Mini-Me: TheyRule Web Site Back Online

02 China, 03 Economy, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Who? Mini-Me?

They were online many years ago, then gone, now back.

They Rule – Facts & Charts

See Also:

Who Rules the World

How the Crown Rules the World

Who is the ‘Goldman Sachs rules the world' trader?

Review: Gods of Money – Wall Street and the Death of the American Century

Review: Griftopia–Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up!

Mini-Me: From Arab Spring to Death of the US Empire

02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Analysis, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Movies, Policy, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Strategy
Who? Mini-Me?

‘Arab Spring is about controlling Eurasia'

Includes Video (12:04)

The ultimate goal of the US is to take the resources of Africa and Middle East under military control to block economic growth in China and Russia, thus taking the whole of Eurasia under control, author and historian William F. Engdahl reveals.

­The crisis with the US economy and the dollar system, the conduct of the US foreign policy is all a part of breakdown of the entire superpower structure that was built up after the end of WWII, claims Engdahl.

“Nobody in Washington wants to admit, just as nobody in Britain a hundred years ago wanted to admit that the British Empire was in terminal decline,” claims the author, noting that “All of this is related to the attempt to keep this sole superpower not only intact, but to spread its influence over the rest of the planet.”

William F. Engdahl believes the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa is a plan first announced by George W. Bush at a G8 meeting in 2003 and it was called “The Greater Middle East Project”.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: From Arab Spring to Death of the US Empire”

DefDog: Chinese Pledge to Buy Europe…#OWS

01 Brazil, 02 China, 03 Economy, 03 India, 04 Indonesia, 06 Russia, Government

China makes ‘secret eurozone commitment'

AFP, 16 October 2011

LONDON — China has made a “secret commitment” to prop up the crisis-hit eurozone in return for budget reforms and public sector cuts, the Sunday Times reported, amid ongoing turmoil over the region's debt crisis.

The paper said Chinese representatives at the Paris G20 finance gathering on Saturday had indicated that Beijing was willing to pump tens of billions into the eurozone to purchase infrastructure assets from debt-plagued nations.

The Sunday Times, which quoted a source close to the talks, added that Chinese banks could also increase their purchases of eurozone sovereign debt.

“China wants to be sure that Europe knows the size of the hole and that it won't get any bigger before they agree to fill it in,” the paper quoted the source as saying.

Europe had vowed to its G20 partners Saturday that it would take swift and decisive action to resolve a debt crisis that is threatening to drag the world economy back into recession.

French Finance Minister Francois Baroin, speaking after the meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers, said the eurozone would present answers as soon as next weekend, at a summit of EU leaders in Brussels on October 23.

Phi Beta Iota:  Predatory capitalism and inverted democracy are now “bracketed” by the emerging new financial order on the one hand (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa + 50 other countries behind the scenes), and OccupyWallStreet in over 900 locations around the world.  The world is at a design opportunity point.  China will err on the side of institutions (doing the wrong thing wronger) and OWS will err on the side of populism in place of insttutions.  We need a blend of both–a hybrid system whose signal characteristic must be transparency for truth producing trust.

Penguin: Mikhail Gorbechev on Why Openness Came First

06 Russia, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Who, Me?

Fascinating interview.  Note the “no plan,” the conversation with Gromyko on change, and why openness had to come first.

SPIEGEL Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev

‘They Were Truly Idiots'

In a SPIEGEL interview, Mikhail Gorbachev, 80, discusses the last days of the Soviet Union, his failure to resolve problems with the Communist Party and the ensuing bloodshed he says still troubles him today. He also accuses Vladimir Putin of pulling the country “back into the past.”

Mikhail Gorbachev

Read full interview….

Reference: Contours of 21st Century Conflict

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, DoD, Government, InfoOps (IO), Military, Officers Call, Strategy, White Papers
Berto Jongman Recommends...

Worth a read. Interesting report based on innovative research method.  From the Hague Centre for Strategic Studies.

Report: Contours of Conflict in the 21st Century

EXTRACT from Overview:

In gaining a better understanding of the future nature of conflict, it is therefore of the utmost importance to go beyond the traditional Western (English) language domain experts, and include views from regions across the world. The main purpose of the Future Nature of Conflict project is therefore to map and analyze global perspectives about the future nature of conflict published over the last two decades across four language domains – Arabic, Chinese, English and Slavic.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota:  Finally!  For years we have talked about the need to do multi-lingual perspectives and statements (e.g. charting Chinese, Vietnamese, Philippine, and Australian statements on the Spratley Islands going back 200 years).  The protocol developed by this team must be –along with M4IS2–the future of strategic dialog, policy, acquisition, and operations.  Any intelligence community that is unable to do this for any issue, any question, may as well go out of business.

Reading through the report is a real pleasure, with all sources being spelled out in footnotes that are actively linked to the original sources.  This is a marvelous gift to scholars and practitioners at multiple levels.

A few highlights:

Continue reading “Reference: Contours of 21st Century Conflict”

Koko: Russia’s President Wants Educational Games

06 Russia, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Policies

Russia's President is on to something, with the observation that the best history games would not focus on what was, but on what might have been had true cost information been embedded at each point in time.

Russia's prez wants educational World of Warcraft history game, 29 July 2011

While the Chinese love World of Warcraft so much they're using them as punishment in labor camps, Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev wants to make a similar game to teach people about Russian history.

Somebody give this guy a chest-bump and a double high-five. Unlike most Presidents, Medvedev is a young guy. He's in tune with pop culture and “what's in” and “cool” and aims to aggressively use new mediums such as MMORPGs as an educational tool.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Speaking at a gathering of Russia's cultural and science councils, Medvedev said:

“I've checked what our youth are playing with, and most games are pseudo-historical and fantasy-based.”“Take ‘World of Warcraft.' … It's not all about destruction. It has a subtext about developing human civilization.”

“We could try to make something similar if it's so popular — not globally, perhaps, but at the domestic level.”

Medvedev's idea comes as Russia prepares to celebrate its 1,150th anniversary of statehood next year.

Using video games to drill historical facts into heads? If we had a WoW knock-off when we were still in high school, maybe we'd have been less apt to cutting class to hang underneath the football field bleachers where the “evil” lurked.

Joint US-Russia Assessment Nuclear Terrorism

06 Russia, 08 Proliferation, 10 Security, Academia, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, IO Technologies, Military, Peace Intelligence, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Technologies
Berto Jongman Recommends...

“First Joint U.S.-Russia Assessment of Nuclear Terror Threat”

Study Warns of Multiple Dangers, Calls for Urgent Action

June 6, 2011

Belfer Center Programs or Projects: The US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism

Learn More

Phi Beta Iota: This is a good initiative, something we should have been doing for decades.  However, it does not go far enough.  No such study can be credible without the participation of Brazil, China, Iran, Israel, and Pakistan, as well as major “interested parties” such as South Africa and Turkey.  In short, we are long over-due for a Multinational Decision-Support Centre that does M4IS2 on all topics.