Reference: 21st Century Leadership-12 Guidelines

Blog Wisdom, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Methods & Process

….in the future, any company that lacks a vital core of Gen F employees will soon find itself stuck in the mud.

With that in mind, I compiled a list of 12 work-relevant characteristics of online life. These are the post-bureaucratic realities that tomorrow’s employees will use as yardsticks in determining whether your company is “with it” or “past it.” In assembling this short list, I haven’t tried to catalog every salient feature of the Web’s social milieu, only those that are most at odds with the legacy practices found in large companies.

1. All ideas compete on an equal footing.
2. Contribution counts for more than credentials.
3. Hierarchies are natural, not prescribed.
4. Leaders serve rather than preside.
5. Tasks are chosen, not assigned.
6. Groups are self-defining and self-organizing
7. Resources get attracted, not allocated.
8. Power comes from sharing information, not hoarding it.
9. Opinions compound and decisions are peer-reviewed.
10. Users can veto most policy decisions.
11. Intrinsic rewards matter most.
12. Hackers are heroes.

Read full post in glorious detail.

Tip of the Hat to Steve Denning at LinkedIn.

Phi Beta Iota: We've been skirting all of these since 1988, and even more so since we opened Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) in 1994.  Please do read the full articulation, and pass it on.  It's is the single best summary we have found to date.

See Also:

Graphic: Digital Learners versus Analog Teachers

Graphic: Principles of War versus Principles of Peace

Journal: Microsoft Down, Apple Up, WHERE Is the Band?

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Collaboration Zones, Computer/online security, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Reform
Full Story Online

Phi Beta Iota: Industry colleagues point out that Ballmer took over at the top while Jobs came back in at the bottom.  Our own view is that a convergence is occurring that will be settled between the personal device and the cloud–who comes up with the most secure reliable personal device (e.g. an eye-screen with earpiece/mike and voice or virtual keyboard or pointer) and the most global affordable mix of call centers, intelligence centers, and M4IS2 softwares, services, and sense-making within the cloud.  Google and Oracle and IBM (and their Brazilian, Chinese, and Russian counterparts) are on the same court, but none of them are truly focused on the end game: a World Brain with a Global Game in which we connect all humans to all information in all languages….an open self-organizing world in which profit comes from cost avoidance, truth, reconciliation, and non-zero outcomes.

Journal: NYPD CTD Under Dave Cohen Lauded for Brains

09 Terrorism, Analysis, Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Full Story Online

The Terror Translators


The New York Times, Published: September 17, 2010


Mr. Rascoff said the working relationship between the civilian and sworn counterterrorism officials in New York was better than the parallel relationships in the Federal Bureau of Investigation because federal agents, unlike the local detectives, were often as highly educated as the analysts they work with.

“F.B.I. agents sometimes look at their analysts and say, ‘So, basically, we do the same job, but I carry a gun and kick down doors while you sit at your desk all day,’ ” said Mr. Rascoff, who has been working in intelligence since 2003, when he was a consultant to L. Paul Bremer, the special envoy to Iraq.

In the C.I.A., Mr. Rascoff added, the relationship between operatives and analysts is often the chilly one between “an author of cables and a reader of cables.”

In the Police Department, he said, there is an “educational, experiential but not intellectual” gulf that can, paradoxically, bring the sides together.

“While it’s sometimes hard to harness those conflicting energies,” Mr. Rascoff said, “when it succeeds, it succeeds wildly.”


Tip of the Hat to Niels Groeneveld at LinkedIn.

Reference: Emerging Open Source Database Giant

Blog Wisdom, Methods & Process, Standards, Tools

The best open source database?

Ever since Oracle got its hands on MySQL via the Sun acquisition, many in the open source community have been hoping for a new open source database champion to emerge, notes Alan Shimel. With the release of version 9.0, it looks like PostgreSQL is stepping into the void. Some say PostgreSQL is the world's most advanced open source database. Alan Shimel interviews two of the projects leading contributors. They discuss many of the latest, greatest features in 9.0.

Read entire post

Source Site Open Source Subnet

Malware Intelligence of Modern Crimeware

Computer/online security, Cyberscams, malware, spam, Methods & Process, Privacy, Technologies

MalwareIntelligence is a site dedicated to the investigation of crimes committed using the Internet as the main channel of attack. Also, anything that involves maneuvering and criminal activities in this area, covering a wide spectrum in the field of computer criminology.

The mission is to work in a completely disinterested in the continuous improvement in prevention to security incidents that allow for timely contingency threats.

Thus MalwareIntelligence behind is a group of professionals in research, intelligence and information security, which fuse the various processes involved in these disciplines to offer exclusive content, quality and high value for the resolution of computer crime.

MalwareIntelligence currently has two divisions:

MalwareDisasters is devoted to analyzing malicious code from a purely involved in intelligence processes. The content expressed in this division refers mainly to activities “visual” of malware.

SecurityIntelligence channels information on information security, also from the standpoint of intelligence processes, resulting in a high-value content to understand the need to merge Intelligence in Information Security.

Thanks to Alexander Heid's talk at the Next Hope called “Modern CrimeWare Tools and Techniques: An Analysis of Underground Resources– Download Audio: 16kbps or 64kbps

Journal: Government as Client, Three Levels of Smart

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Methods & Process

Steve Denning

Radical management: what to do when your customer is the government

One constraint on implementing radical management is that the customer is on a different path altogether. A frequent example is where your customer is a government bureaucracy. You are aspiring to delight your client, and your client is saying, “Don’t bother with me such questions. Just deliver what the specifications ask for.”

. . . . . .

…realistically, most government organizations are not even trying to practice radical management. One way of understanding how they function is to recognize that organizations operate at three levels, using a schema proposed by Ranjay Gulati in Reorganize For Resilience: Putting Customers At The Center Of Your Business (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2009)

Level 1: “You take what we make.”

Level 2:  “We believe that our offerings will be useful to you.”

Level 3: “We seek to understand and solve your problems with our offerings”

While radical management is operating at level 3, most government organizations are still stranded at level 1. They are paying scant attention to their stakeholders. Often they have not even taken any decision as to who their primary stakeholders are. As a result, no one really knows what the purpose of the organization is. The managers in such organizations typically follow rules and procedures, rather than systematically consider: how could we deliver more value sooner? These organizations are the quintessential bureaucracy, and the management is quintessentially Dilbertian.

Phi Beta Iota: The government is full of good people trapped in a bad system.  We've decided that in addition to educating the five billion poor one cell call at a time, we have to give government employees an easy to use cell tether to a World Brain that helps them evolve the consciousness of government from the bottom up.