Worth a Look / Listen: When China Rules the World (Book, Audio Lecture)

02 China, Worth A Look
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Reed Business Information: A convincing economic, political and cultural analysis of waning Western dominance and the rise of China and a new paradigm of modernity. Jacques (The Politics of Thatcherism) takes the pulse of the nation poised to become, by virtue of its scale and staggering rate of growth, the biggest market in the world. Jacques points to the decline of American hegemony and outlines specific elements of China's rising global power and how these are likely to influence international relations in the future. He imagines a world where China's distinct brand of modernity, rooted firmly in its ancient culture and traditions, will have a profound influence on attitudes toward work, family and even politics that will become a counterbalance to and eventually reverse the one-way flow of Westernization. He suggests that while China's economic prosperity may not necessarily translate into democracy, China's increased self-confidence is allowing it to project its political and cultural identity ever more widely as time goes on. As comprehensive as it is compelling, this brilliant book is crucial reading for anyone interested in understanding where the we are and where we are going.

40-Minute Audio of 18 Oct 2012

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman.

Phi Beta Iota:  The book and the presentation both suffer from the halting British method, and from a lack of the larger context in which Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Russia at least, but also Iran, Nigeria, and Turkey, have their own growth and influence.  The two key points in favor of the book are its compelling indictment of the failure of the West to think holistically, and its equally compelling depiction of China as a political-economic-cultural entity that is coherent and also consistent at a scale beyond Western imagination — Chinese culture, in the author's view, is more enabling of diversity.  “One Country, Many Systems” in which sovereignty might be extended to many countries (Taiwan first, Argentina later) without imposing communist or statist mores on the new provinces.  The author calls this a “civilization state.”  In contrast to the West, China does not export its values with violence, but focuses instead on soft power that invites others to embrace the values of the Middle Kingdom.  This is a more stable and hence more sustainable form of universalism.  China will shape the world economic order, not the world political order.  China will redefine trade by being the main trading partner for most others; China will redefine finance both in aid and in China's alternative remittances and transfers bypassing the dollar and SWIFT system); and China will redefine culture, nurturing a world of cultures that are not force-fit toward the Western model.


Berto Jongman: Genocide’s Definition Revisited – More About Cultural Extinction than Mass Violence

06 Genocide, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Genocide's Definition Revisited

Alexander J. Motyl

World Affairs, 19 October 2012

If you think you know what Raphael Lemkin, the originator of the term genocide, thought about genocide, think again. A dissertation-in-progress on Lemkin and the history of the United Nations Genocide Convention by Douglas Irvin-Erickson, a doctoral student in global affairs at Rutgers University-Newark, is likely to change how we think and talk about genocide.

As Irvin-Erickson writes in an article (“The Romantic Signature of Raphael Lemkin”) scheduled to appear in the Journal of Genocide Research:

Lemkin used the work of an art historian to define nations as “families of minds”…. Lemkin intended the word genocide to signify the cultural destruction of peoples, which could occur without a perpetrator employing violence at all. In his 1944 Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, Lemkin wrote that genocide was “a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.” A colonial practice, genocide had two phases: “One, the destruction of the national pattern of the oppressed group; the other, the imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor.”

Genocide, in other words, is not, in Lemkin’s understanding, about mass killing per se, but about the destruction of nations qua nations. Mass killing is, thus, a means to the end of genocide, and not its goal.

Lemkin adopted his definition of a nation as a family of minds in the context of his writing on the French genocide against Algeria, where he believed that the French colonial power was breaking the “bodily and mental integrity” of the Algerian people.… The goal of the genocide, Lemkin wrote, was to integrate Algerians into the French Republic and prevent Algeria from emerging from colonial rule.

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DefDog: The Gathering Storm – CIA Asks for More Drones, Most Clueless About Tribes, and Rest of World Routing Around the State

Corruption, Government, Media, Military

These three hang together.

CIA claims it needs more drones

The CIA has asked the White House to increase the number of drones it employs to transform it into a paramilitary force, despite recent statistics that show the majority of drone deaths are civilians.

CIA Director David Petraeus submitted a proposal that could add as many as 10 drones to a program that currently ranges between 30 to 35 of the unmanned aerial vehicles. The increase would allow the agency to continue launching lethal strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, as well as target developing terror threats in other regions of the world, according to a report first acquired by the Washington Post.

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Tribes and Terrorism: Myth and Reality

Tribal areas in the Middle East are not administrated by powerful gangs, bandits, or warlords, but by representative local leadership. The authority and power of local sheikhs in Arab tribes are dependent on the consent, respect, and support of their constituents. Tribal leaders are sacked and replaced if they lose the respect of their tribesmen. Unlike the highly centralized and hierarchical Turkic and Central Asian models of tribalism, Arab tribes tend to be relatively egalitarian social organizations. Although political manipulation by the colonial and post-colonial regimes created disparities in wealth and power within and between tribes in the region, tribal sheikhs continue to perceive one another as equals endowed with certain social and material privileges. Unlike hard to reach government officials, a sheikh’s door is open to all.

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Pirate Bay and Mega: Treating the State as Damage and Routing Around It

One advantage of network culture is that self-organized networks are much smarter than authoritarian hierarchies. Horizontal networks circumvent censorship faster than vertically organized institutions can impose it.

Last year, as the U.S. House and Senate considered (respectively) SOPA and PIPA legislation that would authorize the federal government to shut down websites — entirely by administrative fiat and without judicial due process — for alleged copyright infringement, the Web quickly responded with countermeasures that preemptively rendered such laws ineffectual.

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Michel Bauwens: P2P State Approaches – The Partner State

#OSE Open Source Everything
Michel Bauwens

Category:P2P State Approaches


  • Michel Bauwens:
  1. The basic orientation of p2p theory towards societal reform: transforming civil society, the private and the state
  2. To the Finland Station: the political approach of P2P Theory
  • Tommaso Fattori:
  1. The Public – Commons Partnership and the Commonification of that which is Public.
  2. Towards a Legal Framework for the Commons

Key Concepts:

  1. The key concept we propose is that of the Partner State

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Search: major general michael flynn

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Constraints like major general exclude stuff, and he is normally referrred to as Mike Flynn.  General Mike Flynn DIA is a better search, in part because there is also a General Mike Flynn in the Marine Corps.

Journal: General Mike Flynn from AF to DC

Marcus Aurelius: General Mike Flynn to Head Defense Intelligence Agency

Mini-Me: General Mike Flynn on Intelligence — Earnest Advance or Better Kool-Aid?

NIGHTWATCH: General Flynn’s First Big Decision – Warning is Back at DIA – With Three Specific Suggestions from Robert Steele

Reference: Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan

Richard Wright: General Flynn to Head DIA – Exile or Reward? PLUS Comments by BG Bubba Boo, Ralph Peters, and Airborne Ranger

Richard Wright: General Mike Flynn – Taking the Helm of a Rudderless Agency Also Lacking an Engine with Comment by Robert Steele and Follow-On Comment from Richard Wright

Yoda: In with Flynn, Out with What? Can He Effect Change Clapper Could Not?

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: major general michael flynn”

Mini-Me: Navy Dependant Put on No-Fly List for Critical Views – Stranded for Five Days in Hawaii – No One In TSA Able to Think or Over-Ride?

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Who? Mini-Me?

Man stranded after finding himself on no-fly list during stopover in Hawaii

JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii –  Hawaii is a paradise for most visitors. But it was Wade Hicks, Jr.'s prison for five days.

The 34-year-old from Gulfport, Miss., was stranded in the islands this week after being told he was on the FBI's no-fly list during a layover for a military flight from California to Japan.

The episode left Hicks scrambling to figure out how he'd get home from Hawaii without being able to fly until he was abruptly removed from the list on Thursday with no explanation. It also raised questions beyond how he landed on the list: How could someone on a list intelligence officials use to inform counterterrorism investigations successfully fly standby on an Air Force flight?

Hicks said he was traveling to visit his wife, a U.S. Navy lieutenant who's deployed in Japan. He hitched a ride on the military flight as is common for military dependents, who are allowed to fly on scheduled routes when there's room.

Hicks said that during his layover at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent told him he was on the no-fly list and wouldn't be allowed on a plane.

“I said, ‘How am I supposed to get off this island and go see my wife or go home?' And her explanation was: ‘I don't know,'” Hicks said.

Hicks said he was shocked and thought they must have had the wrong person because he doesn't have a criminal record and recently passed an extensive background check in Mississippi to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

But the agent said his name, Social Security number and date of birth matched the person prohibited from flying, Hicks said. He wasn't told why and wonders whether his controversial views on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks played a role. Hicks said he disagrees with the 9/11 Commission's conclusions about the attacks.

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Michel Bauwens: Redefining Happiness, Challenging Consumerism

Cultural Intelligence
Michel Bauwens

Redefining happiness

Challenging consumerism.

Al Ja-zeera,Wednesday, October 17

Many citizens of capitalist countries grow up in cultures that praise individualism and define success as owning bigger and better things. However, psychologists argue that a consumerist approach leaves many people unhappy. Some are challenging the consumption equals happiness mentality by intentionally living with less. So how are people altering the cycle of consumerism?

In this episode of The Stream, we speak to:

Erik Assadourian @Trans4mCultures Senior Fellow, Worldwatch Institute worldwatch.org

Annie Leonard @storyofstuff Co-Director, The Story of Stuff Project storyofstuff.org

Tom Shadyac Hollywood Film Director

What do you think? Is success defined by possessions?

Read full article with multiple videos and graphics.