DefDog: Department of State Screws Over Truth-Teller – Ties in to Robert Steele’s Legal Action Against DIA and DOHA

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Intelligence (government), Military, Open Government, Resilience, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy

I am curious as to how this will play out in court if some of you come together to do a class action on State and Defense practices like this.

Diplomat Loses Top Secret Clearance for Linking to WikiLeaks

Kim Zetter

WIRED, 19 October 2011

A veteran U.S. State Department foreign service officer lost his security clearance and diplomatic passport this week while the department investigates him over linking to a WikiLeaks document on his blog and publishing a book critical of the government.

Peter Van Buren, who is 51 and has worked for the department for 23 years, had his Top Secret security clearance suspended indefinitely for what the department calls his unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations regarding “writing and speaking on matters of official concern.” This is according to a memo the State Department sent Van Buren.

The move is purely vindictive, according to Van Buren.

Read full story.

Amazon Page for the Truth-Teller's Book

Phi Beta Iota:  The class action idea is interesting.  Robert Steele is pursuing discovery to acquire all emails to and from Jim Clapper, Ron Burgess, and Tish Long about his varied efforts to secure employment within DoD, as well as discovery of all emails and documents surrounding his application for both the DISL jobs across DoD and the lesser DIA jobs [Steele kept book] that were manipulated to exclude Steele from consideration.  There is no question but that DIA and DOHA are in violation while DNI (and before that USDI) were complicit, the only question is how much trouble it will be to document this, and how much can be demanded in damages above and beyond loss of $1 million in lost income–including a “by name” request for Steele to be Chief Instructor for Information Operations and Intelligence at COINSOC in Iraq a few years ago where a legal contract was received from Raytheon for $276K a year, and then withdrawn after DOHA told Raytheon no to a simple SECRET clearance without a Statement of Reasons or due process–the exchanges between Raytheon and DOHA will be the starting point for the lawsuit by Robert Steele against the US Government.  It will take time, but the absence of integrity in this specific series will become a matter of legal record.  If $10 million can be won–half for the legal team–that will be money earned by Steele for having persistent integrity.  Integrity is now back in style–DNI, DOHA, and DIA are the last to know this–and of course the Department of State   E Veritate Potens.

Mike Vlahos: Powerful Stories On America’s Decline

02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call
Michael Vlahos

The following four publications by Michael Vlahos were overlooked when they first came out. They continue his brilliant track record of deep cultural analysis of both the home front and the real world.

Colonial Britain, Neocolonial America?

Why America Is Like Imperial Spain (Part I)

Why America Is Like Imperial Spain (Part II)

Did We Lose the War?

Tom Atlee: Three New Potent Occupy Together Resources

09 Justice, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

Three new potent Occupy Together resources

Three new exciting resources have just showed up.

1. – a linked phone and online forum space for conversations among everyone “who cares about what is happening on Wall Street and around the world.” Its phone mode uses the advanced MaestroConferencing system that enables activities like breakout groups and hand-raising. Topic conversations begun on the phone can be continued in the online forum, and vice versa. The first phone call is Monday morning. See details below.

2. Organizational consultants study grassroots activist communities – This article didn't exist online, so I got a blurry scanned copy from one of the co-authors and typed it up over a couple of days so I could post it and send it to you. The next day the other co-author posted a clear pdf online, so that's what you get below. I think it is applicable and potentially useful to the Occupy movement.

3. Some very clear advice from nonviolent activist Sharif Abdullah of Commonway in Portland Oregon. Sharif's the fellow who spread the phrase “create a world that works for all” into movement circles. Taking lessons from Gandhi, King, Argentinian activists, and his own work in Sri Lanka, he offers guidelines to help the folks in the Occupy Together movement sustain their transformational impact.

Bit by bit, action by action, conversation by conversation, we develop the collective knowledge we need to make a world that works for all…


Read full post with more detail about each and additional links.

Penguin: FBI Discovers Gangs Have Infiltrated US Military

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, DHS, DoD, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military
Who, Me?

This is very old news, but thought it interesting to highlight lag time between FBI and the original reports.

The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military

The FBI has released a new gang assessment announcing that there are 1.4 million gang members in the US, a 40 percent increase since 2009, and that many of these members are getting inside the military (via Stars and Stripes).

The report says the military has seen members from 53 gangs and 100 regions in the U.S. enlist in every branch of the armed forces. Members of every major street gang, some prison gangs, and outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs) have been reported on both U.S. and international military installations.

Read full story with link to report.

Phi Beta Iota:  One can only marvel at the ability of the US Government (both political leaders and senior civil servants) to carry on without intelligence or integrity for decades.  The USA remains the top proliferator of nuclear, biological, chemical, radiological, and small arms as well as cyber-weaponry.  The USA remains locked into elective wars that have nothing to do with national interests and everything to do with special interests.  And now we learn again (DHS published first, in 2007) that we are also training tens of thousands of gang members who are at the same time gaining access to weapons and munitions that we cannot account for…

See Also:

2007 Reference: Gangs in the US Military


Chuck Spinney: The Mark to Market Fantasy Fraud

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Office of Management and Budget
Chuck Spinney

My friend Andrew Cockburn is on a roll.  One week after his brilliant article on IEDs in Harpers, he has produced another hard-hitting tubesteak, this time in Counterpunch.  Andrew's targets are the Banksters, whose looting continues to push the middle class into poverty and the lower income classes into a kind of debt servitude that is reminiscent of that imposed by company stores in the West Virginia coal towns in what we had hoped was a bygone era.

Andrew's essay is important, because the problem he is describing exists  against the backdrop of the Great Recession, which now, three years after the banking system started to collapse, may be on the cusp of a full blown debt deflation, triggered by another, even more catastrophic banking collapse.   My introductory comments are intended to help you understand that magnitude of that danger that Andrew is describing.

Click on Image to Enlarge

The following charts (Figures 1 & 2), based on the most recent data released by the Federal Reserve,

portray ratio of debt to gross domestic product over time.  Figure 1 shows how the cumulative debt changed in the entire system, with debt expressed as a percentage of the GDP produced by the economy. The debt ratio for the entire economy should not be thought of as an absolute measure of debt burden but as an indexof that burden, and is an indicator of the comparative pressure of that debt regardless of the overall size of the economy.[1]  Thus, one can compare

Click on Image to Enlarge

changes in earlier years to those in later years.  Figure 2 plots the sector burdens separately for the components in the private sector (note: since Federal Debt is arranged in bottom position in Figure 1 it is also the same shape that would be plotted in Figure 2; other categories, like state and local debt have been ignored because over time their ratio changes have not been significant enough to the alter the pattern in the figures).  What do these figures tell us?

The Mark-to-Market Fantasy

Banks on the Brink

Counterpunch, Weekend Edition October 21-23, 2011

“If the Occupiers start chanting ‘Mark to Market,’” an attorney highly conversant with the darker workings of the Wall Street-Washington complex told me, “we’ll know they’re serious.”   Such a call would quickly presage the collapse of our “too big to fail” banks, for it would highlight the fact that a huge proportion of the assets of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Citigroup consist of loans that will never be paid back and are therefore essentially worthless. The so called “recovery” of our leading financial institutions from the post-Lehman abyss has depended on a fraudulent valuation of these assets, but stripped of the fiction, the banks are insolvent.

Read full analysis.

Phi Beta Iota:  The banks are on the brink–wildly fearful of a run on stocks and deposits–and the US Government knows they are on the brink–and is wildly fearful of nation-wide violence.  Pissed off white people will make the Watts Riots looks like an effete tea party.  There is good news.  The close OccupyWallStreet gets to understanding the depth of the depravity of the government that enabled and enables Wall Street, the lack of intelligence and integrity within that government, the closer we get to being able to demand and secure the Electoral Reform Act of 2012, in our view the sole means by which a non-violent revolution might restore the integrity of the U.S. Government.


07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Civil Society, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, DHS, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Naomi Wolf

Naomi Wolf: how I was arrested at Occupy Wall Street

Arresting a middle-aged writer in an evening gown for peaceable conduct is a far cry from when America was a free republic

Naomi Wolf

Guardian, Wednesday 19 October 2011

Last night I was arrested in my home town, outside an event to which I had been invited, for standing lawfully on the sidewalk in an evening gown.

Read full article (includes short video).

Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota: Naomi Wolf is the author of The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot and also Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries.  Safety copy of Guardian article with additional comments from others below the line.  The NYPD and DHS are OUT OF CONTROL and far, far beyond the bounds of the Constitution.  The time has come to begin demanding impeachments of public officials and criminal prosecution of specific police officers so that they might learn what they evidently were not taught: the responsibility to refuse illegal orders.  What our military officers abroad and our police officers at home are doing is illegal, unconstitutional, and reprehensible in every possible morally disengaged way.

See Also:

So Much For the First Amendment: Author, Reporter Naomi Wolf Just Latest of 1,500 Arrested For Peaceable Assembly at #OccupyWallStreet Protests

Updates from Naomi Wolf – Permit Seen, NYPD Officers Were Ignorant or Lying

Continue reading “Naomi Wolf: #OWS NYPD & DHS OUT OF CONTROL”

Event: 24 Oct 0900-1200 Franklin Park Washington DC Black Farmers

01 Agriculture, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency
Cynthia McKinney

19 October 2011


Contrary to popular belief, Black farmers in the United States still have not received justice.  Despite media reports to the contrary, not a single Pigford I farmer has received justice.  Pigford I farmers are the original Black farmers who filed discrimination cases against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) resulting in the USDA acknowledgement of systemic and persistent intentional discrimination against Black farmers that had the result of the loss of approximately 13 million acres of Black-owned land.  At stake today is approximately 1.5 million of the last remaining 3 million acres of Black-owned land.
Continue reading “Event: 24 Oct 0900-1200 Franklin Park Washington DC Black Farmers”