Congressional Research Service Reports
Defense Primers
- Defense Primer: A Guide for New Members, updated September 3, 2019
Remaining Primes Below the Fold
Continue reading “Steve Aftergood: CRS Defense Primer Series”
I will not replicate all that is at and to a much lesser extent,, but do want to recognize a handful of extraordinary individuals by isolating their especially meritorious contributiions to the long-running debate about national intelligence reform and re-invention.
Congressional Research Service Reports
Defense Primers
Remaining Primes Below the Fold
Continue reading “Steve Aftergood: CRS Defense Primer Series”
Text Summary and Additional Links Below the Fold
Do NOT Nationalize FED Debts!
Finally, after more than a century, Americans have installed a truly reform (some say revolutionary) administration in Washington to restore constitutional government. Urgently needed reforms include return to equal justice under law with full respect for the Bill of Rights, and return to sound money. Ending the Federal Reserve is essential, but “nationalization” would be a big mistake. The Fed is the world’s biggest debtor, and the federal government should not assume that debt.
Foreign Agents Registration Act: An Overview, CRS In Focus, updated March 7, 2019
Phi Beta Iota: Valuable itemization of the requirements for registration. Unstated but obvious: both AIPAC and ADL are illegally unregistered agents of a foreign power.
Strategic Competition and Foreign Policy: What is “Political Warfare”?, CRS In Focus, March 8, 2019
Phi Beta Iota: High school version of the concept, neglects fact that the US Government does not do holistic analytics or true cost economics, loves regime change as a pay to play profit center for the banks, and lies to the public every single day while the Chinese whip our ass world-wide using peace, commerce, and friendship, the Ron Paul playbook.
Defense Primer: Intelligence Support to Military Operations
Accounting Board Okays Deceptive Budget Practices
Government agencies may remove or omit budget information from their public financial statements and may present expenditures that are associated with one budget line item as if they were associated with another line item in order to protect classified information, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board concluded last week.
Under the newly approved standard, government agencies may “modify information required by other [financial] standards” in their public financial statements, omit otherwise required information, and misrepresent the actual spending amounts associated with specific line items so that classified information will not be disclosed. (Accurate and complete accounts are to be maintained separately so that they may be audited in a classified environment.)
Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: It Is Official: Federal Government Can Lie in Budget Statements”
‘We’re Coming for Them’: Survivors Demand Release of 884-Page Pennsylvania Clergy Sex Abuse Report
A court just muzzled the ‘damaging’ findings on decades of Catholic clerical abuse. But it’s not over. ‘We are coming for them,’ says a state rep who was raped by a priest at 13.
See Also:
Pedophilia @ Phi Beta Iota