Dear friends,
In 2001 the Co-Intelligence Institute released a breakthrough compilation of more than 100 democratic innovations. At that time there was no other comparable resource on the web.
This year we decided — and began — to update this list, to fix its broken links, to add new innovations and resources, and to make it into a wiki to allow other people to add democratic innovations they knew about. You can see our initial progress online.
While preparing a grant proposal to expand the project, we researched the web for other lists of democratic and participatory practices and resources. We were surprised to find quite a few.
We decided that to add the most value in the context of this great wealth of resources, our project should
* tell people about these other resource sites and what made each one unique and useful
* encourage all the other resource sites to tell their visitors about these sisters sites, including ours
* focus OUR site on what we know best: innovations that could enhance the wisdom of democracy and
* facilitate democracy's positive evolution by providing an online forum for democratic innovators to share, critique, develop and try out innovations in self-governance that don't currently exist.
Since funding to do all this is uncertain — and since the need for improving democracy is more urgent and obvious than ever — we have decided to simply share with you the websites we have found that list or catalogue resources you can use to enhance democracy, participation, public engagement, and capacity for collective wisdom.
Here is what we've found so far. Please spread the word and share with us any other sites that describe multiple resources on these subjects.
1. Participedia
3. National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation Resource Pages
4. Orton Family Fund's “Community Matters”
5. Craigslist Foundation's LikeMinded
6. WiserEarth – e.g. Democracy and Participation
7. – e.g. Collective Intelligence
8. A Pattern Language for Group Process
9. People and
10. Deliberative Democracy Helpline
11. Co-intelligence Institute lists e.g. Community Resources and Co-Intelligence Compilations
12. Involve
13. E-Democracy
14. Tom Atlee's list of participatory budgeting resources
We hope you will find these as fascinating and useful as we do.
Phi Beta Iota strongly endorses our mentor and democracy guru.
Please send a donation of any amount — $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or more — to
The Co-Intelligence Institute
PO Box 493
Eugene, OR 97440
or use your Visa or MasterCard to make an online donation at
Your donations to the Co-Intelligence Institute are fully tax-deductible
Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440 /
REFLECTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY ACTIVISM – http://evolutionaryactivism.
Please support our work. Your donations are fully tax-deductible.