Critique of Obama’s Hawaiian Birth Certificate

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, History, Misinformation & Propaganda, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests

Phi Beta Iota: At the end (below the) line links are provided to the appearance of the Obama birth announcement in two Hawaiian newspapers, and links to the Kenyan forgeries.

Obama's “New” Birth Certificate, What's WRONG with IT?

By Candace
Apr 27, 2011 – 6:19:56 AM

Hi Everyone, Obama realized his supposedly real birth certificate today after years of refusal and coverups.  This should have been required for him to even run for office.  Now, being his Father is from Kenya, he is still not a natural born citizen, both parents must be citizens (and not dual citizens) of this country. Case closed right there, but lets continue.

Continue reading “Critique of Obama's Hawaiian Birth Certificate”

Internet Design Principles Call for Papers

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, IO Multinational
Michel Bauwens

Future Internet Reference Architecture Group: Towards architectural design principles and a reference architecture for the Future Internet

Call for Position Papers on Internet Design Principles.

Deadline for papers: 29/04/2011

workshop: 23/05/2011

The main objective of this activity is to define a common set of architectural design principles and a reference architecture of the Future Internet that can guide and unify key technology developments in the future.

The scope is a FI Reference Architecture developed in a holistic way by incorporating design principles and by integrating key viewpoints. It will focus on core functionality of a Future Internet, including protocols, interfaces, invariants, interoperability and generic enablers.

Find here the first report prepared by the FIArchitecture group. It covers the limitations of the current Internet.

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HAARP Earthquake Wars? + HAARP RECAP

Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Military

US Government Takes Down HAARP Website to Conceal Evidence of US Weather Modification and Earthquake Inducing Warfare.

Click on Image to Enlarge

HAARP Floating Platform

‘The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) website has been down for the past 3 weeks.  It was ordered taken down by the US government to conceal US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare activities against foreign states.

The HAARP website was publishing very damaging evidence of US military weather modification and earthquake triggering operations against foreign states.  HAARP’s waterfall charts and magnetometer charts gave evidence of an ongoing weather war between the United States government and foreign states.  The magnetometer presented concrete evidence that HAARP triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.'

Read more: US Government Takes Down HAARP Website to Conceal Evidence of US Weather Modification and Earthquake Inducing Warfare.

Phi Beta Iota: As with 9-11, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that classified elements of the US Government are deliberately causing natural catastrophes….and may be doing so on a foundation of ignorant hubris rather than malicious intent.  It would be far-fetched in the extreme if we did not already have evidence of so many other crimes against humanity including elective wars justified by 935 documented lies, and major policies developed absent intelligence or integrity.   Hence, we conclude that HAARP demands a World Court investigation, and an interim closure of all of the HAARP facilities.  Classified elements of the US Government–with or without the explicit consent of the US Senate and the President– appear to have taken weapons of mass destruction to an entirely new level.  This demands public investigation and a trustworthy conclusion.

See Also:

Continue reading “HAARP Earthquake Wars? + HAARP RECAP”

Free Network Definition & Manifesto (Evolving)

Autonomous Internet, Cultural Intelligence, Definitions

Freedom 0) The freedom to access the network without tariff.

Freedom 1) The freedom to transmit bits from peer to peer without the prospect of interference, interception or censorship.

Freedom 2) The freedom to determine where one's bits are stored.

Freedom 3) The freedom to maintain anonymity, or to present a unique, trusted identity.

Freedom 4) The freedom to determine the parties to whom one's bits are consigned.

Full text online…

Tip of the Hat to Isaac Wilder at Google Group Next Net.

The Library of Utility

01 Agriculture, 01 Poverty, 02 Diplomacy, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Education, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 08 Proliferation, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence, History, Threats, Uncategorized

“I imagine a library atop a remote mountain that collects the essential information needed to re-learn practical knowledge essential to civilization. This depot, open to anyone who journeys there, is the cultural equivalent of the Svalbard seed bank, a vault on the Arctic Circle that holds frozen seeds of crop plants from around the world. The utilitarian documents in this vault would be the seeds of culture, able to sprout again if needed. It would be the Library of Utility, and it would serve as civilization’s backup.”

Kevin Kelly – Author of   What Technology Wants.

Read the article The Library of Utility on the Blog of the Long Now Foundation.

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Civilization-Building

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Conscious, Evolutionary, Integral Activism & Goodness

From the Pentagon? More Education, Fewer Guns?

03 Economy, 04 Education, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy, Threats

An excellent read from credible sources in the vein of Phi Beta Iota articulated reforms.  Oh, and by the way, surprisingly this was written (in part, this is a two-author article) by a fellow naval intelligence professional (and more surprising is the fact it comes from a senior navy intelligence officer …. not something I would have expected, given how wed to cold-war ideals most of the senior leadership is…

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The Pentagon’s ‘Mr. Y’ And National Security

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The Pentagon’s ‘Mr. Y’ And National Security

Two Special Assistants to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen say (unofficially) it’s time, strategically, to spend more on education and less on guns. We’ll hear them out.

See Also:

Continue reading “From the Pentagon? More Education, Fewer Guns?”

Reference: Five Major Trends Into the Future Include Severe Weather (More Severe, Frequent, & Costly)

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence

Trocaire reports severe weather as global trend

ThePost.IE 20 March 2011 By John Burke

An increase in severe weather incidents has been identified as one of the five major trends in global development aid.

The trends, which also include shifting geopolitical alliances, urban poverty, demand for natural resources and widening inequality, are contained in a new report by Irish aid organisation Trocaire.

The report, which was compiled using interviews with more than 100 global aid and development experts, will be published on Tuesday at the Leading Edge 2020 Conference in Dublin city centre.

Read balance of short article….

Leading Edge 2020 Home Page

Download the report:  Leading Edge 2020: Critical Thinking on the Future of International Development.

Biographies of Leading Edge 2020 Conference speakers

Phi Beta Iota: Severe weather trends are an act of man, not of God.  Global warming is an important but by no means the sole or even the most important environmental degradation component.

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Climate Change

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Environmental Degradation (Other than Emissions)