Phil Giraldi: Shutting Down Free Speech in America: Government and Lobbyists Work Together to Destroy the First Amendment

04 Education, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media, Officers Call
Philip Giraldi

Shutting Down Free Speech in America: Government and Lobbyists Work Together to Destroy the First Amendment

As most genuine independent journalism is currently limited to the alternative media, and that media lives on the internet, the ADL and those who are acting in collusion with the Israeli government are focusing on “cyberhate” as the problem and are working with major internet providers to voluntarily censor their product. On October 10th, 2017 the ADL issued a press release out of its New York City offices to explain just how far the censorship process has gone. The organization boasted of the fact that it was working with Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter “to engineer new solutions to stop cyberhate.” Apple is not identified by name in the press release but one should presume that it is also involved, as well as YouTube, which is owned by Google. When you consider that the associates in this venture with ADL are vast corporations that control huge slices of the communications industry, the consequences of some kind of corporate decision on what constitutes “hate” become clear. Combatting “cyberhate” will inevitably become across-the-board censorship for viewpoints that are considered to be unacceptable, including any criticism of Israel.

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Mongoose: Mayors Fight 5G, Localization Could Defeat Deep State

Ethics, Government

Tip  of the Hat to Ray Songtree.

U.S. Conference Of Mayors Will Sue FCC If They Eliminate Local Control Over 5G Small Cell Tower And Infrastructure Installation

  • The National Association of Counties is also opposing the proposal, telling POLITICO it would “effectively prevent local governments from properly examining the impact that construction, modification or installation of broadcasting facilities may have on public health, safety and welfare of the local community.”
  • The proposal from FCC commissioner Brendan Carr would bar municipal laws prohibiting deployment of 5G small cells and would set deadlines for municipalities to approve or disapprove applications to install small cells or build new poles. The plan is set for a vote on Sept. 26.


Berto Jongman: Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates

J. Peter Scoblic, a doctoral candidate at Harvard Business School, is a fellow in the International Security Program at New America and the author of U.S. vs. Them: Conservatism in the Age of Nuclear Terror.

“From bias to probabilities, Kent anticipated the findings of modern scholars by many decades. However, in his conviction that intelligence analysts would soon be able to forecast geopolitical events with scientific accuracy, Kent overreached. Enthusiasm turned out to be hubris, and the predictive record of the Office of National Estimates was decidedly mixed. In light of this history, today's enthusiasm for the predictive potential of Big Data and artificial intelligence seems overzealous. Kent’s relentless pursuit of the truth makes him a model in today’s political climate, but his failures should serve as a warning to those who believe that technology can eliminate the uncertainty of the future.”

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates”

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Supreme Court Overruling Constitutional Precedents

09 Justice, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement
Steven Aftergood


A new report from the Congressional Research Service examines how and why the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn one of its own rulings interpreting the Constitution. There are at least 141 cases where such rulings have in fact been overturned, including three in the Court's latest term, and these are tabulated in an appendix to the report. See The Supreme Court's Overruling of Constitutional Precedent, September 24, 2018.

Worth a Look: Rulers of Evil (Free)

Worth A Look

Deep history connecting East India Company,  Freemasons, and Jesuits, coming forward to Ronald Reagan, guided by Catholics including William Casey, forming an unholy alliance with the Vatican and offering it diplomatic status within the USA from whence it could better “guide” US foreign and national security policy as well as domestic policy. This may be the best book on Vatican subversion of the USA, a subversion co-equal to that of Zionist Israel.

PDF (352 Pages): Book Rulers of Evil


Cynthia McKinney: Rich White Kids… Drunk, Promiscuous, with Absentee Parents? Is This What U.S. “Leadership” is All About?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics
Cynthia McKinney



By Cynthia McKinney, Ph.D.

Re-published with permission from AllThingsCynthia.

As I read about the smear campaign being conducted by Democratic Party operatives using Dr. Christine Blasey Ford aimed to impugn the character and career of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and scupper his Supreme Court confirmation process, inevitably stained and poor first impressions spew from the pages tabloid-like accounts – including photographs of the accused and his accusers’ respective pasts as: drunks, sexually promiscuous, and brazen hedonists whose amoral lifestyles were buttressed by their inattentive and indulgent absentee parents.

Continue reading “Cynthia McKinney: Rich White Kids… Drunk, Promiscuous, with Absentee Parents? Is This What U.S. “Leadership” is All About?”