Theophillis Goodyear: New Animal Virus Across Europe

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Earth Intelligence
Theophillis Goodyear
There's an animal virus that's spreading in the UK. They may never know where it came from or why it's suddenly a threat. But I wonder if it has to do with genetic engineering, either with livestock or food products.
It's possible that such genetic engineering introduces a weakness in the animal or plant that makes it vulnerable to a common virus or bacteria or other pest that it was never vulnerable to before. The potential for epidemics scares me.

A new animal disease which causes birth defects and miscarriages in livestock has now been found on 74 farms in England.

The Schmallenberg virus first emerged in the Netherlands and Germany last year, causing mild to moderate symptoms in adult cattle, including reduced milk yield and diarrhoea, and late abortions and birth deformities in newborn sheep, goats and cattle.

It is thought the virus is spread by midges, and has crossed the Channel from the Continent. Adult animals that contract the virus usually recover, but the young born with birth defects have to be destroyed.

The Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) said the infection had now been identified on 74 farms.

Read rest of article.

Phi Beta Iota:  In our view bio-chemical “experiments” are proliferating and out of control.  The cucumber attack is suspected by some to have been a bio-war experiment.  The mounting evidence that we create many of our own problems, and that viruses may often be constructed in ways that are against the public interest (e.g. built-in sterilization as a form of eugenics), is troubling.

Mini-Me: Farmers File Suit Against Montanto…What Next?

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society

The system is “out of control” because corruption has put so much sand in the gears as to make nature grind to a halt in pain.  Seeds that commit suicide is a man-made threat to humanity.

The non-violent antidote to this tsunami of corruption across all forms of organization (including “think tanks” that are nothing more than intellectual prostitutes, and media “empires” that use news holes to anchor weapons of mass deception) is Open-Source Everything.  Transparency, Truth, & Trust.  From local to global, humanity needs to begin the Long March that begins with rejecting all goods, services, and regulations that are crimes against humanity.  We do that with True Cost Economics, total Transparency, and individual virtue: do not buy crap from evil doers.  It will take 25 years to undo the damage that has been done to the Republic.  2012 is an opportunity to achieve electoral reform sufficient to take the White House and create a swing vote center in both houses of Congress.  Open Seeds and Open Government and Open Society are one public away.

Farmers Issue Lawsuit Against Monsanto for Widespread Genetic Manipulation

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Farmers are taking a stand against Monsanto, launching a landmark lawsuit against the mega corporation for widespread genetic contamination.

The farmers are concerned that Monsanto’s aggressive agenda to genetically alter the planet will ultimately result in a severe threat to the organic integrity of farms worldwide. It is not hard to believe that many ‘organic’ farms have already been contaminated with GMO crops, as nearly 93% of soybeans are now admittedly genetically modified.

The Public Patent Foundation originally filed the lawsuit in March of 2011  in a case known as Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) et al v. Monsanto.

The organization launched the suit in the name of the very individuals and organizations threatened by Monsanto’s widespread GMO crops: family farmers, farming organizations, and seed businesses.

The intent of the case is to dispute Monsanto’s patents on GMO seeds and ultimately safeguard farmers from Monsanto’s own vicious lawsuits.

In fact, between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto actually filed 144 lawsuits against American family farmers. In addition, another 700 were settled out of court for unknown amounts. Monsanto has an agenda to take out American family farms and dominate the agricultural industry with their own mutant seeds. This is the same kind of practice that Monsanto operates outside of the United States as well, driving thousands of poor farmers to suicide by ruining their family farming practices.

The first phase of the case began yesterday on January 31, 2012.  More than 50 farmers and plaintiffs have gone to Manhattan to listen to verbal debates surrounding Monsanto’s attempts to dismiss the lawsuit.

You can take action now by voicing your opposition to Monsanto and their corrupt practices. Your submissions are reportedly to be shared with farmers around the globe who will ultimately play a vital role in the determination of whether or not Monsanto will be able to continue its mass manipulation of the food supply.

See original article and more sources.

Josh Kilbourn: Endgame – 2012 Forecast [W.E. Pollock]

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, 12 Water, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Corporations, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, General Accountability Office, Government, IO Deeds of War, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Office of Management and Budget, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Threats, Waste (materials, food, etc)

We are going to move from denial to realization.  Physical world events will drive the process of realization. The primary trend is between stability and instability. We are moving from a multi-class system running from Super Elite to Unperson into a model of have's and have-nots, the unpersons. Labor has become a problem because less than 500 million are involved in life support activities thereby leaving more than 7 billion people very vulnerable to dependency (and treated as expendable containers). We are watching a redistribution process bound towards divestiture as more people become unpersons. Destruction of paper assets, debt collapse, bank failure, and war are all part of the redistribution process. With more unpeople, it becomes easier to reduce population through death and abuse. Our current economic structure has at least six trajectories of support; the physical world, human capital, transportation, technology, rule of law,and money.

Fukishima, Katrina, Gulf of Mexico oil spill — all examples of entire populations treated as “unpersons.”

See Also:

VIDEO: Fukushima – Total Cost (33)

W. E. Pollock Web Site

Event: 24 Oct 0900-1200 Franklin Park Washington DC Black Farmers

01 Agriculture, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency
Cynthia McKinney

19 October 2011


Contrary to popular belief, Black farmers in the United States still have not received justice.  Despite media reports to the contrary, not a single Pigford I farmer has received justice.  Pigford I farmers are the original Black farmers who filed discrimination cases against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) resulting in the USDA acknowledgement of systemic and persistent intentional discrimination against Black farmers that had the result of the loss of approximately 13 million acres of Black-owned land.  At stake today is approximately 1.5 million of the last remaining 3 million acres of Black-owned land.
Continue reading “Event: 24 Oct 0900-1200 Franklin Park Washington DC Black Farmers”

Video: Edible Education: Food Politics (Cal Berkeley)

01 Agriculture, 07 Health, Corporations, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Videos/Movies/Documentaries

Edible Education: The Politics of Food

Sep 23, 2011
Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, Paulette Goddard Professor in Dept. of Nutrition at NYU.
A fantastic overview of the state of the American food system from food safety to marketing to children (Frosted Flakes & Froot Loops marketing budgets = $20million+), corporate lobbying against soda sugar tax, to the “food revolution” of more people demanding local organic foods, farmer's markets (over 6,132 in 2010), calorie labeling, and much more.

At this mark she mentions that campaign laws are the source of all government corruption and that “we” should run for office,  inserting ourselves into the job positions filled with corrupt persons.

Also see: