DefDog: Killing America — One View

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Communities of Practice, Corruption, Officers Call

More coherent than many such diatribes.  Appears to represent a growing segment of the public.  When combined with local elected sheriffs siding with the public, and high likelihood that most National Guard units will go local and refuse federal orders to fire on or arrest US citizens, the balance of power at the grassroots level appears to be totally in favor of the public not the elite.

Killing America

Preston James, PhD.

Veterans Today, 7 March 2013


Its Purpose is to destroy America and Fold its remains into a NWO Globalist One-World Government System.

But it’s not over yet and things are not going so well for the Banksters. They are about 13 years behind schedule.

And until recently most Americans knew nothing about it.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

America’s Monetary & Production System has been hijacked and used by London Banksters to entrap most the world in a Global Web of Debt.

This has enabled the Banksters to issue all the money they needed to buy up and control almost every American politician and Government official, many of whom serve unknowingly as CUTOUTS.

They have used their Babylonian “money magic” debt-based usury system of fiat “money” to asset strip most Americans of  a great deal of the fruits of their labor and accrued assets, and now they are coming for their guns.

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Graphic: Periodic Table of “Terrorist” Groups

05 Civil War, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy
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Click on Image to Enlarge

The Department of State currently labels 52 groups as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), and strategic communications firm Navanti has put together a handy graphic to illustrate America's view of the global terror threat.

Drawing from State Department and academic sources, Navanti presents the periodic table of terrorist groups, which details the size, scope, and level of activity of each group:


Slide:  periodic table of terrorists

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Berto Jongman: The Terror Courts – An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture — and the Military Prosecutor Who Refused Illegal Orders — at Guantanamo, Cuba

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

“The Terror Courts”: An Inside Look at Rough Justice, Torture at Guantánamo Bay

Wall Street Journal journalist Jess Bravin reports on the controversial military commissions at Guantánamo. Describing it as “the most important legal story in decades,” Bravin uncovers how the Bush administration quickly drew up an alternative legal system to try men captured abroad after the Sept. 11 attacks. Soon evidence obtained by torture was being used to prosecute prisoners, but some military officers refused to take part. We speak to Jess Bravin, author of The Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay, and to Lt. Col. Stuart Couch, a former Guantánamo prosecutor featured in the book. [includes rush transcript]

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Headline Links to Video.  Book Links to Amazon.

Soon after the September 11 attacks in 2001, the United States captured hundreds of suspected al-Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan and around the world. By the following January the first of these prisoners arrived at the U.S. military’s prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they were subject to President George W. Bush’s executive order authorizing their trial by military commissions. Jess Bravin, the Wall Street Journal’s Supreme Court correspondent, was there within days of the prison’s opening, and has continued ever since to cover the U.S. effort to create a parallel justice system for enemy aliens. A maze of legal, political, and moral issues has stood in the way of justice—issues often raised by military prosecutors who found themselves torn between duty to the chain of command and their commitment to fundamental American values.

While much has been written about Guantanamo and brutal detention practices following 9/11, Bravin is the first to go inside the Pentagon’s prosecution team to expose the real-world legal consequences of those policies. Bravin describes cases undermined by inadmissible evidence obtained through torture, clashes between military lawyers and administration appointees, and political interference in criminal prosecutions that would be shocking within the traditional civilian and military justice systems. With the Obama administration planning to try the alleged 9/11 conspirators at Guantanamo—and vindicate the legal experiment the Bush administration could barely get off the ground—The Terror Courts could not be more timely.

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Owl: Naomi Wolf — JSOC Obama’s Secret Assasins

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

JSoc: Obama's secret assassins

The president has a clandestine network targeting a ‘kill list' justified by secret laws. How is that different than a death squad?

The film Dirty Wars, which premiered at Sundance, can be viewed, as Amy Goodman sees it, as an important narrative of excesses in the global “war on terror”. It is also a record of something scary for those of us at home – and uncovers the biggest story, I would say, in our nation's contemporary history.

Though they wisely refrain from drawing inferences, Scahill and Rowley have uncovered the facts of a new unaccountable power in America and the world that has the potential to shape domestic and international events in an unprecedented way. The film tracks the Joint Special Operations Command (JSoc), a network of highly-trained, completely unaccountable US assassins, armed with ever-expanding “kill lists”. It was JSoc that ran the operation behind the Navy Seal team six that killed bin Laden.

Scahill and Rowley track this new model of US warfare that strikes at civilians and insurgents alike – in 70 countries. They interview former JSoc assassins, who are shell-shocked at how the “kill lists” they are given keep expanding, even as they eliminate more and more people.

Read full article.

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NIGHTWATCH: French Handling of Mali an Indictment of US in Africa

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Military

Mali: Update. French airstrikes targeted the fuel depots and desert hideouts of Islamic extremists in northern Mali on Monday. A military spokeswoman said that French forces plan to hand control of Timbuktu to the Malian army this week. Five hundred French soldiers left Timbuktu on Monday, beginning a staged withdrawal.

A group of Touareg rebels said they had captured Islamist leaders Mohamed Moussa Ag Mohamed and Oumeini Ould Baba Akhmed as they fled toward the Algerian border. Ibrahim Ag Assaleh, a spokesman for the MNLA rebels, who seek autonomy for Touareg tribesmen, confirmed the capture of the men, adding, “They have been questioned and sent to Kidal.”

Comment: Press sources reported that the men were important figures in the Islamist administration, charged with enforcing Sharia punishments, including amputations of hands and feet. They apparently are now in French custody.


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NIGHTWATCH: Weak Signal from Algeria – Anti-US Forces Up Their Game

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Government, Military
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Click on Image to Enlarge

Algeria-US: Update. A senior Algerian official said that one of the terrorists captured at the In Amenas gas plant said under interrogation that some of the dead Egyptian terrorists also participated in the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi last year. Three terrorists are in custody.

The official said the terrorists staged in southern Libya with arms purchased in Tripoli, Libya. He also said, “This is the result of the Arab Spring…. I hope the Americans are conscious of this.”

Comment: There is no way to corroborate the detainee's statement. What is worth noting is that the Algerian official's statements help explain why the Algerians might have had few qualms about assaulting the terrorists, despite the risk to foreigners. The Algerian government expects more attacks and the outcome will probably not be much different for foreigners.

The government has opposed US policy in the Arab world, especially the overthrow of the Qadhafi government. Some officials are making it very clear they hold American policy ultimately responsible for the gas plant attack in Algeria, the invasion of northern Mali by Islamist fighters and future attacks to come.

Americans working in Algeria are at increased risk from terrorists. Moreover, their safety does not appear to be a major factor in government planning for rescue operations.

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Penguin: Why is West Point Studying Domestic Movements? Led By an Israeli?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

(1) Why is West Point in the business of studying the domestic activities of Americans?

(2) Why is such an effort spearheaded by an Israeli?

(3) Is it any wonder America's good old boys do not trust their own government?

Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right

Arie Perliger

West Point Combatting Terrorism Centrer, January  15, 2013

In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics. These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition. To date, however, there has been limited systematic documentation and analysis of incidents of American domestic violence.

This study provides a conceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks and their associated trends. Through a comprehensive look at the data, this study addresses three core questions:

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