Review: An Enormous Crime–The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia

5 Star, Atrocities & Genocide, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Diplomacy, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Insurgency & Revolution, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Misinformation & Propaganda, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars USG Has Betrayed Us All

November 28, 2007

Bill Hendon, Elizabeth Stewart

Edit of 26 Jan 08: see the comments for additional give and take that illuminates the treason of our own government against those “left behind.”

I recommend my review of Is Anybody Listening?: A True Story About POW/MIAs In The Vietnam War and also Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POWs in Vietnam.

This book is more of a scholarly work and has eye-glazing detail. However, as best I can tell, this is the single best and most carefully documented book, with the stellar advantage of having as a co-author the Honorable Bill Hendon, who is not only a former Representative (R-NC) but was on the POW/MIA beat while there.

I am very very very angry. Our politicians, both Republican and Democratic, have betrayed us all, and this brings me to tears, betrayed the honorable warriors who became POWs or were MIA in Viet-Nam.

There are several points that grab me:

Over 1,500 POWs still known to be in Viet-Nam and probably alive.

Viet-Nam had a clear strategy for capturing AND KEEPING ALIVE our personel in order to charge the US for reparations after the war was inevitably won by the Vietnamese

The authors explicitly suggest that Senator John McCain has been fully witting of the reality of how many have been left behind, and complicit in our federal government's deliberate decision to abandon them rather than pay Viet-Nam the compensation they appear to fully merit given our violation of the Geneva Convention and our intrusion into the civil war between North and South.

I hold the authors of this book, and the excrutiating detail that they have assembled, in the greatest regard.

It is now clear to me that the Federal Government as it is now constituted, cannot be trusted. We need Electoral Reform, open books, and an end to secrecy.

See also:
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
Running on Empty: How the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It
The Trial of Henry Kissinger
Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
None So Blind: A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in Vietnam
Why We Fight
The Fog of War – Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

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Review (Guest): Kiss the Boys Goodbye–How the United States Betrayed its Own POWs in Vietnam

5 Star, Atrocities & Genocide, Congress (Failure, Reform), Corruption, Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Insurgency & Revolution, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Misinformation & Propaganda, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Amazon Page

To the right is the current mass paperback cover that is available.  Below is the cover of the original hard-copy, and a guest review (Amazon is deleting top reviewer's old reviews to make room for new reviewers, we missed this one when creating this web site to counter that “lost history”).

Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Stunning Expose Of Government DesertionOf Its Vietnam Vets!

May 20, 2002

William Stevenson, Monika Jenson-Stevenson

Review by Barron Laycock “Labradorman”

This is a book that should make ordinary American citizens exceedingly sad and angry. Although some may argue that its message is old news, and certainly very dated information, the horror and outrage it should occasion is neither old nor dated. For what the authors contend, and go on to impressively prove, is that our national government deliberately and maliciously betrayed its own soldiers trapped as Prisoners Of War (POWs) in Vietnam, abandoning them in favor of a quick and otherwise painless exit from the war in Southeast Asia. This, as the authors argue, is a truly devastating indictment of the Nixon administration, and one for which they cannot be forgiven.

However, it is more than that. It is also a bizarre story of men left behind for the sake of political expedience and due to a number of highly classified clandestine operations, which were purposely kept from the American people. The story line begins with the sad saga of a young ex-marine who escaped from Vietnam on the late 1970s and claimed to have seen a large number of fellow American servicemen still being held by the Vietnamese. However, he was quickly charged with desertion and collaboration with the enemy, in what seemed to be a desperate effort on the part of governmental officials to bury both him and his story of American prisoners as deeply as possible from public view. From here the plot takes a number of bizzare twists and turns.

As the authors began to investigate the young marine's story, layers of deception, half-truths, and active censorship began to emerge. What they finally uncovered was an amazing tale of official deception from the highest levels in government, and also a very well organized and relentless abuse of official governmental power. This book reveals convincing evidence of American soldiers and sailors deliberately abandoned for political expedience, and of families torn apart by these acts. It also raises quite provocative questions concerning the very nature of democracy, and the corruptibility of ordinary men given such power. Similarly, they show how the use of claims of national security were used to derail efforts to learn the truth, and of an active conspiracy to keep the public from discovering the truth.

There are many of us who have long believed that Nixon and Kissinger made a pact with the devil himself in order to to extricate the United States fro the ongoing horror of Vietnam. What is truly mind-boggling is to discover just how right we were to suspect that they, and many others in the government since that time, would take such drastic action as they have to conceal these facts and to evade the truth. This is a worthwhile book, and one that demands to be read. I hope you can approach it with an open mind. Its arguments and the evidence associated with it are, in my opinion, very convincing. Enjoy!

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Review: Someone Would Have Talked–The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Conspiracy to Mislead History

5 Star, Crime (Government), Impeachment & Treason, Justice (Failure, Reform), Misinformation & Propaganda, Power (Pathologies & Utilization)


Amazon Page
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Superb History, Highly Relevant to 9/11 and Lies by Cheney & Other Neocons

September 5, 2007

Larry Hancock

EDIT of 7 Oct 09:  MUST READ Review: JFK and the Unspeakable–Why He Died & Why It Matters

I've read one other book that led me to conclude that I had to read this one, both in relation to what is now known about the Warren Commission Report. I consider these important because precisely the same kind of cover-up happened with the 9-11 Commission, and I strongly believe that Dick Cheney should be impeached and then indicted along with Rudy Gulliani and Larry Silverstein and Donald Rumsfeld for the murder of thousands by controlled demolitions and a missile into the Pentagon that destroyed all the computers needed to understand the missing 2.3 trillion that Donald Rumsfeld was being grilled on by Congresswoman McKinney on 10 September.

This is a phenomenal piece of work that makes superb use of social network analysis (who knows who) to connect the dots.

The bottom line: Kennedy was killed by Cuban exiles who set Oswald up as a patsy. Oswald was at his usual lunchroom place in the library where he had reason to be, and the Chief of Police of Dallas is on record as saying they could never connect Oswald to either the window from which the shots were a llegedly fired, or the gun that was claimed to be the assassination weapon. The first officer to enter the building minutes after the shooting placed Osxwald at his usual place in the lunchroom, and Oswald tested negative for gunpowder residue.

Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, including a staged call to the KGB specialist in assassination, and other trails were left with the intent of proving that Castro had Kennedy assassinated, and hoping to both punish Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs betrayal and for cracking down on Cuban exile missions at the same time that he was authorizing 13 sabotage missions to Cuba.

The evidence is compelling. Robert Kennedy was worried about Castro retaliating against him and his brother. It is now clear that CIA training of Cubans to assassinate Castro was in fact turned against Kennedy.

Three CIA employees are featured: David Philipps who specialized in the big lie; E. Howard Hunt, and David Morales, Operations Chief of JMWAVE under Ted Shackley.

The conspiracy to point the finger at Castro failed, but the true assasins were allowed to go undiscovered because Lyndon Johnson and the Presidents physician began am immediate cover-up, as did the FBI, CIA, and the Secret Service.

The book is compelling in demonstrating that ample warnings had been received by the Secret Service, to the point that the President was personally briefed by Bobby Kennedy, but JFK went ot his death on his own volition–he blew off the warnings.

The cover-ups by the three agencies bear a stricking resemblance to the cover-up of the Oklahmoa City bombing, where unexploded thermite bombs were found on some pillars, and the “loner” theory simply does not stand up. Similarly, Cheney, Gulliani, and Silverstein pre-arranged for the scooping and dumping of the evidence of controlled demolitions from 9-11, and Rumsfeld covered up the fact that a missile, not an airplane was targetted on the Pentagon by our own treasoous officers willing to obey an illegal order and murder their own for the Zionist-NeoCon cause, while also destroying the computers holding evidence of where the “lost 2.3 trillion dollars had gone.

The exiles boasted privately of having been promised additional new funding by the mafia, including the Jewish mafia with casino interests in Cuba, provided they took care of Kennedy and incited an invasion of Cuba.

It is not clear from the book if other US leaders sanctioned the killing. I am inclined to think not. Hoover had all the blackmail material he needed to keep his job. Johnson does not come into the picture until after t he fact, when it became clear that if Bobby Baker talked, Johnson would go to jail for blatant contacts with organized crime and for blatant use of his office to obtain bribes from military-industrial corporations.

In this book Ruby is a patsy paid to murder Oswald when Oswald is arrested and unable to make the theater meeting where he would probably have been subdued and transported to Cuba or Mexico to die under circumstances incriminating Castro. Ruby was probably told he would be freed or pardoned, and money was his primary motivation.

A series of key witnesses who were willing to talk were murdered, and Johnson personally immunized FBI agent Regis Kennedy, Oswald's handler, to keep him from talking.

Admiral Burkley, JFK's personal physician, handicapped and stopped most of the atopsy process, and concealed and manipulated evidence to support the lone gunman theory. The Navy hospital staff received a gag order similar to the one given the crew of the USS Liberty after they were deliberatedly attacked by Israel and many of them murdered by our so-called ally.

There are several take-away bottom lines relevant to today, as Dick Cheney seeks to attack Iran in the same illegal way he ordered the attack on Iraq using lies and his secret authority:

1) We cannot trust our elected politicians. They lie to us.

2) We cannot trust the FBI, CIA, or Secret Service. They lie to us.

3) We cannot trust government commissions, neither executive nor legislative, they are exercises in deception and lie to us.

The author is meticulous is documenting the long list of unsung heros whose personal research has over time brought out the truth. Similarly, I am quite certain that within five years Cheney, all the neocons, Gulliani, and Silverstein will be meticulously impeached and indicted and covicted in the public eye. They may escape to Dubai, but the truth will be known.

The book documents Johnson's offer of a $1 million bribe to Bobby Baker to keep quiet and allow the investigation to go down the path that Johnson orchestrated, of a Warren Commission brow-beaten into validating an FBI conclusion that was known to be false by all conceerned.

The books comes with great note and appendices. The author has made superb use of telephone records, diaries, and known social and professional connections. The only thing I missed from this was a two page diagram of the network as it is described.

The book is also exceptional for clearly identifying additional paths for further investigation.

I put the book down with the strong feeling that We the People need to reject every sitting member of Congress and every current candidate for President. We need to elect a transpartisan Executive team with a Cabinet announced beforehand that also publishes a balanced sustainable budget before election day, and we need to demand that every piece of legilsation henceforth be published in full one week prior to its being voted on, with no secret earmarks. The military-industrial complex is not our enemy–they are simply doing what they have been incentivized to do. Our enemy is the complete corruption of the Democratic and Republican parties, the complete corruption of our election system, and the lack of transparency on how all taxpayer funds are spent. We can fix this. A good start would be the redirection of half the Pentagon budget toward waging peace, ending our ties with all 42 of the dictators Dick Cheney embraces with such fervor, and the elimination of two thirds of all existing secret programs, using the funds instead to stand up a Multinational Information Sharing Activity that supports stabilization, reconstruction, and peacekeeping everywhere, and completely free connectivity for the five billion poor to a global network of 100 million volunteer tutors who can teach the five billion “one cell call at a time.”

Some other books I recommend that tie this one to today's events and the pattern of lies, lies, and more lies:
A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, And the Case That Should Have Changed History
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11
Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory
9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, Fourth Edition
Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America
Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq
Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & ‘Project Truth'
Fog Facts : Searching for Truth in the Land of Spin (Nation Books)

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Review: A Power Governments Cannot Suppress

5 Star, Civil Society, Democracy, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason
Power Zinn
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Validates my choice to oppose Cheney & attack on Iran

September 3, 2007

Howard Zinn

Earlier today I reviewed The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale Scott, and coined a new term of praise, “erudite patriot.” That was one of many reviews from my long recent trip to the Middle East that I could finally post.

I would never have anticipated that in reading this book today, I would not only encounter a second “erudite patriot,” but that my somewhat anxious decision to directly and repeatedly focus public attention on the high crimes and misdemeanors of Dick Cheney, would be so elegantly validated with a firm grounding in public resistance to tyranny and amorality.

The author, an eminent historian, is the people's historian. He alone has documented the many times in which public resistance brought odious government programs to a stop.

Although a collection of past essays, this book actually reads fast and well as a survey of the fundamentals empowered by historical example and accuracy. I was strongly reaffirmed in my beliefs by this book, reinforced in my relatively recent commitment to bringing Cheney to justice.

The author, unique qualified to do so, informs us that people have resisted before, that the osmosis of truth ultimate swings the public, and as the book title suggests, no government can resist an aroused public.

The author suggests, and I agree, that impeachment of Cheney first, is essential. Our government has lost all legitimacy in my eyes, and I would resist arrest by this goveernment to the death of them or I, after first attempting to persuade the good-hearted people sent to arrest me that they should disobey the illegal order to arrest me, and live to see their families that night.

Every single essay in this book is moving, intelligent, cogent, and relevant to the greatest crisis our Republic has ever faced. The author's review of our greatest betrayal, of the wounded from Gulf I and Gulf II (he does not mention that unlike Gulf I, Gulf II produced 16 instead of 6 wounded for every death, and we have 75,000 amputees across the land, lives shatted by Dick Cheney's lies, by Paul Wolfowitz's lies, by Donald Rumsfeld's idiocy and arrogance).

The author is compelling in stating that war is the enemy, and one is reminded of the outcome of War Games: the only winning strategy is not to play at war for profit or any other reason.

The author is compelling in cataloging the litany of lies by our Presidents, and the manner in which our Founding Fathers designed the government to protect the rich and enslave the poor.

The author is compelling in pointing out that we must all question authority, and that the one thing we should all recognize now is that we can unite and be invincible, non-violently invincible, in demanding dignity, justice, and liberty for all–not just all Americans, but every person on the planet and especially those repressed by the 44 dictators, 42 of whom are Bush-Cheney “allies.”

The author is compelling in damning the hypocrisy of this Administration, and I will tell everyone for a fact that below the White House level, most political appointees are shocked, scared, scared, angry, and hopeful that America will impeach the idiot-in-chief and the thief-in-chief. I am an estranged moderate Republican, and I never, ever, imagined that the Republican Party would become the runner up to global crimes so grotesque and extensive that only Hitler and his genocide against the Jews rate above it.

The author is compelling in calling for new new ways, for waging peace instead of war, for undertaking a general strike (I even thought the time has come to make all our tax payments to an escrow account instead of to the existing hijacked government).

I stand with the author in commiting to non-violent opposition to this totalitarian and amoral White House. Non-violence works. All that We the People need to do is withdraw our obedience. I really like the idea of a general strike, and I respectfully suggest to one and all that if America attacks Iran with Israel, that is the day when we should all go on indefinite general strike, and not return to work, nor pay taxes, until all US forces are withdrawn from the Middle East.

Under existing law & regulations, the above statement could be interpreted by Bush-Cheney as giving comfort to the enemey, and I could be arrested and all my property confiscated. That is how low this Republic has gone.

I must say, Howard Zinn's brilliance and integrity have bathed me with a warm glow of confidence in We the People. I feel protected, reinforced, encouraged, renewed, heartened by his wisdom. With such great minds as his speaking out, I am confident We the People will prevail.

You must, absolutely, buy this this book, read it, and recommend it to others. Other books that I have reviewed and recommend:

The Average American: The Extraordinary Search for the Nation's Most Ordinary Citizen
Escaping the Matrix: How We the People can change the world
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (BK Currents)
Democracy's Edge: Choosing to Save Our Country by Bringing Democracy to Life
The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World That Works for All
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People
The Fifty-Year Wound: How America's Cold War Victory Has Shaped Our World

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Review: The American Truth

5 Star, 9-11 Truth Books & DVDs, Congress (Failure, Reform), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Terrorism & Jihad
American Truth
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant Execution Easy to Absorb, a Major Contribution

September 2, 2007

Nick Shelton

I loved this book! The author has done an utterly superb job of laying out “the facts” in a series of concise pages, and then woven a fictiional tale that integrates the facts and illuminates the reality that all Americans have been betrayed by their “elected” leaders (one must be reminded, over and over, that Bush-Cheney stole the two elections, and the limp timid Democrats are so entwined with our corrupt two-party system they dared not object).

I have read a lot of the 9-11 books and seen a lot of the 9-11 DVDs, and I would rank this book right up there in the top five across the board. Certainly Webster Tarpley's book, the DVD's Loose Change, and others (see my lists and below) are quality pieces, but I salute this author for gifting America with is work. Every American should buy and read this book, it cuts to the chase and makes clear that both our Executive and our Congress are guilty of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors, and must be held to account.

I used to think that waiting for the next election would be better, but now I realize that if we do not impeach, indict, and convict these criminals, that the world will conclude that their sins are our sins, their crimes are our crimes. George Bush the Stupid and Dick Cheney the Criminal are the Benedict Arnolds of our time.

Kudos to the author for a first-rate presentation of facts and a fictional context that is extremely well presented. The conclusion is awesome, and demonstrates conclusively that We the People can take back the power because we are Digital Natives, and these criminals are Digital Immigrants. We can run circles around them. The truth WILL come out. Justice WILL be done. God Bless America, and may each traiotr to the Republic burn in hell forevermore.

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Review: Foreign Follies–America’s New Global Empire

5 Star, Congress (Failure, Reform), Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason
Foreign Follies
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Definitive Statement on How Real Conservatives Despise Bush Lies and Cheney High Crimes,

August 11, 2007

Doug Bandow

Published in 2006, this collection of essays ranges from the late 1990's to its year of publication, and I was quite astonished to discover two things fairly quickly into the work:

First, the author is a conservative–a true conservative–and firmly opposed to what he calls “promiscuous intervention” or elective wars or global rampant empire-building. I was expecting a left of center diatribe against the follies of the Bush-Cheney Administration. Not so. The author is consistent–he railed against the follies of the Clinton-Clinton Administration first, and this followed over.

Second, as an estranged moderate Republican who believes in fiscal conservatism, a small government, and not supporting dictators or decadent despots like the debauched Saudi “royal” family of swindlers, pedophiles, and perverts, I was stunned to find my conservative roots reaffirmed, and the neo-conservatives, the false conservatives, soundly lambasted for their chicken-hawk enlargement of the military-industrial complex.

The author opens early with the statement that America is no longer a Republic, and I completely agree. The author, affiliated with the Cato Institute, has given me a new and deeper appreciation for that organization's intellectual and constitutional line of reasoning.

The early part of the book is a superb collection of varied arguments for completely avoiding foreign adventurism that enriches a few in the military-industrial complex, at three great costs:

1) Loss of lives and limbs among our brave troops;
2) Loss of natural treasure we cannot space on others
3) Loss of morality and rise of vulnerability to hatred occasioned by our foreign presence

The latter point merits special emphasis. The author's views are totally consistent with my own reading and world experience:

1) Morality, as Will and Ariel Durant tell us in their The Lessons of History, is a strategic asset of incalculable proportions. Others, such as Max Manwaring, in The Search for Security: A U.S. Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First Century tell us that security–long-term security, can only come from legitimacy, legitimacy in the eyes of both our own citizens and denizens in every clime and place where we venture.

2) Bin Laden is on solid ground to use terrorism against us, an asymmetric method that is necessary for smaller actors, and the author is clear in validating the degree to which we merit and invite such terrorist attacks by intervening and by supporting debauched dictators like the Saudis. The author states clearly: “We must reduce the sources of foreign hostility to the US.” The author quotes Pape, author of Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism among others on how suicidal terrorism is correlated with US occupations overseas, *not* with radical Islam per se. He goes on to say, as my colleague Robert Baer has documented in See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism and Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude, that “American commitment to the Saudi royal family is a moral blemish and a practical danger. See also Ambassador Mark Palmer's denunciation of our support for 42 of the 44 remaining dictators in Breaking the Real Axis of Evil: How to Oust the World's Last Dictators by 2025.

In 1999 the author penned this statement against the Clinton Administration that applies equally today to the Bush-Cheney Administration: “Indeed, where the President and his aides are arrogant, ignorant, and incompetent, others must lead.” I agree with this author of the strategic logic of terrorism against US misbehavior, and point the interested reader to Pape's book above.

I am heartened to read this conservative author's sensible denunciation of both the lies of Bush and Cheney to all Americans, and of the idiocy of the neo-conservatives in striving for increased unconstitutional executive power, and in believing in an “immaculate presidency” that can do no wrong. He clearly labels Bush as wrong and as owing all Americans an apology. He properly dismisses the “stay the course” propaganda by pointing out that when you are on the wrong road, you get off at the first available exit.

He segues from that to a proper denunciation of American support for a genocidal racist Israel and offers this lovely quote: “Crackpot theology is no substitute for thoughtful analysis is developing foreign policy.”

The author offers an elegant essay against conscription and the draft. As a taxpayer who now seems that 75% of my taxes are misspent on elective war, secret earmarks, and fraudulent procurements that benefit a small elite while destroying the working poor and the vanishing middle class, I am now all for eliminating federal taxes and forcing the federal government to apply to the states for funding of “common” needs. War is not in our common interest, and we should not have allowed our Congress and our Executive to become spendthrifts with out money–as Davy Crockett learned–it is not theirs to give!

I part with the author only on the subject of Taiwan–he is wrong to see Taiwan as a beacon of freedom. Chang Kai Sheik was one of the greatest war criminals and thieves on the planet in his time, and a cursory reading of the literature, for example, the books by Sterling and Peggy Seagraves, will quickly document that Taiwan is both an inherent part of China, and not at all a bastion of freedom as much as limpet fish sucking the blood from the American's so naïve as to believe these cheating miscreants.

Over-all I found this author to be inspiring. He neglects to address the war crimes of the extremist Republicans, nor does he venture to comment on the very high probability that Dick Cheney, Rudy Gulliani, and Larry Silverstein (and their insurance co-conspirators) are guilty along with Donald Rumsfeld of the mass murder of most of those who died on 9-11 to controlled demolitions in NYC and a missile into the Pentagon. Evidently there are some areas where “true blue” conservatives do not dare venture. For those interested in this aspect of the *other* neo-conservative crime of the century see my lists on 9-11 books and DVDs, and on evaluating Cheney, and most especially, Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency, where my review lists 23 of the 25 high crimes and misdemeanors of Dick Cheney that are documented in the public record (for the other two, see Ron Suskind's The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11)

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Review: Betraying Our Troops–The Destructive Results of Privatizing War

4 Star, Congress (Failure, Reform), Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Impeachment & Treason, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Military & Pentagon Power, War & Face of Battle
Betraying Troops
Amazon Page

June 27, 2007

Dina Rasor

This is an excellent book for those that do not follow the broader press (I ignore the “mainstream” press, the NYT, Washington Post, and LA Times are largely worthless–the Boston Globe continues to please from time to time). The author has ably catalogued the disgrace to our nation, and the betrayal of our loyal troops, from the outsourcing of virtually every function including some combat operations.

I will honor the author by quoting Ralph Peters, one of the top US military strategists alive, who has said that we have outsourced so much that we have ultimately outsourced our honor (this includes our outsourcing to 42 dictators–there are only 2 we do not love) and to several despotic or illegal narco-regimes, including Colombia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan.

The author is careful to identify some real heros that excel at supporting our troops, but on balance he provides a very bleak narrative that could be used to set the stage for Congressional hearings. In my view, Title 10 needs a complete overhaul, to create four joint forces after next: Big War built around Air Force; Small War built around Army and Marines; Peace War built around Navy and Coast Guard, and Homeland Defense, built around a National Guard that shifts toward law enforcement and does NOT go overseas for anything less than World War IV.

Below are a couple of related recommendations:
Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror
Deliver Us from Evil: Peacekeepers, Warlords and a World of Endless Conflict
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11
Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III
A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America's Intelligence Agencies
Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq
Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
Squandered Victory: The American Occupation And the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq

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