Owl: USA Pervert Nation — Can Men Claim to be Transgender, Legally Enter Female Restroom, Threaten to Sue for “Hate Crimes” If Anyone Objects?

07 Other Atrocities, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy
Who? Who?
Who? Who?

Around 2:15 he refers to news about perverts and pedos taking advantage of the pro-LGBT laws to assault women in bathrooms, and some Colorado girls are being threatened with hate crime charges for objecting to men coming into the girl's restrooms. Now all a pedo/pervert has to do is dress up as a woman, claim his identity is really that of a woman, and then legally enter female restrooms to wack off or sexually attack women, and the law and rock-and-roll star Bruce Springsteen, among others, will still fully back his “right” to enter a woman's restroom.

What Pisses Me Off About Transgender Bathrooms

More details and many links below the fold.

Continue reading “Owl: USA Pervert Nation — Can Men Claim to be Transgender, Legally Enter Female Restroom, Threaten to Sue for “Hate Crimes” If Anyone Objects?”

Mongoose: Saudi Bribe Malaysian Prime Minister — $681 Million, “Just a Gift”

Corruption, Government

Path of $681 Million: From Saudi Arabia to Malaysian Premier’s Personal Account

How did $681 million end up being deposited in the personal bank account of Malaysia’s prime minister, Najib Razak, last year? Not in any corrupt way, officials insist.

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Thursday that an unspecified Saudi source had given a large sum of money as a “genuine donation” with no obligations attached. He joined top Malaysian leaders in waving away any suggestion of scandal. Continue reading “Mongoose: Saudi Bribe Malaysian Prime Minister — $681 Million, “Just a Gift””

Berto Jongman: US Military Stockpiles Around the World — Easy Pickings….

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Pentagon Setting Up Military Stockpiles Around World Without Risk Checks

The US Department of Defense is failing to provide risk assessments in its prepositioning of equipment including weapons in Europe and around the world, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report said.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: US Military Stockpiles Around the World — Easy Pickings….”

Mongoose: Did CIA Steal the Panama Papers from the German BND? Is Germany Breaking Away from Vassal State Status?

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War


In Summary: The CIA routinely betrays and abuses German interests. The last straw is the Snowden revelation of NSA intercepts of every email out of the Chancellor’s office and eavesdropping on their phone conversations by bugging optical fiber. Germany retaliates by shutting down the joint Wharpdrive project for monitoring communications on the super-fast DE-CIX network and then expelling the Berlin CIA station chief. CIA Munich then bribes a BND file clerk to steal the Mossack Fonseca archives. After vetting the legal papers for Agency spooks, the archive is trucked to CIA-controlled Suddeutsche Zeitung, to put a stick in Merkel’s eye on her home turf. MossFon is redacted to target the leaders of the BRICS group and ALBA alliance.  Read more.

Daniel Araya: Chinese Invent Solar Panels that Charge from Rain

05 Energy
Daniel Araya
Daniel Araya

These Solar Panels Can Generate Electricity Using Rain

Solar power has always been spotty in less than ideal weather conditions. Are cities just going to shut down when the clouds start appearing? Alas, it seems so. But there is hope. Fortunately, a team of Chinese scientists are working to solve this problem. In a study published in Angewandte Chemie, Chinese scientists note that they are now able to create electricity with the assistance of raindrops. This is thanks to a thin layer of graphene they use to coat their solar cells during testing.