerson sets NATO allies 2-month “goal” on spending

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned NATO allies Friday to boost defense spending or come up with plans to reach the alliance’s budget guidelines within two months.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said it would be “unrealistic” for his country to hike spending from 35 billion euros ($37 billion) a year to over 70 billion euros, which would see Berlin allocate more to defense than Russia currently.

Tillerson did not say what would happen if European allies and Canada fail to respect their pledges.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Trump Baits the Trap on NATO – Pay Up….or Else…”

Owl: Child Abduction Teams Widespread

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Who? Who?

Child abduction teams — generally a snatch couple, a look-out, and a driver — are widespread. Selling children to pedophiles is big business — as big as illicit drugs and more profitable than prostitution. The FBI and US law enforcement are turning a blind eye to this national disgrace, and not doing all they can do to stop human trafficking generally and trafficking in small children specifically.

How To Protect Your Children From The Human Traffickers And Sexual Perverts That Are Lurking At Your Favorite Retail Stores

One Mother’s Chilling Close Encounter With A Team Of Child Abductors That People Can’t Stop Talking About

‘Veterans for Child Rescue’: Ex-Navy Seal Launches Operation to Expose Pedophiles

Continue reading “Owl: Child Abduction Teams Widespread”