Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Called for The Lowering of The Age of Consent
The infamous attorney (and alleged pedophile intimate with Jeffrey Epstein) defended an op-ed from the 90's where he also argued for the abolition of the rape statute.
Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Called for The Lowering of The Age of Consent
The infamous attorney (and alleged pedophile intimate with Jeffrey Epstein) defended an op-ed from the 90's where he also argued for the abolition of the rape statute.
500,000 FAKE DEATHS! Rebuttal by The Anti-New York Times
About 9 months ago, the “Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times warned its readership that because there is a constant fresh supply of dead bodies from various causes — 2.9 million per year in the United States to be precise — “deaths” attributed to phony “flares-ups,” ™ “second waves” ™ and “variants” ™ of Stupid-19 would be about as easy to conjure up as the opening or closing of a water spigot. Now, exactly one year into the great Globalist Scamdemic, the felonious faucet of fatality has pumped up the “national death toll” ™ to 500,000, and counting. How was this sickening sleight of hand achieved? The methods were surprisingly simple.
Text Summary and more links in support below the fold.
Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on COVID-19 and The Future of Medicine
Early last April, Dr. Luc Montagnier, the Nobel-prize winning virologist who led a team including Dr. Judy Mikovitz in sequences the HIV virus in 1983, made waves by claiming that COVID-19 had the markings of a laboratory-grown creation. If this is proven true, then the entire narrative for the coordinated global shutdown of the world economy, mass quarantining, and vaccination protocols being pushed by the WHO, and World Economic Forum are not just wrong, but potentially criminally so.
Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts The COVID PCR test is a complete fraud
Phi Beta Iota: we have known this from day one but it does appear that now the rest of the world is getting it.