Robert Steele: Connecting Some Dots — Blacks in Prison, Police Militarization, Persecution of Whistleblowers, and False Flag Operations — All Obstacles to a Prosperous World at Peace

#OSE Open Source Everything, All Reflections & Story Boards, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

I have been reflecting on the “legacy” of the past several presidencies at home and abroad. From where I set, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy — an assassination carried out by CIA and FBI officers allied with Cuban and Jewish criminals, Israel, and monied interests in Texas and New York — the US Government began to morph into a criminal deep state far more dangerous to the public interest than ever before.

Let's start with why JFK was assassinated and the assassination deliberately covered up by Lyndon Baines Johnson who also covered up the assassination of Martin Luther King and the Israeli attack on the USS  Liberty (that may have been requested by LBJ to provide a false justification for war as the false Tonkin Gulf attack was used to justify war on Viet-Nam).

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Connecting Some Dots — Blacks in Prison, Police Militarization, Persecution of Whistleblowers, and False Flag Operations — All Obstacles to a Prosperous World at Peace”

David A. Bray: Distributed Problem-Solving Networks

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, P2P / Panarchy, Software
David A. Bray
David A. Bray

Back in 2007-2008 we did research relevant to your thinking on Applied Collective Intelligence, at the University of Oxford.  We focused on “distributed problem-solving networks” that included looking at film production in a distributed fashion to include a lot of open source projects:

Continue reading “David A. Bray: Distributed Problem-Solving Networks”

Robert Steele: An Open Letter to All European Ministers on Peace Through Open Everything

#OSE Open Source Everything, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Software, Sources (Info/Intel), Transparency
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

An Open Letter to All European Ministers

Esteemed Ministers,

On 27 May the Competitiveness Council in Brussels announced a European decision to achieve Open Access to all scientific research data by 2020. This decision, and the implementing European framework programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020, will be recognized by future generations as the first serious step toward the creation of a prosperous world at peace. With this one decision Europe is turning away from centuries of war and waste; away from scientific reductionism, away from corporate ownership of public knowledge, away from legal barriers to innovation, and away from government neglect of the public interest.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: An Open Letter to All European Ministers on Peace Through Open Everything”

Berto Jongman: Free Book Online Deep Web for Journalists

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Alan Pearce is making his book, Deep Web for Journalists, available free online. He says:

Inside you will learn how to avoid the attention of even the most sophisticated snoopers, how to transfer and store information securely, and how to avoid the many traps that lie in wait for today’s journalists and researchers.

The second half of the book is devoted to fine-tuning our search skills. Understanding how to interrogate any search engine is essential but knowing where to look is often more important.

Download Deep Web for Journalists
Visit Alan’s website

Yoda: All EU R&D Articles to Be Open Access by 2020

Access, Knowledge, Science, Sources (Info/Intel)

yoda with light saberBetween this and the Goggle vs. Oracle ruling, it was a great week.

All European scientific articles to be freely accessible by 2020

All scientific articles in Europe must be freely accessible as of 2020. EU member states want to achieve optimal reuse of research data. They are also looking into a European visa for foreign start-up founders.

Phi Beta Iota: The cash flow positions of Thomson Reuters, Elsevier, and Bloomberg are strong for now, the mind-sets appear less so.

See Especially:

Open Source Governance: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace (EU OSAR)

Robert Steele: Can Thomson Reuters [or Bloomberg] Be a $20B+ per Year World Brain?

See Also:

After 350 years of academic journals it’s time to shake things up

All scientific papers to be free by 2020 under EU proposals

Berto Jongman: Pirate Science — Are Elsevier & Thomson Reuters Joining Bloomberg in the Tarpit?

In dramatic statement, European leaders call for ‘immediate’ open access to all scientific papers by 2020

Robert Steele: Proposal for a Nordic Interagency Intelligence Conference and Centre (Peace Intelligence Initiative)

Sepp Hasslberger: Elsevier & Thomson Reuters Et al — Going, Going, Gone?

The Future: Recent “Core” Work by Robert Steele

Yoda: Death of Elsevier & Thomson Reuters…

Yoda: Open Source Textbooks (and Videos) Inevitable — Publishers, Elsevier, Thomson Reuters Oblivious…

Stephen E. Arnold: Goring the Oxen — Palantir, Facebook, Google — and Noticing Steele’s Idea for Open Source Micro-Payments in Blockchain

Architecture, Cloud, Design, Governance, Innovation, Software
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

From My Palantir Archive: Security

With Socom embracing Palantir for maybe three years, my question is, “Does Palantir have safeguards in place which will make a third Buzzfeed type article a low probability or 0.000001 event? Yikes, two articles based on what may be leaked internal information. What happens if sensitive military information goes walkabout? An Alternative to Facebook

The Reinterpretation of Google History

and on a more positive note, we are honored to have this idea noticed and further promulgated:

Open Source Software Needs a Micro-Payment Program

Worth a Look: Regenerative Cities in China

Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Resilience

Free Download [PDF 48 Pages]
Free Download [PDF 48 Pages]
A new type of urbanization is needed. One that reflects a different type of development, also known as the New Normal which is currently gaining widespread support throughout China. The New Normal understands the substantial changes affecting China (namely a decline in the availability of inexpensive land and cheap labour, slower economic growth and, above all, increasingly exacerbating environmental distresses) and responds by promoting a new kind of people-centred development that favours slower economic growth, people well-being, innovation, domestic market development and that is particularly devoted to environmental protection and sustainability.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Regenerative Cities in China”