DefDog: The Matrix at 20 — The End of Mind The Rise of Control (#GoogleGestapo Goes AI and Implants)

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

“The Matrix” at 20

Cal Thomas

In his new book, “World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech” (Penguin Press), Franklin Foer, a national correspondent for The Atlantic and former editor of The New Republic, expands on the film’s warnings. Mr. Foer asserts that technology is replacing thought and relationships. He specifically warns of the goals of Google, Facebook, Amazon and other corporate tech giants, charging them with being “monopolists who want access to every facet of our identities and influence over every corner of our decision-making.”

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Memoranda for the President on Sandy Hook: Is FEMA A False Flag Fake News Terrorist Node? UPDATE 1: Letter to AG DHS Hill

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call


  • 128 page PDF 31 memos
  • Full text online translatable memoranda for POTUS
  • Other online references


Letter to AG, DHS, Hill

Memorable Short URL:

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Brian Wright: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Review of a Book on Sandy Hook that was Abruptly Banned by Amazon

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement

Mr. President,

To an epistemological certainty, Sandy Hook was not real, nobody real died. Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill with the purpose of generating support for an extreme gun control and federal power agenda. This review will simply catalog the main factual data that 489 students, minus 20 = 469 students, plus 70 staff and teachers. Nowhere to be found, no evacuation.

The benefits to those who participated in the Sandy Hook hoax have been substantial. The donation sites created by “families of the victims” have hauled in over $27,000,000 or in excess of $1,000,000 per ‘family.’

Continue reading “Brian Wright: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Review of a Book on Sandy Hook that was Abruptly Banned by Amazon”

Wayne Jett: Dollar Reset and Trump End the Fed

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government

Wayne Jett, economist and author of “The Fruits of Graft”, rejoins the program to discuss the history and the status of the Federal Reserve. He explains how the Federal Reserve has been a complete disaster for regular Americans while enriching the small number of foreign elites who actually own and control the Federal Reserve and the money of the United States. This is one of the best videos explaining the Federal Reserve and Trump.

Podcast Part 1     Podcast Part 2

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon and Special Data — PBI: The Future of Financial Fraud?

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazon and Special Data

Amazon Web Services is ubiquitous with cloud computing and big data power. We all know dozens of companies use these tools, but until recently it was all a little hazy as to who was and how. But, a Silicon Angle gives us some tea leaves to read. According to the story, “In Conversation With: AWS Serverless Chief Tim Wagner Peers at the Future of Cloud Computing:”

“If you have traded any stocks, or had any stocks traded in your behalf, FINRA processes those stock trades at the end of the closing day using Lambda, so there’s a big chance here that the trade you made was evaluated and validated by FINRA using Lambda. Thomson Reuters does four thousand transactions every second with it, Fannie Mae runs its 20 million mortgage calculations through there. So these are not ancillary, some line-of-business, or over-in-the-marketing-department kinds of pieces These are mission-critical software that is now tied at the hip to a serverless architecture.”

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon and Special Data — PBI: The Future of Financial Fraud?”