Zapped! PBI Specifically Targeted, We Have Left DreamHost


Our site was disabled yesterday by an attack aimed only at us.

DreamHost was not able to prevent it.  We have left DreamHost. Next time it will take less than ten minutes to recover, if they succeed at all.

We stand with all Jews who believe that Zionism as now practiced — apartheid and genocidal — disgraces all Jews.

If you would like to donate to keep this free website online, we would welcome donations, to be spent on normal expenses (no salaries).

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SPECIAL: Moves Plants, Bags, Firewood….Plus 15% Discount with Code #UNRIG

Commerce, Ethics

This cart is as good a deal as can be found anywhere, and I am happy to say that it is machined perfectly — every piece fit, it was easy to assemble, and it rolls and turns beautifully. Tub comes off easily if you want to stack firewood or move multiple bags of mulch.

From Texas with love for America.

P.S. I was just going to throw this up and be glad with my praise for a US product but when I emailed the manufacturer they were so pleased that they offered a 15% discount to anyone using the promotional code #UNRIG.

CounterPunch: The End of the NRA?

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, Non-Governmental

The End of the NRA? Business Magazines Tell Activists: The Strategy is Working

Good news for humanity: the NRA is weakening. The gun-lobbying group is in “deep financial trouble,” Fortune Magazine reported, and warns that the NRA may not be able to keep going.

Continue reading “CounterPunch: The End of the NRA?”

Yoda: How President Trump Can “Red Pill” America

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

10 Ways President Trump Can ‘Red Pill The Masses' In America And Why It's More Important Now Than Ever To Prepare For The Inevitable: ‘The End Of Normalcy Is Here

8 More Ways President Trump Can ‘Red Pill' The Masses: From Hiding The ‘True History Of Planet Earth' To ‘Human Experimentation', The American People Have Long Been Deceived 

Both lists (only) below the fold.

Continue reading “Yoda: How President Trump Can “Red Pill” America”

Rebecca Campbell: Forget Left and Right – The New Fault-Line is Patriots vs. Globalists

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Forget Left and Right: The New Fault-Line is Patriots versus Globalists

The social divide, which in the USA is openly discussed as a ‘culture war’, was perhaps best conceptualised by David Goodhart in his book The Road to Somewhere.

On one side are Anywheres, the graduate class who populate the upper echelons of our political and cultural institutions, and who dominate professions such as teaching. Upwardly mobile, they have little sense of belonging to their hometown or country. These rootless ‘citizens of the world’ contrast starkly with Somewheres, who value their families, community bonds and nationhood, and who see the impact of globalisation as a threat to their culture.

Continue reading “Rebecca Campbell: Forget Left and Right – The New Fault-Line is Patriots vs. Globalists”