Worth a Look: Israeli Connections to USS Cole & 9-11

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Wild Cards, 9-11 articles, Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Israel, USS Cole, 9-11

Phi Beta Iota: This is worth a look rather than a reference because we have not had time to evaluate it properly.  It most certainly is worth a look.  Israel is known to have attacked the USS Liberty, and similar to the USA being responsible for Abu Ghraib, such a crime against humanity cannot be forgotten.

We are especially troubled by the USS Cole allegation with respect to the Israeli's using a cruise missile.  Unfortunately, the US Government has a track record of covering up “friendly” attacks (USS Liberty) as well as “enemy” attacks (USS Scorpion) so the bottom line is that we have no reliable source of information on any of this.

Christopher Bollyn, Independent Journalist "Without Frontier"

This material furthers our deep interest in strategic public counterintelligence.  It is a certainty that no one is defending the USA from “white collar” domestic enemies, and we are generally doing more to incite foreign enemies than to contain them.  We are increasingly seeing the discipline of counter-intelligence as one that demands that we know ourselves–that we look deeply into our soul, and that we find and eradicate all those commiting treason against the Republic, including those who collaborate in the murder of Americans for “higher purposes.”

Separately Christopher Boyllyn, a self-described journalist “without frontier” who has standing with Prison Planet and Mike Ruppert, former LAPD who wrote Crossing the Rubicon, has posted a number of items also worth a look.

To that end, we respectfully post these two links for public consideration.

Worth a Look (and a Donation): Project Censored

Ethics, Media, Worth A Look

Who’s Who in Cultural Intelligence: Scott Atran

5 Star, Alpha A-D, Cultural Intelligence, Culture, Research, Worth A Look
Home Page

Research and teaching interests are centered in the following areas: Cognitive and linguistic anthropology, ethnobiology, environmental decision making, categorization and reasoning, evolutionary psychology, anthropology of science (history and philosophy of natural history and natural philosophy); Middle East ethnography and political economy; natural history of Lowland Maya, cognitive and commitment theories of religion, terrorism and foreign affairs.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Worth a Look: Planetary Skin Data Sharing Initiative

Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
Home Page

Warning Notice:  This is a “heavy” site prone to jamming.  It's worth the effort to take a look, and has been added to the Professional Sites list.  There are also some screwy blockages on copying text.  This is not quite ready for prime time, but it is a righteous good start.

We were impressed by the Earth Science Initative of the Bush-Cheney White House, and this effort appears to take that earlier initiative further, this time in partnership with CISCO, which still has not given up on “owning” the Cloud.

The site proposes that the challenge is “Flying Blind” in a complex and volatile world (they don't mention that changes to the Earth that used to take 10,000 years now take three); and that the solution is a global nervous system able to sense, predict, and act.

This is a geek's wet dream, totally focused on bit and byte management and completely lacking a Strategic Analytic Model or any sense of how to mobilize the Eight Tribes and do Multinational Engagement on a global scale, but it has enormous potential if (big if) the public can demand that every aspect of this offiering be Open–it should be accessible via Free'Open Source Software (F/OSS); generate Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); and both receive and broadcast all information via Open Spectrum and a Cloud that is NOT owned by CISCO, open to devices that are NOT infrastructure-dependent (e.g. Haggle).

Worth a Look: MapAction Emergency Deployment Service

Geospatial, Worth A Look
Home Page

East View Cartographic has been and remains our preferred provider of emergency geospatial services, but we like what we see here at MapAction, which appears to be popular in meeting United Nation (UN) needs, so we show them today as Worth a Look.

Sample Entry:

MapAction has published the first edition of its Field Guide to Humanitarian Mapping. The guide, which is downloadable free, will help aid organisations to use geospatial tools and methods in their work in emergencies. There are tutorials for Google Earth and open-source GIS software. Click here to access the guide.

The guide was written to meet the need for practical, step-by-step advice for aid workers who wish to use free and open-source resources to produce maps both at field and headquarters levels. The first edition contains an introduction to the topic of GIS, followed by chapters focused on the use of two recommended free software tools: Google Earth, and MapWindow. However much of the guidance is also relevant for users of other software. In addition there is a chapter on using GPS to collect data during humanitarian emergencies.

The principal author of the guide, MapAction team member Naomi Morris, commented: “We will be trialing the first edition during a three-month mission to Papua New Guinea in which we will show local organisations how to use these methods for disaster risk reduction mapping. More widely, we will welcome input from all our humanitarian organisations and a second edition of the guide will be issued later this year.”

The guide is available free as a PDF download (118 A5-sized pages) from our Resources page or by clicking here. In case of difficulty contactinfo@mapaction.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view itand a copy can be emailed. We also welcome user feedback and suggestions for content to be included in the next edition.

Production of the guide was funded by the Dulverton Trust.

Worth a Look: Wolfram Alpha Access–Trillions of Bits

Analysis, Computer/online security, Methods & Process, Worth A Look
Home Page

Computational Mathematics is the heart of both Google, and Wolfram Alpha.  We understand that there are competing initiatives in China that have impressed Jim Fallows, now stationed there for Atlantic Monthly and in Russia.  We imagine that both India and Iran have their own approaches underway as well, all emphasizing mathematics applied to bits and bytes.

This endeavor is funded by Stephen Wolfram, who made his fortune creating mathematical models and tools that are from a different planet.  His book, A New Kind of Science, is a collector's item and could one day be considered the first step toward true cyber-biological integration.

Today WolframAlpha is highlighting updates and new capabilities in the following arenas:

Mathematics, Statistics, and Computation

Science, Biology, and Health

Socioeconomics and Culture

Search: United Nations Intelligence Training

Communities of Practice, Mobile, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Real Time, Searches, Threats, Topics (All Other), True Cost, United Nations & NGOs, Worth A Look

INTELLIGENCE is DECISION-SUPPORT.  The process of intelligence is separate from whether the sources and methods are secret or not.  There is nothing secret, unethical, or illegal about the process of intelligence as decision-support.

Original “Class Before One” (2010 Class 001 in Planning)

2007 United Nations “Class Before One” Infomation-Sharing and Analytics Orientation

Other references:

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