New Book: Augmented Intelligence: Smart Systems and the Future of Work and Learning

Articles & Chapters

At the book page you can sign up to receive an email when the book is finally in stock which I am told will be this month.

My own chapter is below, as finally published. Daniel is a real talent, and has pulled together the best of the best in this space.

Chapter Steele on Augmented Intelligence as Published

Chapter in translatable full text online.

Robert Burrowes: Review of GIANTS – The Global Power Elite, by Peter Phillips

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Tip of the to Jan Oberg and Transcend Media

Exposing the Giants: The Global Power Elite

389 individuals, $41 trillion, as core of predatory capitalism not at all responsive to the public interest.

‘Understanding permanent war as an economic relief valve for surplus capital is a vital part of comprehending capitalism in the world today. War provides investment opportunity for the Giants and TCC elites and a guaranteed return on capital. War also serves a repressive function of keeping the suffering masses of humanity afraid and compliant.’

Read full review.          Amazon page for the book.


Meet the Economist Behind the One Percent’s Stealth Takeover of America

Event: 9/11 Justice for All Washington DC Blow-Out


9/11 Justice for All: A Day of Events in the Nation’s Capital!

2 pm Rally in Front of Capitol

6:30 pm Speakers at Busboys & Poets – buy tickets in advance

Print flyer to share  as you wish.

Robert Steele will speak in the evening on 9/11 POTUS Memoranda. Richard Gage is speaking in the evening and Cynthia McKinney will make an appearance from her undisclosed location on the other side of the world).

Learn more.

ITNJ: Australian Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia Testimony — Rachel Vaughan on Beaumont Children and Mullighan Report

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Phi Beta Iota: Australia is going to be the first domino to fall. While the situation is much worse in the US and UK, there is a shorter distance between the pitchforks of the public and the pedophile ministers and justices in Australia.

Donald Trump: I Agree with Elizabeth Warren on Ending Federal Ban on Marijuana — State Rights Should Prevail

03 Economy, 07 Health, Ethics, Government

Warren Promises Vote to End Marijuana Ban if Democrats Win Senate

President Donald Trump expressed support for the bill based on the belief that cannabis policy belongs to each state to decide, Rolling Stone reported.

Continue reading “Donald Trump: I Agree with Elizabeth Warren on Ending Federal Ban on Marijuana — State Rights Should Prevail”