Berto Jongman: Hillary Clinton Proven Traitor — the Killer Email Showing She Helped Create ISIS in Partnership with Saudi Arabia and Qatar

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Officers Call, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, True Cost
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined…

Today Wikileaks released what is, by far, the most devastating leak of the entire campaign.  This makes Trump’s dirty talk video looks like an episode of Barney and Friends. Even though when Trump called Hillary the ‘founder’ of ISIS he was telling the truth and 100% accurate, the media has never stopped ripping him apart over it. Today the media is forced to eat their hats because the newest batch of leaked emails show Hillary, in her own words, admitting to doing just that, funding and running ISIS.

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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Inspect & Train

#Events, Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Handbook Elements, InfoOps (IO), Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Sources, Standards, Strategy, Teaching, Threats
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

Nobody, anywhere, is doing Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) “right.” There are some nodes where exceptional achievements are the norm in isolation, but by and large, what various governments and corporations are doing and calling “OSINT” is nothing more than very wasteful largely useless Open Source Information (OSIF).  At the same time, no consumer is doing Collection Requirements and Evaluation (CRE) and no consumer is holding the secret intelligence world — in any country — accountable for being very expensive and often useless — 4% “at best” of what the Commanding General at US Central Command needed while fighting two wars and 12 Joint Task Forces.

It's time we evolve the craft of intelligence, as I have been advocating for 25 years. I wrote the original OSINT Handbooks for DIA, NATO, and SOF, and am writing a new comprehensive OSINT Handbook for release at my new conference at the McLean Hilton 4-6 December 2017.

Some may have noticed that there is a major programmatic re-evaluation of all OSINT contracts underway. My initial impression is that many option years are at risk, particularly those where management is simply not paying attention and does not understand how unhappy the COTRs are. For a simple flat fee paid in advance I will come in and evaluate any OSINT node in one day, and provide a diagnostic of what's missing and what needs to be fixed to radically reduce risk of the option year not being taken.

Individuals hired as linguists who have no college education and limited experience with digital tools are particularly at risk. The government no longer has the luxury of throwing money around and accepting people because of their language but incapable of understanding a product requirement, designing a research plan, carrying out the research in accordance with the US Army (and other) Open Source Intelligence Handbook precepts, and presenting a finished OSINT product that can be moved into the cloud for sharing with multinational and inter-agency partners.

The US Army, the Special Operations Command, and other elements of the US Government are at the beginning of a complete OSINT program review and program build. In my view, roughly two-thirds of what is being done under CIA precepts that handicap everybody (at the same time that CIA fails to perform effectively in OSINT) should be eliminated, with the savings applied to a completely independent OSINT program funded and owned by DoD but managed in the context of the D3* Innovation Initiative favored by the Secretary of Defense.

As a non-profit educator who is not in competition with any vendor, I am also offering tailored OSINT training that can integrate multiple experts — I have funded over 800 of them over time — in a manner no one else can replicate. Training can be as short as one day and as long as two weeks inclusive of practical exercises on all fronts. Training can be followed with a term of OSINT Help Desk support. This is a contract saver. It can also be used to prep new hires at a cost roughly one tenth the costs of longer programs that teach a great deal that will not be useful and will be quickly forgotten. Think in terms of a $2,500 prep cost versus $10K and up.

The certificate generally reads:

Has completed N hours of virtual online training and N hours of classroom training for a total of NN hours training in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) support to All-Source Analytics (inclusive of foreign language social media and subject matter expert exploitation utilizing Operations Security (OPSEC) best practices).

The specific methods, tools, official websites, and core references comprising the OSINT Binder are listed. Generally it is the process of OSINT production — including OPSEC — that the individuals have not mastered, the tools are less important — when the client is serious about specific tools they will issue userids and give the contractor analysts a deadline for completing the excellent online training programs that have been paid for as part of the tool purchase agreement.

The other big change in the OSINT world is that most foreign military and law enforcement agencies are finally ramping up their investments in OSINT — EUROPOL just called for all European countries to increase their investments, foreign special operations forces are jumping into this in a big way (and not trusting CIA at all — CIA has lost all credibility in the OSINT arena — its prohibition of overt human contacts by established OSINT cells is criminally insane and mocked by those who see the idiocy of this prohibition). Discussion of a multinational inter-agency intelligence network that is not funded or controlled by the USA has begun. The Chinese, Iranians, and Russian as well as the Turks appear to be seeing that OSINT is the next frontier in Information Operations — not disinformation, but the truth placed before the public, with lies by governments immediately exposed using multi-sourced OSINT. The short-comings of online search are being understood — 80% or more of what we need to know is not secret, not online, not in English, and not accessible without a human path.

I will say for the record that if CIA ever wanted my help, I would gladly assist them.  My mistake these past 25 years has been in assuming that CIA might actually be interested in getting it right, I was naive. My focus now is on teaching anyone who wishes to achieve intelligence with integrity by leveraging both Passive OSINT and Active OSINT as well as Black OSINT and Multinational (MNO) OSINT. I see the military as the hub for creating Smart Nations, and foreign militaries working with their own other “tribes” and especially law enforcement, as the center of gravity for the next 25 years.

Contact Robert Steele

Starting Points for Reflection

2017 Robert Steele: OSINT Done Right

Open Source Everything for the 21st Century – Handbook

Robert Steele: Open Source (Technologies) Agency

Del Spurlock: Army Recruits Arrive Knowing Less

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Military, Officers Call
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.
Delbert J. Spurlock Jr.

Susanne M. Schafer of Associated Press offers a useful perspective on how Army recruits are changing and how the Army is changing to accommodate lower levels of knowledge about what used to be “basic.”

Fewer orders, more coaching: Army rookies learn to fire guns

As gun ownership drops among young Americans and the Army trains a generation more accustomed to blasting out emojis on cellphones than taking aim at targets, drill sergeants are confronting a new challenge: More than half of raw recruits have never held, let alone fired, a weapon.

Phi Beta Iota: Apart from only 1% of youth being eligible for the Army because the other 99% suffer from a broad range of disqualifying conditions including obesity, now we are realizing that new Army recruits simply don't know what past generations knew. A fresh look is needed at the relationship between the Army, education, and society. There may be roles for the Boy Scouts of America and the National Rifle Association — we have lost our foundation for a strong Army.

9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 9/11 research, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
9/11 Time to Indict Dick Cheney
9/11 by Dick Cheney

Phi Beta Iota: It is not possible to be a fully effective professional if you are not able to question official narratives and blatant lies told by official personalities. It is now known that Dick Cheney “took over” the 9/11 plot hatched by the Zionist government of Israel (not to be confused with the sane loyal Jews everywhere including Israel).

It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria, while at the same time extending the military-industrial complex to create a police state that is no longer focused on community needs or peace but rather on mass surveillance, and spending as much money as possible to no good end.

Additional commentary and a structured index of 9/11 coverage by multiple contributing editors are provided below the fold. Here are the categories for the many links below:

  • Top-Level Overviews
  • 9/11 An Inside Job?
  • 9/11 and Gold War Against Russia + Insider Trading
  • 9/11 and Zionist Israel (Absolving All Jews)
  • Saudis Did Not Do 9/11 (and the Last Bin Laden Was a Fake)
  • 9/11 Truth Movement / 9/11 as Wake-Up Call for Public?
  • 9/11 Repression of Truth Movement — Denial, Fear, Lies & Murder
  • Aftermath of 9/11 – Endless War & True Cost
  • Aftermath of 9/11 – False Flags as Routine

Continue reading “9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota”

Jon Rappoport: CDC Police State – Sneeze and You Can Be Jailed Without Due Process Protection

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

The CDC medical police state: the right to detain anyone

The new proposed CDC regulations are contained in the Federal Register dated August 15, 2016, under the heading, “Control of Communicable Diseases—Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.”

Reading between the lines, the stark message is: any person in the US suspected of carrying a serious communicable disease, even if his disease is in an “invisible” stage, can be detained, isolated, quarantined, and medically treated (e.g., forcibly vaccinated). Upon conditional release, the person can be monitored, and this can involve wearing electronic tracking devices.