Mike Adams: Article and Stunning Video on Democrats as the Party of Mass Mental Illness – the Answer? #WalkAway Plus #UNRIG

Cultural Intelligence

Stunning video: See why Democrats are now the party of mass mental illness

“Unhinged” doesn’t even begin to describe the lunatic behavior of left-wing activists. One left-wing professor named Christine Fair recently said that conservative (GOP) senators should be murdered, have their genitals cut off, and then their genitals should be fed to pigs.

Mental illness is now fully embraced by the Left as an asset, not a condition requiring medical intervention. Instead of seeking treatment, these dangerous mentally ill people are seeking power.

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Yoda: $1B to Fence 30% of the Earth — Wyss Campaign for Nature Has It All Wrong

#OSE Open Source Everything

Fence Earth, kill people?

RELEASE: Wyss Foundation Launches $1 Billion Campaign to Help Conserve 30% of the Planet by 2030

The goal of the effort, called the Wyss Campaign for Nature, is to help nations conserve 30 percent of the planet in a natural state by the year 2030 by creating and expanding protected areas, encouraging the international community to establish more ambitious protected area targets, investing in science, and inspiring conservation action and new investments around the world.

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Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

UPDATE 1: Our lead engineer explorer comments. Please note that Thin Thread from Pretty Good Knowledge will be the backbone of our global search and sense-making engine.

The malicious digital assassination of Gab has energized funders and plans are advancing for a calculated integral displacement of the entire #GoogleGestapo ecology that should be — but is not — under RICO investigation.

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Penguin: Open Source Cloud Tooling HashiCorp $100M


Open-source cloud tooling maker HashiCorp bags $100M round at $1.9B valuation

HashiCorp Inc., a startup that makes open-source tools for managing cloud environments and applications, today announced that it has reeled in a $100 million late-stage funding round led by IVP.

The valuation is a reflection of the rapid user growth that the startup is experiencing. HashiCorp claims that its cloud automation tools have been downloaded 45 million times in the past 12 months, up from 22 million the previous year.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: AI Ethics – Mission Impossible or Easier Than Most Realize?

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Establishing an AI code of ethics will be harder than people think

Indeed, technology often highlights peoples' differing ethical standards—whether it is censoring hate speech or using risk assessment tools to improve public safety.

Establishing ethical standards also doesn’t necessarily change behavior.

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Yoda: Pole Shift, Prophecies, extraterrestrial History of Earth

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Pole Shift, Prophecies and Ascension – The Coming War and the Future of Humanity

Psychotronic weaponry is being deployed under the name of 5G technology. 5g is not one system but a collection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies designed to work together.

When you cannot trust government for truth or transparency, there are other ways to discover them for yourself: the prophecies.

An interpreter of prophecy who calls himself The Naughty Beaver (NB) cross- references galactic events with the prophecies of Revelation, Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, and the Hopi People to identify where in humanity’s evolutionary timeline we sit. Where others have guessed the dates of Tribulation and pole reversal, NB has mapped out the proof. His message is that we all have a role to play during this critical time of transformation.

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Penguin: Open Source Model for Education (Robert Steele: Education, Intelligence, & Research Need to be Managed Togerther

#OSE Open Source Everything

Open Source as a Model for Global Education

Matthew Rascoff & Noah Pinkus

Both competition and transfer are equally insufficient as frameworks for the global education strategy we need for our complex, interconnected world. This autumn, 268 undergraduate students from 27 nations on six continents are pioneering a new “open-source” model as they begin their studies at Duke Kunshan University in China, one of the first liberal arts colleges to be founded in the 21st century.

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