Koko: Alert Reader on Near Future — China Rules, US Allies with Russia

Commercial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader, retired senior intelligence officer, writes in:

Robert, in my opinion Russia has already established control over the Middle East by defeating ISIS, ISIL, Daesh et al. Putin's incredible ability to negotiate win/win trade deals and weapons purchases of Russian advanced defensive weapons by so many Mideast nations is expanding the Russian Federation's economy. All these advanced weapon systems have secret Russian software backdoors accessible by satellite and other secret means that can be activated to easily prevent their use against the Russian Federation or its actual allies, so Putin has no fear of them being misused.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook, WhatsApp, Enabling Crypto-Porn

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Facebook: WhatsApp and In App Payment

I noted two developments which Facebook may roll out.

The first is the story in Newsweek “WhatsApp Child Porn Groups Exposed.” WhatsApp is an encrypted messaging service. As pressure on “old school” Dark Web sites continues to escalate, bad actors are looking for new, easy ways to communicate, share, and locate information that is of interest to them. Encryption, according to many investigators, allows bad actors to go dark. The authorities are, therefore, blind to potentially useful information. The write up suggests that Facebook is taking some action. The article said:

Facebook said working with police may be their best option to combat the material.

The second item concerns transacting, buying, and selling within WhatsApp. I noted “Facebook Explores Blockchain Tech For WhatsApp Money Transfers.” According to the write up:

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Mike Adams: CONVERGENCE – The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth?

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth?

Let’s begin by considering the global convergence of the following 12 events and trends:

1) The desperate effort by globalists to end all national sovereignty

2) The aggressive ramping up of efforts to disarm all law-abiding citizens

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SPECIAL: Veterans Today Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – the Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy

Ethics, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – the Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

James Mattis resigned because he represented the military-industrial complex (and its Zionist patron), and this brought him into conflict with the President, who is finally starting to listen again to those who helped him get elected.

As we approach the end of the year, numerous candidates are being mentioned in the press, all of them, without exception, a variation on the same theme: someone who gets along with Congress, gets along with industry, gets along with media, gets along with allies – in other words, another James Mattis.

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Ed Jewett: “The Envelopes” to Bushes, Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and Pences – Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

Something quite HUGE is about to go down: Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?

“THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR”: Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Major Series of Radical Events in Washington, D.C.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: “The Envelopes” to Bushes, Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and Pences – Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?”