Mini-Me: War Crimes as US Strategy, Policy, Operational Campaign, & Centerpiece for Tactics

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Officers Call
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Weekend Edition May 31-Jun 02, 2013

War Crimes as Policy

The CIA: Keepers of the Hit Lists


In February the Guardian and BBC Arabic unveiled a documentary exploring the role of retired Colonel James Steele in the recruitment, training and initial deployments of the CIA advised and funded Special Police Commandos in Iraq.

The documentary tells how the Commandos tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Iraqi men and boys.  But the Commandos were only one of America’s many weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.   Along with US military forces – which murdered indiscriminately – and various CIA funded death squads – which murdered selectively – and the CIA’s rampaging palace guard – the 5,000 man strong Iraq Special Operations Forces – the Commandos were part of a genocidal campaign that killed about 10% of the Sunni Arabs of Iraq by 2008, and drove about half of all Sunnis from their homes.

Including economic sanctions, and a 50 year history of sabotage and subversion, America and its Iraqi collaborators visited far more death and destruction on Iraq than Saddam Hussein and his regime.

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Berto Jongman: GLADIO B Comes Home to London — USA Next?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

UK pays price for MI5 courting terror

By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

Asia Times, 30 May 2013

The brutal murder of an off-duty British soldier in broad daylight in the southeast London district of Woolwich raises new questions about the British government's national security strategy, at home and abroad. Officials have highlighted the danger of “self-radicalizing” cells inspired by Internet extremism, but this ignores overwhelming evidence that major UK terror plots have been incubated by the banned al-Qaeda-linked group formerly known as Al Muhajiroun.

Equally, it is no surprise that the attackers had been seen earlier on the radar of MI5, the UK's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency. While Al Muhajiroun's emir, Syrian cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed – currently self-exiled to Tripoli in northern Lebanon – has previously claimed “public immunity” due to murky connections with British intelligence, compelling evidence suggests such connections might still be operational in the context of foreign policy imperatives linked to oil and gas interests.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: GLADIO B Comes Home to London — USA Next?”

4th Media: DPRK’s (North Korean) Nuclear “Electro Magnetic Pulse” [EMP] Bomb Could Be An Equalizer

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Security, 11 Society, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

I strongly agree with [former US CIA Director] R. James Woolsey and [a former CIA analyst and Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an Advisory Board to Congress] Dr. Peter Vincent Pry that the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threat to the U.S. demands our strongest attention (“How North Korea Could Cripple the U.S.,” op-ed, May 21).

Read full post.

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Berto Jongman: DARPA Weaponizes (Sort Of) the Internet — Has the Time Come to Close DARPA?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, DoD, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The article is long and certainly worth reading, with many links.  Below are two comments that capture the hacker view of this initiative.

This Pentagon Project Makes Cyberwar as Easy as Angry Birds

By Noah Shachtman

WIRED Magazine, 28 May 2014

Read full article.

EXTRACT (Comments):

BillStewart2012 ErikasBulbasaur 3 days ago

Yes, it's the camo-colored-hat skript k1dd13 tool.  And is it going to check whether it has the required warrants or legal authorization before launching an attack on a target, or just fire away? I've got some guesses..

. . . . . . . .

endus 3 days ago

Leave it to the government to turn the internet into the next battlefield and to weaponize technology. Any new frontier we explore, the first priority is to figure out how the hell we are going to fight wars in it, because wars are what life is all about.

I work in infosec and I'm not saying passivity is an option, but this is the same idiotic mentality that causes so many problems in the “real world” today. Half the problems they talk about with the vulnerability of our infrastructure are totally avoidable if companies and agencies were willing to take basic security precautions, but that would be too easy and too cheap…how would the defense contractors make their money? Why make it about simple actions which can protect networks and computers and keep issues from spreading, when you can keep doing all the stupid ignorant stuff you were doing all along and find a way to escalate the conflict?

It's wonderful that they're trying to dumb down the technology so that people with no understanding of how this stuff actually works can command it too. We know from documentaries like “This is what winning looks like” and the book The Outpost just how well military bureaucracy functions. I can totally understand why we need to simplify the technology to a point where the brilliant minds that brought us Afghanistan and Iraq can work their magic in cyberspace too. If there's one thing we need on the internet it's the input of bloated, corrupt, out of date government agencies.

Someday humankind will figure it out…if we don't destroy ourselves first, that is. We're allowing the worst and most corrupt elements of our society to lead the way, and then we wonder why everything is so screwed up. I get that the rest of the world has equally corrupt and evil people running it, but is the best answer to that problem really to appoint our own legion of corrupt sheisty assholes to combat them?

Berto Jongman: Case for an International Tribunal for Cyber-Space

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Peace and Justice in Cyberspace

Potential new global legal mechanisms against global cyberattacks and other global cybercrimes

An International Criminal Tribunal for Cyberspace (ICTC)
International cybercrime law
Prosecution for the Tribunal
Police investigation for the Tribunal


Judge Stein Schjolberg

PDF 40 Pages


Cyberspace, as the fifth common space, after land, sea, air and outer space, is in great need for coordination, cooperation and legal measures among all nations.

DefDog: Russian Target #1? Dimona, Israel — Along with an Alternative History Worth Reading

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Peace Intelligence

Funny how stuff gets around.  More than one source is talking about Dimona, Israel as the ideal “proportionate response” from Russia with love…  Not sure why the French are allowing false stories about chemical weapons use by Assad — and we all continue to worry about Israel and the neo-cons simulating Iranian attacks on US targets, the last thing they would be doing right now when all the cards are in their favor.

We are All Russians Now (author unknown)

Veterans Today, 27 Monday 2013

Will Putin Save The World From Israel?

Vladimir Putin

Shortly after Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, the murdered family of Tzar Nicholas was beatified. Until quite recently, the centers of Jewish power had hoped to preserve some idealized memories of the murderous Soviet system in the minds of the Russians, but it turned out to be a vain hope.

Because Bolshevism was formulated and executed by Jews, their power centers had retained fond hopes of being able some day to reconnect and reinstall some sort of Jewish lobby leverage in the Kremlin. These fond hopes were dashed by Vladimir Putin.

By the end of 2008, the Russians were expected to decide between two ideological systems: between Communism as represented by Stalin and his fanatical band of murderous Cheka Jews or the conservative and traditional values of old-fashioned Tzarism. Until quite recently, Stalin had remained slightly ahead of Tzar Nicholas II. “Then, however, the Tzar mysteriously pulled ahead.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, page 1)

After that, no further choice was necessary.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge
No one provokes me with impunity

The Jewish Lobby was of course hoping that a Tzarist cult would never rise again. Given that the Tzar had been the great adversary of the Bolshevik Jews, the Jewish Lobby did all it could to blacken the reputation of the Tsars. Now however, the Russians again see in Tzar Nicholas II a kind of savior who, like Jesus Christ, had made an enemy of the Jews and had suffered martyrdom.

Continue reading “DefDog: Russian Target #1? Dimona, Israel — Along with an Alternative History Worth Reading”

Mini-Me: Israel Digging Its Own Grave — Funded by US Taxpayer — Genocide of the Palestians, the Last State-Run Gulag

01 Poverty, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Israel digging own grave, its death very close: Kevin Barrett

Video 24.49 Transcript Below

Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, with the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance from Wisconsin, to shed more light on Zionist settlers’ protests against the austerity measures implemented by the Tel Aviv regime.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

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